TA的每日心情 | 擦汗 2019-4-30 02:38 |
签到天数: 132 天 [LV.7]分神
本帖最后由 ImPhili 于 2024-4-9 20:04 编辑
7 u8 ^. e+ r; w" ?" G# r
3 p6 y5 H. x2 E; U6 B9 n8 e$ G0 D! M I我倒是觉得这事没那么严重。
, t6 o7 k( p( K
7 @! N. I9 @& I+ h5 { e首先,国防科大这种单位发论文肯定要通过保密审查,既然通过了审查就说明没有泄密的问题。另外,提示美国建造高超音速风洞在我看来很有可能就是个公开的挑逗加阳谋。难道美国人不知道高超音速风洞的重要性吗?要能造早就造了,不就是造不出来嘛。现在美国最快的风洞才3.5马赫,中国最新的JF-22超过30马赫,这都不是一个量级的东西了。不要讲美国能不能凑出这么多钱造风洞,就是有钱估计也没这个技术和施工能力了。我搜风洞建造成本(不过没搜到)的时候看到这篇挺有意思的文章:2 f8 p2 c' q' H
1 h2 j( F( R1 {* S6 l: { KChina’s JF-22 hypersonic wind tunnel blows by US
; K5 O2 V- d+ h9 `7 u6 y9 g: Ahttps://asiatimes.com/2023/06/ch ... tunnel-blows-by-us/% _& }, x8 I6 F8 l, y1 R
. z$ T1 Q. p" I! ^里面提到了NASA的CFD软件和JF-22风洞。& y, X/ q$ k% q( z: |3 z1 F0 x
* u) h4 b' V4 E, q为什么用仿真软件,还不是因为NASA的风洞又老又慢嘛:
# G& D1 v7 Y- o/ q' I R: r9 h8 n: ]9 P8 o
During the 1960s and 1970s, all NASA space shuttles and space launch systems were tested in the California-based Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel at the NASA Ames Research Center. The tunnel could only reach Mach 2 to 3.5. More tests were conducted by digital simulation with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software.
' B; h' J2 @+ B; u+ [' @, O k: G9 k4 M' z
还有酸葡萄:0 P5 D, q. v* |& \7 i/ v0 N' J
2 _ M8 k7 `2 g2 d" HHowever, a popular IT vlogger known as GeekLead said in a June 2020 video that China chooses to invest in wind tunnels because it lacks its own CFD software. He said senior Chinese officials usually favor investments in hardware over software as they prefer to see tangible results.- ~( c( P# B( P |5 L. y1 ?
) E1 s5 P% Z( K2 O( H# Y不过也不得不承认,中国风洞领先西方20-30年:
8 D' q. n |5 t+ J, \1 [# l" b' @" m& e5 |# C4 n. F
Han said then the JF-22, together with China’s JF-12 wind tunnel, would put China “about 20 to 30 years ahead” of the West. The JF-12 passed an acceptance check in May 2012 and can simulate flights of up to Mach 7.+ h4 I. R. x/ c) S( V0 Z
/ b" h- ~2 O/ k ?8 ^+ Q6 `( r5 q
总而言之,我觉得发这篇论文的目的就是遥遥领先的我们嘲笑一番远远落后的老美,然后欣赏他们气急败坏又无可奈何的样子 2 V$ D' Q9 T; q1 S% n( o
9 j7 d4 M: `& @( J5 E, ?: g. ~) D+ t9 x5 \/ ]. o