TA的每日心情 | 慵懒 2020-7-26 05:11 |
签到天数: 1017 天 [LV.10]大乘
本帖最后由 Dracula 于 2012-3-24 03:42 编辑 ) ]: U4 @4 b5 n: l; o
7 G: v" v7 F v5 p9 J: A/ M一战时美国反德情绪的歇斯底里,给我印象很深,再加几句。
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一战开始后,德国移民对德国同情的多,象由德国犹太移民建立的当时最大的银行之一Kuhn, Loeb & Co. 大量对德国政府贷款(类似的,J.P Morgan大量对英国政府贷款),但这时美国政府持中立立场,因此谈不上同情敌国。1917年美国参战后,德裔意识到处境的微妙,公开发表言论支持德国的极少,当间谍搞破坏的更几乎是没有,而且象你说的,大量德裔参军。但反德情绪却到了歇斯底里的程度。美国红十字会宣称德裔美国人往纱布里掺玻璃渣,因此禁止姓德国姓的人加入。Iowa的州长William L. Harding 宣布在公共场合或者在电话上说德语为非法。Wisconsin公开焚烧德语书籍。Boston禁止在公共场合演奏贝多芬的音乐。不仅这些,连食物也不放过,sauerkraut给改名,变成了liberty cabbage(类似的,80多年后的伊拉克战争,French Fries变成了Freedom Fries)。Cincinnati 的 Berlin Street变成了Wilson Street。
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最血腥的反德事件发生在St. Louis,接下来这一段来自David Kennedy的Over Here4 V* E1 E& [# t( _6 ^6 |6 u# ~
1 y4 ~: R' p4 F6 w; dNear St. Louis in April 1918, a mob seized Rober Prager, a young man whose only discernible offense was to have been born in Germany. He had, in fact, tried to enlist in the American Navy but had been rejected for medical reasons. Stripped, bound with an American flag, dragged with barefoot and stumbling through the streets, Prager was eventually lynched to the lusty cheers of five hundred patriots. A trial of the mob's leaders followed, in which the defendants wore red, white, and blue ribbons to court, and the defense counsel called their deed "patriotic murder". The jury took twenty-five minutes to return a verdict of not guilty.
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* @9 k5 y2 j. r/ ^4 c! C1 E二战时,对德裔尤其是最近的德国移民的忠实的猜测怀疑也有,但是对日裔的种族偏见要强得多,加上德裔的人数巨大,没有出现象日裔(包括出生在美国的日裔美国公民)那样被圈起来,关到集中营的情况。1 w9 e" u$ H; |0 {5 n, Y
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