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本帖最后由 holycow 于 2014-12-15 18:17 编辑
翻唱一把Band Aid 1984年的作品Do They Know It's Christmas?
这首歌我记得以前togo写过一个帖子,爱尔兰歌手Bob Geldof在当年非洲发生大饥荒后组织英国和爱尔兰的著名歌手和乐队,在24小时的时间内录制了这首歌。要说起来这首歌是所有群星赈灾类歌曲的鼻祖,神马天下一家,让世界充满爱之类的,都只能算是山寨这首歌的创意。Band Aid当然是为了录这首歌的组合临时起的名字,也是个双关语,参加的大牌有George Michael, Duran Duran, Sting, U2, Boy George, Phil Collins等。
录这首歌的时候还有一个小插曲,原本Boy George是要从纽约飞到伦敦来参加录音的,结果到了当天他发现助理居然忘了,没有给他订飞机票。于是他早上赶到肯尼迪机场买了一张协和式的机票,正好赶在英国时间傍晚到达伦敦,赶在结束之前录了他的那一段。
Bob Geldof后来搞 Live Aid 伦敦和费城接力的赈灾演唱会,Phil Collins坐协和式两地赶场,估计就是从Boy George那里来的灵感。
Do They Know It's Christmas?
It’s Christmas time,
there’s no need to be afraid.
At Christmas time
we let in light and we banish shade
And in our world of plenty
we can spread a pile of Joy
Throw your arms around the world
at Christmas time.
But say a prayer,
Pray for the other ones.
At Christmas time it’s hard
but when you’re having fun.
There’s a world outside your window
and it’s a world of dread and fear
Where the only water flowing is
the bitter sting of tears
And the Christmas bells that ring
there are the clanging chimes of Doom
Well, tonight thank God it’s them instead of you.
And there won’t be snow in Africa this Christmas time
The greatest gift they’ll get this year is life.
Where nothing ever grows
No rain or rivers flow
Do they know it’s Christmas time at all?
Here’s to you…
Raise a glass for everyone
Here’s to them
Underneath that burning sun
Do they know it’s Christmas time at all?
Feed the world,
Let them know it’s Christmas time.
Feed the world,
Let them know it’s Christmas time.
Feed the world,
Let them know it’s Christmas time.
Feed the world,
Let them know it’s Christmas time.
Feed the world,
Let them know it’s Christmas time.
1984年的原版Band Aid -- Do They Know It's Christmas?
今年是这首歌的30周年,正好非洲又发生了伊波拉,于是Geldof又出面召集了一个Band Aid 30乐队,再唱这首歌。
Let me know it’s Christmas time.
Let me know it’s Christmas time.
Let me know it’s Christmas time.
Let me know it’s Christmas time.
Let me know it’s Christmas time.