TA的每日心情 | 开心 2022-12-1 00:01 |
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本帖最后由 橡树村 于 2012-3-1 02:53 编辑
糊里糊涂 发表于 2012-3-1 02:14 ![]()
中医之所以走到今天这步,不是因为它不科学,而是不管用,或者说管用的时候少。中医的边缘化完全是竞病患 ...
When the topic of traditional Asian medicine was first mooted, we were sceptical. To a magazine based in Europe and steeped in the history of science, there is much about traditional Asian medical practice that seems mystical and pseudoscientific. Other than well known success stories — artemisinin for malaria, and arsenic trioxide for leukaemia — there seemed to be a lack of scientifically proven remedies. Y et a bit of probing revealed what a complex story this is. Not only are big efforts underway to modernize traditional medicine in China and Japan, but Western medicine is adopting some aspects of the Eastern point of view too. In particular, modern medical practitioners are coming around to the idea that certain illnesses cannot be reduced to one isolatable, treatable cause. Rather, a fall from good health often involves many small, subtle effects that create a system-wide imbalance. But do traditional medicines actually work? Their personalized nature makes randomized controlled trials — the gold standard for testing drugs — extremely difficult. Rarely are two formulations identical. However, as modern medicine becomes more personalized, using biological and genetic markers, it is inadvertently developing the tools to better test traditional medicines. Although artemisinin and arsenic trioxide are the archetypal examples of successful modern medicines mined from traditional Asian medicine, they do not represent the ideal convergence of the two systems. There are unique aspects to traditional Asian medicine that could hold great promise if they are artfully investigated. The goal of science should be to rigorously test each claim and sort the medical wheat from the pseudoscientific chaff.
S82 TCM Made in China A persisting practice through the times
S84 CONVERGENCE Where West meets East Common objectives, but different ways
S87 PERSPECTIVE All systems go Jan van der Greef
S88 MICROBIOME That healthy gut feeling When medicine is your cup of tea
S90 MODERNIZATION One step at a time Applying scientific standards to TCM
S93 PATENTS Protecting China's national treasure Building a wall around property
S94 MODERN TCM Enter the clinic What's in store for today's patient?
S96 JAPAN Will the sun set on Kampo? A shadow is cast across the country
S97 PERSPECTIVE Herbal danger Masatomo Sakurai
S98 REGULATIONS Herbal medicine rule book Turning a new page in the West
S100 PERSPECTIVE The clinical trial barriers Liang Liu et al.
S101 BIODIVERSITY Endangered and in demand What's driving demand?
S105 The discovery of artemisinin (qinghaosu) and gifts from Chinese medicine Youyou Tu
S109 Adenosine A1 receptors mediate local anti-nociceptive effects of acupuncture Nanna Goldman et al.
S115 Steroid-like compounds in Chinese medicines promote blood circulation via inhibition of Na+/K+-ATPase Ronald J.Y. Chen et al.
VISIT THE OUTLOOK ONLINE The Nature Outlook Traditional Asian Medicine supplement can be found at http://www.nature.com/nature/outlook/asian_medicine |