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分享 实测自制叉比目鱼灯
热度 51 东湖珞珈 2014-9-2 10:16
星期六噶维斯顿岛那边下雨,到了下午一两点钟,通过网络上的实时摄像头 http://www.galveston.com/webcams/ 看到海边依然还在下小雨。 到了四点钟,必须做决定了。再看云图,觉得值得一试,于是跟W博士一家发了微信,然后收拾家当出发。 一个半小时开到噶维斯顿岛的东南角,运气不错,雨停了。 这次试的地方叫做THE OLD LAGOON,是一个泄湖。 6年前飓风IKEA就是从这一块登陆的,摧毁了海堤。后来修复的时候,泄湖连到海里的地方用石头给挡住了,所以海水进出不是非常的顺畅。 这是我第一次到这里。一到就发现水质不行,浑浊的很,顿时觉得今天叉比目鱼的计划有点悬。 那就先放螃蟹笼子吧 今天是彻底赌对了,不但没有雨,居然还有晚霞。海那边居然还有一道巨大的彩虹,可惜手机拍不出来。 叉比目鱼的灯原型2号还马虎,就是水太浑浊了,那么强的灯也只能照2~3尺远。 儿子总算被我拉出来,但是不愿意下水,拿个爱疯在车里打游戏。我说你到了海边,好歹出来吹吹海风吧?于是出来爬到车斗里面继续打游戏 一直要等到我在这边完全绝望,跑到另外一边成功叉到一只大螃蟹后才来了兴趣。 那边也没有比目鱼,大螃蟹也没有几个,但是在草丛里面,发现了成千上万的小螃蟹,那个场景,说壮观也可,说恐怖也可。那么多小家伙举着小钳子横着爬,还是蛮有意思的。 这次叉比目鱼完全失败了。下次这种月末大潮的时候就不用试了,尤其还是在下雨之后,水肯定浑浊。下个周末潮水要小一些,换一个地方再试试看。 一定要找一个硬沙底,水特清澈的地方。否则肯定没戏
3155 次阅读|25 个评论
分享 叉比目鱼灯
热度 51 东湖珞珈 2014-8-30 12:28
在故乡,老乡们提着马灯或者打着电筒在水田水塘里抓泥鳅鳝鱼。 在地球的这边,老美用类似的办法叉比目鱼。 最早用火炬照明,然后是马灯,到了七十年代,有了高亮度的卤素灯, 他们都是后面拖一个COOLER改造的“拖车”,里面装蓄电池。现在很多红脖子依然这样 这里的体育用品店里面有这样的卤素灯买。但是我一点兴趣都没有。 这太落后于时代了,完全没有与时俱进。 现在应该是LED灯了,省电很多,明亮很多。电源应该用18650之类的锂电池,轻巧很多。 我的叉比目鱼的灯: 原型1号: 一号是完全的PVC管的原材料,拐弯45度,感觉不舒服。 这个类似手枪的握把,人机工程很重要 把管子用HEAT GUN加热,就像做手枪的枪套一样,加热后成型。 趁热把一个国产的使用 18650锂电池,亮度号称高达 1300流明的用CREE灯的潜水手电筒塞进去,就成了定制的形状的,紧密吻合。 这个一号原型可用,但不是很爽 接着折腾原型2号: 手里的弯管器能处理的最大直径22毫米。 这PVC管子是1英寸,快26毫米了,无法放入弯管器的轨道,太悲催了 没有弯管器硬掰的结果必然是把管子给掰瘪掉,毫无疑问的。 就是这个丑陋的外形了。 加热后把角度掰来掰去,最后觉得70~80度拐弯比较舒服,跟手枪握把的理想角度完全一致。 然后慢慢试下段长度, 两厘米两厘米的切割,最后定下一个很舒服的长度。 手臂可以自然下垂,灯杆的上段自然靠在手臂上臂的后方,不费力 、 原型3号准备玩一把大的,用买来的MR-16 BASE的CREEx4的灯头,4W,用打猎的喂食器上面的小型的 密封的12V蓄电池供电,估计一个晚上够用了。 这个就必须慎重考虑密封防水的问题了 另外一个方案就是直接用强力的CREEx3的头灯,后面挂18650x4锂电池组,一个电池组 搞3个小时。 不过,从水上投射的光,折射反射全反射,估计是没有在水下侧面投影的光影有效。 从侧面投影应该更容易显出比目鱼的轮廓吧
1433 次阅读|27 个评论
分享 舌尖上的比目鱼
热度 67 东湖珞珈 2014-7-20 07:08
累晕菜了,提供一点故事大纲,哪位笔杆子帮我完成吧! 德州帮要为爱菊送行,同时也给嘉木的新居“暖屋”。 老东早上三点就起床,冒雨来到海边。 老东又赌对了,区区10英里的区别,FREEPORT还在下雨,SAN LUIS PASS却能看见月亮。 可惜今天的潮水太差,四分之三个下玄月的早上潮水就是不给力。从BIRD ISLAND FLAT, 到BAYOU MOUTH,整整六个小时一点咬口都没有! 12点开始退潮,海水动起来了! 只要有流水,鱼才会活跃觅食 终于钓到了一条巨大的18英寸的比目鱼!
998 次阅读|15 个评论
分享 [ZT] Galveston's Spring Flounder
热度 7 东湖珞珈 2013-1-3 03:58
Flounder Fishing and Gigging That's Hard to Beat! A tackle box full of jigs, a spinning reel, some eight pound monofilament and a depth finder. Sounds like a check list for a tournament bass fisherman and it could be, but it's not. No, these are the tools that a handful of died-in-the-wool saltwater anglers are using to tap into one the Gulf's most consistent spring time fisheries: the flounder run. "There are many hot areas for Galveston Bay. The flats along the Texas City area are good, especially in late spring. And any of the cuts or passes leading into East Galveston Bay can be really good, especially round Rollover Pass and Rollover Bay," said Galveston Bay guide Capt. George Knighten. Knighten says while these areas can be as hot as a firecracker, knowing what to do when flounder are located is just as important as knowing where to find them. "Knowing where to find the fish is of course the first step, but just because you know where they are doesn't mean you are doing to catch them. Flounder can be real finicky and at times you have to play the old bass fishing-type mind games to put them in the boat," said Knighten. Very important is water clarity at the mouth of a tributary. Flounder will gather where black marsh water meets murky bay water. Fishing clear water is a no-no according to Knighten. "The clarity is usually alright for flounder fishing on Galveston Bay in the spring. Spring rains usually get the water off-colored and that's fine. Ultra-clear water can actually be a liability when flounder fishing," Knighten said. The tides dictate how flounder will be feeding. On a fast falling tide, they move in close to the drainage. When it is falling slowly, they might scatter out around the mouth of a drainage or up into the marsh. Working a soft plastic baitfish imitations like a Twister tail, DOA shrimp or Hogie around marshy points where they meet these flats can lead to serious numbers of fish. There might be four of five productive points at the mouth of these bayous and working all of them is sometimes what it takes to find flounder. "Mud minnows are great, but I have found that I can cover more ground with a plastic and more importantly manipulate the presentation," Knighten said. In most of my flounder fishing endeavors I like to tip my jigs with shrimp. Over time I've learned that the key is not to peel the shrimp until the last minute so that the scent holds with the meat inside. Equally important is rigging the jig so that the tail points down and the shrimp can be rigged parallel to the hook, not perpendicular. Flounder generally bite because of intrusion of domain or hunger. If that bait moves through bed with that tail pointing down with that shrimp on there and comes across a flounder, it will scent track the jig and attack it. I would say that tipping with shrimp adds another bunch of percentage points in your favor for catching flounder on a spring day. I'm into heavy tackle that still enables me to finesse a flounder. I prefer using Spiderwire or Berkley Fireline in the 6 to and 8 pound class that has a strength of 12 to 20 pounds. A jig worked on light line drops like a real injured fish and the added sensitiivty of a braided or Fusion line allows me to be able to detect even the slightest bite. Important to remember when fishing this way is to set the hook on fish just after you feel the first bump. And when I say "set the hook", I mean set the hook. Ninety percent of flounder are caught with the hook barely in their mouth. Flounder have a very weird skeletal structure and a bony face. The hook does not penetrate through the bone easily, so when you're fishing a jig on light tackle, its important to jerk the heck out of them. An easy mistake to make in the Galveston complex during spring is relying solely on concentrations of mullet to find flounder. Since they are large and surface often, mullet are easy to stay with, but fishing the shad is of utmost importance. Small baitfish can not navigate well in moving water. What happens is that the flounder will lay in the current and snap up the disoriented shad. A flounder will eat just about anything that presents itself, but flounder are opportunists and by default of nature, it is the shad that presents the most opportunity. Keeping with the idea of fishing the concentrations of shad, anglers should not hesitate to venture into the cuts coming out of the main bay. This also includes cuts that penetrate the marsh along the Intracoastal Waterway. There are some terrific spotss along the Intracoastal just behind Rollover Pass that are pressured very little. Rollover is a major migration point for flounder and it makes perfect sense that many of the fish stop in these cuts instead of venturing far into the bay. These areas have the potential to produce some truly big flounder. It's a little known fact that the largest flounder in a bay system will most often be caught in deep water and the Intracoastal is pretty much the deepest thing going in the Galveston complex. Also, if the tide is high, working over the unique systems that are created by stands of roseau cane can put fish in the boat. A lot of anglers concentrate solely on the mouths of these bayous and more often than not, they catch fish, but by going into the cuts and looking for cane stands, they can step into a whole other realm of flounder fishing. Roseau cane has a very intricate rooting system, not unlike mangrove, which provides baitfish protection from predators. On high tides, the shad will seek refuge among the jungle of roots and the flounder wait patiently just a few feet away waiting for the inevitable escapee. Pitch a soft plastic lure like a DOA Terror-Eyez down a bank of cane on a high tide and you may find the saddle blanket fish you've been looking for. People have got to remember that flounder are lazy fish. If they can get what they need by just lying there and gulping up stuff, they're going to do it. Many a bass tournament has been won by fishing "new" structure, when a lake or river floods. Working a spinner or worm on this normally dry ground can produce good number of bass. Translate this technique over to flounder fishing and you might just surprise yourself. In Springtime, the Galveston Bay system often has very high tides. The baitfish hug the shoreline and can be seen playing in just a few inches of water. What few anglers realize is that on these high tides, flounder can be caught very as shallow as 3 or 4 inches of water. Watch for tails flopping in the shallows. If you see some shad come cruising along in a few inches of water and something hit at them, more than likely, it's flounder. Throw your bait at the edge of the shore and slowly drag it in. These moving flounder are feeding and will gladly gulp down your bait. This can be especially productive for landbound anglers in the Texas City area. I've fished this spot several times and have seen mullet, menhaden and shrimp being terrorized in inches of water. That was most likely flounder. On the far south end of the ecosystem landbound anglers can also taking advantage of the ship channel and key spots like Sea Wolf Park These are great spots to fish live mud minnows or finger mullet. You'll often have to fish in heavy current do don't be afraid to use heavy tackle. I like a 1/2 to 1 ounce eggs sinker rigged on a swivel attached to a 20 pound monofilament shock leader and hooks his bait through the lips. I like to work these migrational areas over very thorough. Making a good, long cast and dragging it all the way to the shore are important. Before I had a boat I caught many a flounder right at the shore, a spot that many overlook. Twenty years ago, a limit of big flounder on any Texas bay was a cake walk compared to what we have now. Old salts always talk of the way things used to be, but the proof is in the numbers. Ask anyone who fished for flounder in the 1960s and 70s and they will tell you that the fishing now pales in comparison. Coastal anglers from Sabine to the Laguna Madre are reporting skyrocketing numbers of trout and redfish, but fewer flounder than ever. Four years ago, changes were made in both Texas and Louisiana to conserve the southern flounder. Let us hope that the ball of change keeps rolling toward further conservatory measures like listing flounder as a sport fish and working to lessen the problem of shrimper by-catch. Recent figures show that 600,000 flounder where harvested by commercial and recreational anglers combined, whereas 1.5 million were taken due to by-catch. Something is wrong here. If you've never specifically targeted flounder, now is the time. It's a whole other world of fishing and one that I enjoy very much. I can't help to think how much redfish and trout have benefited from their popularity with sport fishermen. Maybe the same can happen with flounder. Flounder tip - When fishing light tackle, make sure that you drag is loose so you can play the fish. Never forget a landing net. Many flounder are lost at the boat because an angler left his net at home. Chester Moore's Favorite Recipe for Flounder: One of my favorite flounder recipe calls for scaling, gutting and heading the fish then basting it liberally with butter and garlic salt. Slice up a few onions and a clove of garlic and stuff the fish. Broil until done. To add more flavor, marinate your fish in Italian salad dressing in the fridge for one day before cooking. 我在这里收集了一堆信息,现在心里有谱了: http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t0/Fishing/31710067.html
个人分类: 钓鱼|2828 次阅读|26 个评论
分享 钓到了一条大比目鱼
热度 55 东湖珞珈 2012-12-31 14:17
今天顶着湍急的上涨的潮水,顶着二三十公里时速的大风,在圣诞湾里面,从东边的那个船码头下水,往CHURCHILL BAYOU方向划了差不多单程1.5公里。 本来是想钓REDFISH或者叫做RED DRUM(中国的大黄鱼的亲戚)的,结果红鱼没有钓到,钓到了一条大比目鱼。 收拾东西弄迟了,下午3点钟才到码头,吃惊的发现水位是如此之低,我来过好多趟了,还从来没有看过这么低的水位。我可以直接把皮卡开下去,摆好了家伙之后,拖着KAYAK在很浅很浅的水里面走了好远才上船。 今天的风太大了,给吹的够呛,5点半日落,到六点半才划回码头,手脚冻的冰冷。这也是自找的,大冬天的玩水,能不冷么? 详情慢慢再说,其实主要是要介绍一下KAYAK FISHING。 现在还是先看图吧,相册在 http://www.aswetalk.org/bbs/home.php?mod=spaceuid=241do=albumid=1304
个人分类: 钓鱼|2322 次阅读|39 个评论


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