TA的每日心情 | 慵懒 2020-7-26 05:11 |
签到天数: 1017 天 [LV.10]大乘
"Dear fellow taxpayer in the East Ramapo school district, again and again, I read about how upset you are about the members of the school board, how we bloc-voted them in, how we don't have the interests of the schoolchildren at heart. Well, let's take a closer look at that.
For many years, you took our tax money, year after year, increase after increase, and you never had any problem with that. But when we finally get together and say, that's enough, that is a problem.
I have a solution. How about giving all of us the option to bow out of the public school system and keep our money in our pockets? You want our money and our silence. Sorry, you cannot have it all your way."
而且节目里说的实际上学校的开支也没降,自从Hasids控制了school board后,学校的开支还增长了33%,当地的地产税率增长了9%。不过好像因为老师的退休金,医疗费用,工会合同增长的更快的多,真正用在公立学校学生身上的钱是少了一些。但是照这个节目的主持人Ben Calhoun的看法,地产税应该至少涨25%,对Hasids们来说这么大的增加不能接受我觉得也能理解。