本帖最后由 凡卡 于 2023-9-25 13:13 编辑
昨天下午星期天,我收到一则Whatsapp短信,说是做个调查问卷就能拿三十新币,我看号码是+60,知道是邻国马来西亚的,就没往骗子那边想,就答应了。 [下午1:09, 2023年9月24日] +60 11-3980 4225: Hello! Good Afternoon. I'm Emma, Currently our company is doing a market research to improve the tourism industry in Singapore.
Here I have 2 simple market surveys and 1 subscribing YouTube channel. It's only takes 3-5 minutes, and you can earn 30SGD after completion, can i take your few minutes to help me finish it? [下午1:28, 2023年9月24日] +60 11-3980 4225: Would you like to try to earn 30SGD by answering two survey task and liking and subscribing to YouTube channel? 一般来说,收到这种短信如果国家区号可疑,或者说提供part time job赚钱的,我一般都不会理睬,这一回确实是个无聊的周末,就想着陪他们耍耍!
调查问卷很简单,就两个问题,回答也很容易,感觉就是走个过场。 [下午1:28, 2023年9月24日] +60 11-3980 4225: Task 1: When choosing a place to travel, what do you usually choose based on? (A): Landscape (B): Popularity (C): Human environment (D): Price (E): Other
Task 2: When you are in travel, what are your criteria for choosing a hotel? (A): Price (B): Geographical location (C): Safety (D): Standard (E): Other Please reply with your thoughts. [下午1:29, 2023年9月24日] +60 11-3980 4225: You can chosen your favorite like 1A 2B etc..... [下午1:30, 2023年9月24日] 我: 1C 2B
回答之后,没有立刻给钱,说让我完成一个任务就给钱,什么任务呢?关注一个油管账号然后截图给她。到这里我就明白了,这是让我做水军?行吧,也不是什么不正经youtuber, 我就关注截图了一下给她,这个截图上也没有我的账号信息。
[下午1:30, 2023年9月24日] +60 11-3980 4225: Great. This is an excellent choice.
[下午1:30, 2023年9月24日] +60 11-3980 4225: This is the last task of the tutorial. If you complete this task, you can go and get your first prize of 30SGD.
[下午1:30, 2023年9月24日] +60 11-3980 4225: Open the Youtube app and search for [ @HungryPassport ]. Click to subscribe, follow, and show me a screenshot after the subscription is successful for verification.
Easy link ; https://www.youtube.com/@HungryPassport
[下午4:21, 2023年9月24日] +60 11-3980 4225: Congratulation to you friend [下午4:22, 2023年9月24日] +60 11-3980 4225: I hope you can do everything easily and you will earn many bonuses. And then if you want to know more about tasks and any questions, you can directly contact to our receptionist. Wish you all the best your work.
于是我就加入了这个助理妹子的群,里面不少人,助理妹子每隔二十分钟放一个油管的关注任务。 我就跟着做了几次,其中居然有一个是National Geography(国家地理也买粉丝??),累积到六十块,果然又收到了转账,这样我就收到九十块了,怎么光放饵不收线啊?难道是水军里的正规军?
【Task 4】Business data task. Advanced merchant task (2-4 orders) Notice to merchants: According to market demand, we are now recruiting different IPs to assist in currency speculation. The number of places is limited, please consult your receptionist for details.
VIP1 100 SGD Cashback 130 SGD+ (newcomer benefit) VIP2 300 SGD Cashback 390 SGD+ (group profit) VIP3 500 SGD Cashback 650 SGD+ (group profit) VIP4 1000 SGD Cashback 1300 SGD+ (group profit) VIP5 1500 SGD Cashback 1950 SGD+ (group profit) VIP6 2000 SGD Cashback 2600 SGD+ (group profit) VIP7 2500 SGD Cashback 3250 SGD+ (group profit) VIP8 3000 SGD Cashback 3900 SGD+ (group profit) VIP9 5000 SGD Cashback 6500 SGD+ (group profit) VIP10 10000 SGD Cashback 13000 SGD+ (group profit)
Quota is limited, first come first served, please contact the receptionist to get a quota
Next task release time is 12:00