TA的每日心情 | 开心 2015-12-23 04:08 |
签到天数: 2 天 [LV.1]炼气
本帖最后由 Highway 于 2012-7-22 23:05 编辑
一面是露点的希腊女神耐克(真的是NIKE,不是鞋,是希腊神话中的胜利女神,Nike was a goddess who personified victory),另一面呢是伦敦的徽标。图案乱七八糟的,大家可能看不出个所以然来。官方的解释呢是这样的(我就偷个懒,不翻译了)
1. The curved background implies a bowl similar to the design of an amphitheatre.
2. The core emblem is an architectural expression, a metaphor for the modern City, and is deliberately jewel-like.
3. The grid suggests both a pulling together and a sense of outreach – an image of radiating energy that represents the athletes' efforts.
4. The River Thames in the background is a symbol for London and also suggests a fluttering baroque ribbon, adding a sense of celebration.
5. The square is the final balancing motif of the design, opposing the overall circularity of the design, emphasising its focus on the centre and reinforcing the sense of 'place' as in a map inset.
大家要是有什么意见或是建议的话,可以跟设计师David Watkins直接联系。
这届奥运会奖牌的一个特点是“大”。又大又厚,足足有8两多,相当的给力。几乎是奥运史上头一份了。本届伦敦奥运会的奖牌是由英国皇家铸造局(Royal Mint)承造。他们是在二十多家竞争公司中最后脱颖而出的,也不容易。奥运会以及残奥会的4700枚奖牌全部由他们打造。
加油,中国! |