


tag 标签: 疫苗


分享 热死还是冻死?
热度 40 landlord 2016-3-25 00:29
真不是洗地,真就是这么巧。 去年加州连锁医院PAMF的疫苗冷藏出了问题,一年多以后才发现,有4000多小孩需要回来重打防疫针。为啥说巧呢?俺家俩娃的所有疫苗都是PAMF给办的。除了啥问题呢?嗯,比要求的温度低了几度。不是大事吧?真巧低这几度就冰点以下了,有些疫苗就“冻僵”了。。。 为啥正好是俺家医院,这么巧。俺就动了个心思,放狗一查,额滴神啊。居然有调查说是高达75% 疫苗运输环节中曾温度过低! 另,国内这次是温度过高。。。 http://www.vbivaccines.com/wire/freezing-cold-chain/ PATH’s analysis revealed that, during transport, the occurrence of freezing temperature exposure was 16.7% in developed countries and 35.3% in developing countries. During storage, the occurrence of freezing temperature exposure was 13.5% in developed countries and 21.9% in developing countries. Notably, exposure to freezing temperatures occurred in both resource-rich and resource-limited settings, and the differences were not significant. In the six studies analyzed by PATH that measured temperatures longitudinally through multiple sections of the cold chain, more than 75% of the vaccine shipments were exposed to freezing temperatures , indicating a potentially widespread failure to properly maintain the cold chain.
个人分类: 胡说八道|258 次阅读|15 个评论
分享 求证一下,美国打个狂犬病疫苗要1.2万刀???
热度 9 silentdarkness 2014-8-4 23:55
1611 次阅读|15 个评论
分享 终于把五针狂犬病疫苗都打完了
热度 27 洗心 2014-1-10 18:44
587 次阅读|8 个评论


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