


tag 标签: 军人


分享 中国军人~帅!
热度 12 苜蓿 2017-2-17 12:04
今天看到一个视频,怎一个帅字了得! http://www.miaopai.com/show/tWYztb-~0Y9AF-fQP0QYxQ__.htm
429 次阅读|4 个评论
分享 军人还是是心直口快,反正政客们是这么说的,我也这么说,难得糊涂。 ... ... ...
热度 13 寞洑 2014-9-16 11:29
http://www.airforcemag.com/DRArchive/Pages/2014/September%202014/September%2015%202014/Russia%E2%80%99s-Bloody-Nose-and-Ambiguity-in-Ukraine.aspx Ukraine has managed to give “Russia a bloody nose” since Russian forces invaded Crimea earlier this year, but it also has “lost almost an entire squadron of airplanes flying sorties in their own airspace,” said US Air Forces in Europe- Air Forces Africa Commander Gen. Frank Gorenc. Speaking at AFA’s Air Space Conference in National Harbor, Md., on Monday, Gorenc said the crisis in Ukraine “offers us a very valuable opportunity to look at a problem we’re going to have to deal with,” specifically “ambiguity.” He noted that US and NATO forces could not confirm the identity of the “little green men” operating inside of Ukraine at the beginning of the crisis. There also was “ambiguity” around who possessed and was firing advanced surface-to-air missiles. “We have an airliner that was shot down,” said Gorenc, referring to Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, which crashed in July killing all 298 people on board. “ We still don’t really attribute who did that and why ” he said. Gorenc also noted that one-third of Poland’s airspace falls inside the range of Russia’s integrated air defenses. “That’s an interesting concept, particularly considering one airliner already was shot down in Ukraine,” said Gorenc. He added, “We’ll have to account for this contested airspace to make sure we have air supremacy and air dominance” in the future. 驻欧空军(USAFE)司令盟军中央欧洲空军(AAFCE)司令弗兰克·戈伦茨日前在演说中提到:到底发射了先进的地对 空导弹存在极大不确定性******我们真的不能确定谁做的和为什么。(等等,不是十万二十万分地肯定是大毛发射的导弹吗?) 军人还是是心直口快,把政客糊弄内部人员的的话,直接搬出来,他咋能不知道真相!
784 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 德国军人的工资收入。
热度 30 fcboliver 2014-7-21 03:19
德国自从2011(?)年取消征兵制后,入伍的新兵越来越少。为了吸引年轻人加入军队,政府只有使出加薪的招数了。 以下是军队有代表性的各阶层的税前月收入(欧元): *注:因为有些德语的军衔与中国军衔不能等值,所以我用了北约的军衔等级互换。 1.新兵(Rekrut in Grundausbildung):1920。新兵指以大学硕士以下学历入伍的,正在进行3个月入伍基础训练的菜鸟。 2.列兵(Gefreiter):1954. 3.下士(Oberstabsgefreiter) : 2189. 4.中士(Stabsunteroffizier): 2042. 5.上士(Oberstabsfeldwebel):3192。 6.上尉(Hauptmann):3007. 硕士学历的入伍者在经过入伍训练后能直接取得上尉军衔。 7.准将(Brigadegeneral):8726。 8。将军(General):12481。 除了基本工资外,军人还能从不同的军种和高强度任务中获得补助。 比如: 战斗机飞行员:953。 潜艇兵:230。16个月后再加215。 特种部队:900。 海外部署:每天30到110。 其实算下来跟其他的工薪阶层也差不多,而且没有所谓的特权。看来想要解决兵荒这个难题,国防部还需另出高招。 注:文中图片出自德国国防部官网,维基网和spiegel.de。
3399 次阅读|11 个评论
分享 印度载有18人基洛级潜艇起火:大量军人跳入海水逃生?
热度 44 抱朴仙人 2013-8-14 12:40
看了这条消息,第一个想法是:基洛级潜艇怎么才载18人?这也太先进了吧 第二个想法是:载了18人的潜艇起火,大量军人跳海逃生。再大量也超不过18人呀,难道记者是我大不识数党党员,数到18就手指头脚趾头全用完了,随身计算器数据溢出? 仔细看看新浪报道: http://news.sina.com.cn/w/2013-08-14/104827945942.shtml 原来是大量军人跳海逃生,艇内还困住了18人。 不知道基洛潜艇到底有多少艇员,只是觉得这个说法还不算离谱。
1632 次阅读|13 个评论
分享 《侦察兵》经典片段 你们的炮是怎么保养哒 ...
热度 5 gordon 2012-5-4 08:01
816 次阅读|10 个评论


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