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分享 social smile
热度 63 爱菊轩 2012-8-17 12:14
姥爷每次看到豆包儿的笑容都忍不住说,这孩子真招人疼啊。 social smile has Darwinian value 我们无数次感到幸运,豆包儿是一个特别快乐的小孩儿。 自打她出生起就很少听到她的哭声,大概是由于她很早就会用几种不同的叫声表达饥饿和疲倦以及不舒服等等——啊啊啊就是饿了,唔唔唔就是困了,吭吭吭就是尿布脏了——非常容易解读。 豆包儿的social smile也开始得特别早,现在这个技能简直被她使用得炉火纯青,经常咯咯咯地笑,引得全家四个大人都不由得心花怒放地跟着她大笑。 豆包儿爸爸最善于逗她笑,最管用的是“吃唐僧肉”——用嘴巴在她的小肚皮上噗噗地吹气。豆包儿每次都笑得花枝乱颤,有时候恨不得要喘不过气的样子。 其他人逗宝宝都没有那么“疯”,因此豆包儿也用比较文静的笑容来回应。 我家老牌文艺男青年和我看到这张笑脸的时候异口同声地说:巧笑倩兮...... 接下来自然是“美目盼兮” 这个快乐的小朋友今天满三个月了,这些日子里她每天大多数时间都在向别人微笑,带给我们无法估量的幸福。 贱妈我单是看这些照片就已经弯起了嘴角,马克吐温说皱纹是笑容的留痕,我一点也不怕这些幸福的印记出现在自己的脸上。
个人分类: 亲爱的宝贝|143 次阅读|22 个评论
分享 萧伯纳太牛了,再抄一段儿
热度 12 胖得妙不可 2012-8-10 22:16
BARBARA. Do they obey all your orders? UNDERSHAFT. I never give them any orders. When I speak to one of them it is "Well, Jones, is the baby doing well? and has Mrs Jones made a good recovery?" "Nicely, thank you, sir." And that's all. CUSINS. But Jones has to be kept in order. How do you maintain discipline among your men? UNDERSHAFT. I don't. They do. You see, the one thing Jones won't stand is any rebellion from the man under him, or any assertion of social equality between the wife of the man with 4 shillings a week less than himself and Mrs Jones! Of course they all rebel against me, theoretically. Practically, every man of them keeps the man just below him in his place. I never meddle with them. I never bully them. I don't even bully Lazarus. I say that certain things are to be done; but I don't order anybody to do them. I don't say, mind you, that there is no ordering about and snubbing and even bullying. The men snub the boys and order them about; the carmen snub the sweepers; the artisans snub the unskilled laborers; the foremen drive and bully both the laborers and artisans; the assistant engineers find fault with the foremen; the chief engineers drop on the assistants; the departmental managers worry the chiefs; and the clerks have tall hats and hymnbooks and keep up the social tone by refusing to associate on equal terms with anybody. The result is a colossal profit, which comes to me. 这个是剧本,红字是人名。 大意是军火商讲解怎么控制他的手下:让工人、职员们自己去互相倾轧,而他这里是一团和气,最后巨额的利润就归他了
715 次阅读|6 个评论


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