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分享 青花瓷中的广东式样(2)
热度 11 席琳 2012-8-21 11:51
2012-8-20 大凡世上的事,有人愿挨,就有人愿打,有需求也就有市场。 青花瓷中的广东式样,从一开始就广受北美市场的青睐,以至于成为美国早期历史的一部分。The most fashionable tables in the early American Republic were set with blue and white "Canton" ware, named for the great Chinese trading port from which it came. Recognized by the blue lattice border surrounding a variety of landscape scenes, this popular pattern inspired many European versions, most notably the English "Willow Ware." In America, Chinese blue and white porcelain was in demand well into the 19th century and has become part of the heritage of many American families. Blue Canton faithfully recaptures this centuries old tradition and taste. 美国人对广东式样青花如此的喜爱,以至于欧洲和美国的陶瓷厂家不惜血本,以现代贴花技术,对广式青花瓷大量复制,并精益求精。 先是英国佬,称其复制的广式青花为正宗老广:Made by Ashworth Bros. of Hanley, this is in their "Real Old Canton" pattern. The pattern was first made just after the first world war, is a copy of the 18th century Chinese export porcelain that was shipped to the western markets. 接下来是老美,直接到博物馆珍藏中去复制:A favorite with brides, Mottahedeh has produced fine porcelain dinnerware for over 75 years. The luxurious patterns and unique, elegant shapes are reproduced from china found in museums and historical societies. 以至于逐渐成为,美国现代之官方用瓷。Mottahedeh Company is a company in New York City that makes tableware。 The company has made porcelain for the President of the United States, the U.S State Department and the Diplomatic Corps。
个人分类: 拉拉杂杂|1617 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 青花瓷中的广东式样
热度 22 席琳 2012-8-10 12:34
2012-8-9 从道光朝开始,随着国力的衰退,外销青花瓷也从精致秀美的南京式样和柳树式样,一步步地堕落为粗旷简略的广东式样。 所谓的广东式样,就是当时(1820-1880年)的出口商荷兰东印度公司急功近利,把在景德镇烧制的瓷胎运到广东的海边作坊,召集当地的画家就近作画,低温焙烧,随时装船,大量运往美国和欧洲。 这种式样的瓷器普遍比较粗糙,文饰也是粗陋不堪,也许是为了要追求便宜的价格而牺牲了质量,因为当时美国市场已经有欧洲的贴花瓷器出售,因为是机械化制作,质量也好,并且文饰更符合西方人的口味,中国的青花瓷,从这一时期开始只能以廉价来打开销路。 据说自从道光以后,这类式样的瓷器质量是一天不如一天,到清末已经完全和普通粗瓷没有什么不同了。 不过也正因如此,我们才能有机会,在海外的寻常百姓家里,看到并触摸很多这种式样的青花瓷。 每一件,都与众不同,也都包藏了一段历史呢。
个人分类: 拉拉杂杂|1364 次阅读|6 个评论


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