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分享 攒个首付,把心思全部用在工作上
gordon 2017-3-31 17:25
“我是内战后在西班牙长大的。11岁的时候,我被送进了天主教寄宿学校。他们管吃管住,但只教我宗教信仰,他们要把我培养成牧师。我学会了敬畏上帝,学会 了害怕外面的世界,学会了敬畏一切。28岁的一天,我离开了那里。我去了理发店,让一个法国女人给我理了发。之前,我从没真正的和一个女人说过话,她跟我 说我很可爱。那天,我买了一份报纸,那是我第一次用自己的钱买东西。回到学校,我就变了。我已经发现了自由,我开始意识到了他们的谎言,所以我对他们再也 没有用了。几个月后,我在教堂遇见一个了女人,并和她坠入爱河。我们结了婚,有了三个孩子。我把一切都抛开了,除了恐惧。有时我还是会无缘无故地觉得很害 怕,这将永远是我的一部分。” (蒙得维的亚,乌拉圭) Sometimes I still feel very afraid for no reason. That will always be a part of me. ************************************************************************** 这个是真实自我战胜外在强加的例子,但心理还是受到有罪教育的影响,留下恐惧,恐惧未来,只留在循规蹈矩中。 如果完全让宗教占据内心那就完全是黯淡,宗教不利于改变。 ************************************************************************** 由于赌博的胜负是不规则的,带有极大的随机性和偶然性,迎合了人们以较少的投入获取较多的财富,甚至不劳而获的投机与侥幸取胜心理。赌博的输赢结果,对赌 徒是一个强化刺激,使人失去自制力,欲罢不能,至死不悔。 ​​​​ ************************************************************************** 有的人生性活泼,有的人是 “土” 性 ,就是泥土的性格, 就像郭靖 ,总是比人慢半拍 以前我想学习怎么快,但是 “自命不凡,反应又慢” 也许本性才是最适合你的 ************************************************************************** 也许 我们扩招的这一代人,不能像忙总一样 占据 管理岗位 但我们可以 占据 技术岗位。 努力工作,野百合也会有春天 ************************************************************************** 以前谈过铁路 当这个慢变量 动起来的时候, 一切 花巧 都变成了 “笑话” 我是建议你买房子的,把自己稳定下来。 一心扑在工作上 ************************************************************************** 这么多年来,虽然我嘴上说成功学,成功学,但我并不期望这个 我只想做回 “我 自己 ” 。 ************************************************************************** 但这个我也不一定坚持,谁都知道 在现实面前,不是谁都逞强的。 偶尔让现实逞个强。 贪婪和梦想要有一个平衡,我和你不认识但能交流,技术的进步让人惊讶,贬低回避都是徒劳的,适应和提升才有出路。
198 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 像个女孩?我就是女孩《Always Like A Girl》(转)
热度 1 gordon 2015-12-15 04:43
http://v.qq.com/page/u/h/c/u0131ocr8hc.html 注:贴不上,上面是视频网址 ***************************************************************************************** 如果不是学过社会学的话,并没有意识到这个。经典的《学做工》 极强的范式转变,thanks (为什么关注这个?还是从 “政治方向” 认知的突破转过来的 ) 因为我本身对社会学很熟,虽然是很大的一个转弯,对我并没有什么难的。 ***************************************************************************************** 勇敢坚强,不是男人专利,不要夸我纯爷们,我就是女生 —— 马薇薇 2015年 12月6日晚,网曝《最强大脑》节目录制现场,北大心理学系教授@魏坤琳 (Dr.魏)在与@郭敬明 (小四)争论时喊出“我怎么好像跟女人在吵架”,郭敬明因此愤然离场,并在微博发了一个“哭泣”的表情,@陶晶莹 (陶子是4位评委中唯一的生理女性评委)随即转发安慰称“别气别难过”。 不少网友安慰小四的路径是这样的:Dr.魏说话太侮辱人了,亏他还是教授!小四别跟他一般见识! 也有网友质疑,如果郭敬明本来就认为“像个女人”并非低人一等,他还会觉得受侮辱吗? 媒体报道的焦点多集中于小四的愤然离席是否不顾大局、是否太小气,根本懒得顾及他选择如此行为的本质原因。 所以,“像跟女人在吵架”这句话侮辱和攻击的到底是什么?为什么它能够戳中郭敬明以及大部分人的怒点和泪点? 如果我们按照社会主流默认的观念来分类,用0代表极致的男性气质,它上面贴着“阳刚”“坚强”“理性”“独立”“高”等标签,用10代表极致的女性气质,它上面贴着“阴柔”“软弱”“感性”“小鸟依人”“瘦”等标签,你觉得小四会给自己打几分?你呢? 在读的各位中可能已经有人感受到了不舒服与不服气,因为: 这样的分类本身就很有问题。 凭什么“阳刚”“坚强”等不能是女性气质?“阴柔”“感性”等不能是男性气质?之所以会有“男儿有泪不轻弹”“男人哭吧不是罪”,是因为大家觉得只有女人才会哭、才可以软弱和丢脸。 如果没有女人负责不被看好的柔弱,男人怎会有对象去表演坚强? 整个就好像一出阴谋剧,导演根据演员是有逼还是有屌简单粗暴地来分配角色类型。 同样身为导演的小四似乎没有依据自己的生殖器给自己定型,他不惮于在社交媒体上展露自己的美、媚、娇 ,不过在接受媒体采访回答性别气质问题时,他依然态度谨慎、有所保留—— 将“爱打扮”说成是工作的需要,自然地将其合理化,从而避免了跟性别气质、性取向有关的争议。 不管小四性取向如何,有一点应该是清楚的:他喜欢现在的自己,认同并欣赏自己的美和娇,以及十足的工作/吸金能力。 魏坤琳的话之所以能够戳中小四,可能同时存在以下两种情况—— 一方面,小四所自恋的美和娇在社会主流评价系统里被归为女性气质一类, 自己喜欢并追求的东西却被他人拿来当作攻击的武器,这足以令人心碎一下。 另一方面, 在矮、瘦、弱、感性被贬低为“娘”的情况下,“像个女人”的类似话语对于青春期的小四来说或许并不陌生。 当一个人的行为和气质不符合人们对ta这一生理性别的人的想象时,歧视产生了 ,校园内的歧视既而又引发校园霸凌。2012年“友善台湾联盟”的调查显示,台湾近3成性少数因受不了社会歧视有过自杀念头。北京同志中心也有调查显示,性少数人群抑郁症的样本是全国普通人群的三倍。 “玫瑰少年”叶永鋕的生命结束在15年前。 他因个性较阴柔,常被同学强行脱裤“检查性别”,导致他不敢在下课时间去上厕所。 国中三年级时他在一堂音乐课下课前5分钟提早离开去厕所,结果却被发现倒在血泊中,送医不治身亡。而学校竟在未报警的情况下擅自将血迹洗掉。经过6年上诉,法院才判决学校3名主管业务过失致死罪。 永鋕妈妈回忆叶永鋕国小三年级时,学校老师就曾反应说他喜欢做女生做的事,要她带儿子去看心理医生…… 妈妈说:“如果觉得永鋕这样不正常的人,本身就不正常。” 叶永鋕曾告诉妈妈,他每天都被脱裤子、被欺负,也曾留纸条给妈妈,写着“妈妈你要救我,有人要打我”。 叶妈妈去学校反应,但却未获处理。 永鋕去世两年后,《性别平等教育法》在台湾通过,“娘娘腔”、“娘炮”、“男人婆”等侮辱性词语得到法律禁止,学校的招生、管理、教育不得因性别与性倾向而有差别。 将阴柔、弱小等定义为女性气质,只是为了更好的贬低女性,连同贬低了拥有这些气质的生理男。对小四来说,让他敢于袒露自己就是爱美爱打扮爱阴柔气质而跟工作无关的社会氛围还远不够友善。 根据现场网友反映,当魏坤琳说“像跟女人在吵架”时,小四并不是在无理取闹,而是“在认真发表自己精心准备的观点”。 魏坤琳通过歧视女性的话语来攻击郭敬明,以此否定对方的对话能力,并终结了继续平等对话的空间。辩不过时就用性别攻击的方法来激怒和羞辱对方,想以此占道德上风, 这种撒泼手段在男性“知识分子”中并不罕见—— 自称文化学者的杨早10月发表了一篇自以为发现了女权主义终极bug(漏洞)的文章: 《若女性自愿裹小脚怎么办》 。他从身体自主处置权的角度发问,如果某些女性自愿选择依附男性生活,放弃独立求得安稳,她们的权利是否应该受到尊重? 他认为与其让自愿地位低下被压迫的女性解放,还不如让她们保有被压迫的机会。 新媒体女性网络负责人李思磐随即发文指出: “自愿为奴”是自由主义的bug而非女权的bug, 因为女权主义早已指出自由主义的问题——仅有人人平等的理念,和原则上对公民实现平等保障和普惠的法律与政策是不够的,因为 人们生活在错综复杂的等级结构之中,绝对的自由意志(“自愿”)只是一种理论上的设想 。而且 大部分“男公知”往往只对女人提出问题,选择对女性不利的材料,鲜反思自身特权。 被戳中得体无完肤的杨早气不过,立马将论场从主义之争转换为道德之撕:你们女权主义者还要不要讲礼貌了? 这跟魏坤琳的“像跟女人在吵架”如出一辙:通过歧视女性、贬低女性气质的话语否定对方的对话能力。 这也就能够解释,为什么在小四愤然离席之后,是现场唯一的女性评委陶晶莹表示了安慰,而周杰伦表现出的却只有尴尬—— 因为他同样身处男性特权阶级 。在一味鼓吹母爱鸡汤、将老婆昆凌默认为奉献者和生育工具的周杰伦身上,我看不出有任何性别反思。他是最大的既得利益者。 陶晶莹去年9月生下了第4个女儿时,她老公接受媒体采访透露陶子在坐月子期间大发火,还威胁他说:“如果你再不去结扎,我就杀了你!”曾在妇女议题上接连发声的陶晶莹安慰郭敬明的“别气别难过”或许还有后半句:女人受的歧视和苦难还多着呢。 女汉子、女强人、女博士……加个“女”字在前头的意思是,汉子、强人、博士这些角色理所应当是男人吗? “你好坚强/独立/睿智,像个男人一样……” 女人必须要依附于“像个男人”才值得被尊重被赞美?谁稀罕被评价“像个男人一样”?我们有的是骄傲。
301 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 always on my mind
到处停留的叶子 2012-12-30 06:50
Maybe I didn't love you Quite as often as I could have Maybe I didn't treat you Quite as good as I should have If I made you feel second best Girl I'm sorry I was blind You were always on my mind You were always on my mind Maybe I didn't hold you All those lonely, lonely times And I guess I never told you I'm so happy that you're mine
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分享 [ZT]Desiree's Diary(Book One)Chapter 8 Next Day: I always Jumped Off The Bridge
平沙落雁 2012-3-24 12:24
Today had been like a bad dream. Am I really alive? I ought to be dead. I ought to be lying at the bottom of the River Sine. A few hours ago. I looked over the cold stone side of a bridge. And I was ready to jump. But someone stopped me. Who was it? I must try to remember everything that has happened. It has been raining all day. Thats certain. This morning I put on my blue silk dress, since I wanted to look beautiful. But it soon got terribly wet. And everyone seemed to stare at me. The women of Paris dont wear proper dresses now; they wear an open shirt, with a skirt below. So I looked different. A lot of people were standing outside Madame Talliens house. They were staring at the bright lights in the windows. Some of them were whispering angrily. Im not surprised. The poor people cant get enough to eat, but the leaders of the revolution live like kings. I opened the gate and went in. then a servant stopped me at the door. He wore a red uniform with silver buttons. The noble families used to dress their servants like this. Now our leaders are copying them. Of course, Tallien himself used to be a servant. "What do you want, young lady?" said this fellow with the silver buttons. "Did Madame Tallien invite you?" I shook my head. "No. I thought that anyone could come there." "You thought that, did you?" he answered rudely. "No uninvited lady can come here, unless a gentleman is with her. Those are Madame Talliens orders." And he pushed me out into the street. Other people arrived in carriages, and went into the house. I stood outside the gate. I was wet and cold. I thought: "I must ask a man to take me. If I dont I shall never get in." Then a carriage brought a very tall man. He wore an army officers clock, like Napoleons. I walked straight up to him. "Pleasde excuse me, Monsieur," I said. "I should like to go with you into the house. The servant wont allow me to pass unless I go with a gentleman." The officer stared at me in surprise. At first he shook his head. He didnt seem to like the idea. Then he suddenly offered me his arm and said: "Come on, mademoiselle!" The servant recognized me at once. He looked angry. But he bowed deeply to my officer, and took his clock. I saw myself in a mirror. Wet hair was hanging over my face. I tried to push it quickly into place, but my officer was waiting. "Are you ready, mademoiselle? Behave yourself properly in there. If you dont , I shall be ashamed. What is your name?" "Desirre," I whispered. I didnt want anyone to heat my other name. "Desirre who?" he asked. I shook my head. "Please, please, only Desirre." The servant opened a pair of big white doors. My officer gave our names to another servant. And this man called out in a loud voice: "general Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte and mademoiselle Desirre!" A young woman with dark hair came towards us. "This is a wonderful surprise, dear general," she said. "You are too kind, Madame Tallien," my officer replied. I bowed politely, but she didnt seem to notice me. "Come into the library, general," she went on. "Barras will be very glad to see you." And she led away. I stood in a corner and looked around the big room. I couldnt see Napoleon. There were a few officers in uniform. The rest of the men wore beautiful clothes, like noblemen before the revolution. The ladies were gaily dressed, but their clothes didnt cover them properly. Even their shoes had no tops, and showed their pink feet. And their toenails were painted with pink or silver paint. I thought: "I must look like a country girl in this long dress and these heavy shoes." Servants in red uniforms were offering drinks to everyone. I took a glass of champagne, but I was too excited to enjoy it. Two gentlemen were talking near me. One of them said: "the people of Paris are getting angry at the price of food. If is gets worse, therell be another revolution." "My dear Fouche," the other man replied. "there is only one answer to that problem. The government must tell its soldiers to shoot. Ive just seen general Bernadotte here. The War Minister could talk to him about it." "Bernadotte?" said Fouche. "He would never shoot at the people. But perhaps Josephines new friend would do it." At that moment, a servant called: "silence, please, ladies and gentlemen." Then Madame Talliens voice said: "Please come into the library, everybody. We have a surprise for you." I followed the other guests. The library was so full of people that at first I could see nothing. Servants brought a fresh glass of champagne to each other. A big ugly man pushed past me, and his coat was covered with gold. Someone whispered: "Barras is getting fat!" So that was Barras, Josephines special friend. Everyone was talking excitedly. The servant asked for silence again, and Madame Tallien said: "Form a circle round the sofa, please." Then at last I saw Napoleon. Where? On the little sofa. With a beautiful fair-haired woman in a pink silk dress. The torn trousers had gone. He was wearing a new uniform, and he was looking white and ill. I knew at once who the fair-haired woman was. She was Josephine. Her eyes were half shut, but they were looking straight at Barras. And there was a strange smile on her lips. Napoleon himself was sitting up straight, on the edge of the sofa. He wasnt looking at Josephine. He was watching Madame Tallien. "Has everyone a glass?" Madame Tallien asked. "Ladies and gentlemen, I have something important to tell you." Napoleon stood up. His face had gone red. Madame Tallien was looking at Barras. The great man made a sign with his hand, and she went on: "Our dear Josephine had decided to marry again. She is going to marry one of Frances bravest officers --- general Napoleon Bonaparte." "No!" a womans voice screamed. The wild cry filled the room. A terrible silence followed. Suddenly I recognized the voice ---- it was my own. And everyone was staring at me. I took two steps forward and looked into Napoleons eyes. They were like glass. They didnt seem to see me. Then I looked at the woman. I saw the silver paint round her eyes, and the red paint on her lips. I hated her. I threw my glass at her feet, and the wine went over her dress. She screamed with fear. A moment later I was running down a dark wet street. I dont know how I escaped from that house. Perhaps the servants were too surprised to stop me. I ran and ran till I reached a river. "the Seine," I thought. "Good! Here is the Seine." I walked slowly on to the bridge and looked over the side. Thousands of lights were dancing on the water. How gay it looked! And how lonely I felt! Then I thought: "tonight Napoleon will write to Marseilles. Hell tell his mother and Joseph that hes going to marry this woman." The thought was too cruel. I started to climb up the side of the bridge. But a strong hand held my shoulder, and it pulled me back.  
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分享 Enemy at the gates
热度 1 锦候 2011-12-15 10:59
We tried so hard to create a society that was equal, where there'd be nothing to envy your neighbour. But there's always something to envy. A smile, a friendship, something you don't have and want to appropriate. In this world, even a Soviet one, there will always be rich and poor. Rich in gifts, poor in gifts. Rich in love, poor in love. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCUIfbAGp6cfeature=fvst
864 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Somewhere My Love (Lara's Theme)
热度 16 sylvia 2011-11-6 03:36
384 次阅读|12 个评论


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