COVID-19 Impact on the First-Quarter 2022 GDP Estimate
In the first quarter, an increase in COVID-19 cases related to the Omicron variant resulted in continued restrictions and disruptions in the operations of establishments in some parts of the country. Government assistance payments in the form of forgivable loans to businesses, grants to state and local governments, and social benefits to households all decreased as provisions of several federal programs expired or tapered off. The full economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic cannot be quantified in the GDP estimate for the first quarter because the impacts are generally embedded in source data and cannot be separately identified.
在第一季度,与 Omicron 变体相关的 COVID-19 病例增加,导致某些地区的机构运营持续受到限制和中断。随着一些联邦计划的规定到期或逐渐减少,政府以可免除贷款形式支付的政府援助款、对州和地方政府的赠款以及对家庭的社会福利都减少了。COVID-19 大流行的全部经济影响无法在第一季度的 GDP 估算中量化,因为这些影响通常包含在源数据中,无法单独识别。
“第一季度以当前美元计算的 GDP年增长率为 6.5%”(名义GDP),但被通胀打回到-1.4%。到5月12号可以看4月份的通胀能否破9。到7月下旬可以看二季度的数字。