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本帖最后由 无言 于 2023-6-23 11:11 编辑 7 k8 ?' E( f6 W; B' i$ e
David Lochridge, the OceanGate Director of Marine Operations, inspected the Titan as it was being handed over from Engineering to Operations and filed a quality control report in January 2018 in which he stated that no non-destructive testing of the carbon fiber hull had taken place to check for voids and delaminating which could compromise the hull's strength. Instead, Lochridge was told that OceanGate would rely on the real-time acoustic monitoring system, which he felt would not warn the crew of potential failure with sufficient time to safely abort the mission and evacuate. The day after he filed his report, he was summoned to a meeting in which he was told the acrylic window was only rated to 1,300 m (4,300 ft) depth because OceanGate would not fund the design of a window rated to 4,000 m (13,000 ft). In that meeting, he reiterated his concerns and added he would refuse to allow crewed testing without a hull scan; Lochridge was dismissed from his position as a result.[35] OceanGate filed a lawsuit against Lochridge that June, accusing him of improperly sharing proprietary trade secrets and fraudulently manufacturing a reason to dismiss him. The suit was settled in November 2018.[35]
& D$ s( W6 Q- tInitial shallow dive testing with a crew was conducted in Puget Sound.[36] OceanGate stated that testing of Titan without a crew to 4,000 m (13,000 ft) was performed in 2018 to validate the design,[37] followed by a statement that a crew of four had set a record by descending in Titan to 3,760 m (12,340 ft) in April 2019.[38] The tests were conducted near Great Abaco Island, near the edge of the continental shelf, as the platform would only need to be towed 12 mi (19 km) to depths exceeding 15,000 ft (4,600 m).[4] During a human-piloted descent, which Rush performed solo on December 10, 2018,[36] he used the vertical thrusters to overcome unexpected positive buoyancy when descending past 10,000 ft (3,000 m), which caused interference with the communication system, and he lost contact with the surface ship for approximately one hour. Rush became the second human to dive solo to 13,000 ft (4,000 m), after James Cameron, who in 2012 dove to Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench, approximately 36,000 ft (11,000 m).[4] After these tests were completed, in January 2020, the hull of Titan began showing signs of cyclic fatigue and the craft was de-rated to 3,000 m (9,800 ft).[39] The Spencer-built composite cylindrical hull either was repaired or replaced by Electroimpact and Janicki Industries in 2020 or 2021, prior to the first trips to Titanic.[35] * j+ I# ?7 O9 b* \" n! y+ Q
2 \8 f/ L) m3 chttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OceanGate
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