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西方人人工智能抱过大的期望,但事实上过份地依赖人工智能只能削弱人类面对问题和处理问题的能力。最近听的一个讲座里面有一个说法深以为然:# w/ L% C7 U' p+ y T
“The Paradox of Automation… Better automation leads to more sophisticated processes... More sophisticated processes leads to more opportunities for error... We “fix” the increasing errors with still more automation. When things go wrong, people have difficulty intervening to correct the problem!”) h3 z4 {. a, {, Y- X! ]: E4 c" ?
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应该说是干工业自动化的人早就意识到问题了。 4 W' H# u$ m9 e, H2 x但所谓人工智能,都是加载到工业品上的附加值,为推销高价产品,就得把泡泡吹得五彩缤纷。/ G- X2 x) |5 i) o, t$ h