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分享 学习厦门好榜样
热度 21 绿梧桐 2017-3-31 10:01
偶们大广州不愧是一线城市啊。昨天卖了8块地,收获了190亿,其中包括一个楼面地价5万的地王, 今天就学习厦门出台限卖政策了。果然是城里人套路深啊。不知道买了地王的时代地产会是什么表情呢?
81 次阅读|3 个评论
分享 为 “西点军校学雷锋” 道歉 (转)
gordon 2016-4-1 22:27
1981年愚人节,某外电发“消息”,称西点军校学雷锋,唱“学习雷锋好榜样”。新华社记者李竹润把它写进文章。美国西点军校学雷锋传遍全国。 李竹润发微博称:坊间流传多年的美国“西点军校学员学雷锋”一事子虚乌有,自己就是这个假新闻的“二传手”,向这些年被误导的读者郑重道歉! ********************************************************************************** 这也是很诡异的一个事情。 按道理,“西点军校” 和 “学雷锋” 是八竿子打不着的事情 但是就是能 凑合到一块儿,形成一个新闻,并且你还信了。 呵呵 ********************************************************************************** 兄弟们,“新闻传播” 谁有研究
122 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 杂记-2015-06-05吵架
热度 75 柴禾儿妞 2015-6-6 01:41
妞子最近不在家的时候稍多,俩孩子就养成了一堆臭毛病。其中最让人头疼的就是随地扔衣服。。。大概是从三个月前开始的,每天俩孩子屋里的地上一堆衣服,有的是穿过的,有的就是根本没有穿过的。。。怎么说怎么屡教不改。。。妞子真怒了,前天正告孩子:再扔地上,衣服就直接进垃圾箱了。结果偏偏就有敢顶风作案的那个,蜜果儿居然又挑衅地把衣服扔地上了。。。妞子一脸严肃地一边批评,一边狠狠地把衣服塞进了垃圾箱,蜜果儿也傻眼了。估计那衣服蜜果儿不喜欢,反正俩孩子衣服也多倒是。结果今天早上,蜜果儿又把衣服落地上了。这回是她最喜欢的衣服,眼瞅着被妈妈没收,就要进垃圾箱了。。蜜果儿急的痛哭。疼孩子心切的柱子求情,结果被妞子骂了一个劈头盖脸:“要不是您这做大人的没有起好榜样,您自己衣服扔地上的话,孩子能学么?!”柱子居然不干了,胆肥了啊,开始跟妞子争论,怎么妞子就太厉害,太虎了,太不顾孩子感受了,怎么就强迫孩子学一堆东西bla bla的。。。妞子逐条反驳,加上指责。。。柱子气的啊,一是他不占理,二是说不过,三是事实胜于雄辩,妞子就是对的。。。但是争论时间过长还是差点影响到了俩个孩子上学。 中午,柱子率先给忙得不可开交的妞儿电话:“亲爱的,我们公司今天餐厅关了,咱俩要不吃饭去?”跟柱子多年,太熟悉这个道歉的套路了,妞子多知道给自己家男人台阶啊:“好啊,好啊,但是今天周五,中午老大学校餐厅是不开的。要不咱们三一起吃个饭吧?”柱子那边吭哧了下,知道今天酝酿半天的温馨甜蜜二人世界的午餐泡汤了。。。一下从意大利高档餐厅直接掉到路边摊了。。。 接好孩子以后,在约好见面的快餐店里,柱子深情地搂抱着妞子,略表爱意地轻抚后背。。。切,早知道自己不对,干嘛非得跟我较劲啊?!妞子轻微撇了下嘴。 然后妞子表情严肃略带警告地注视着柱子,发出“以后还敢不敢了?!还听不听我的了?!”的信号,柱子心知肚明地赶紧谄媚眨眼表示“不敢了,不敢了。听您的,听您的。”大人大量的妞子当然要宽厚地表示了原谅柱子的冒犯。 晚上,被大赦的柱子早回到家,又特意带妞子出去吃号称全城最好吃的冰激凌店。。。可惜啊,不长记性的人,难道又忘了妞子不能吃太多凉东西了么。。。唉,柱子啊柱子,您啥时候才能再进步呢?。。。
1925 次阅读|35 个评论
分享 教育: 学习德国好榜样
热度 12 洗心 2013-11-2 23:55
村长谈南非的教育,我跟风谈谈德国的教育。 不过我是懒人,不是自己写的,抄FT 的。 “德国模式”为大西洋两岸所瞩目。美国政商界意识到,仅靠州之间在税收上的竞争并不是长久的成功之道,美国应借鉴德国强大竞争力的秘诀:教育体制。与德国相比,美国的劳动力显得“既技能不足,又教育过度”:一方面350万空缺岗位找不到合适员工,一方面大量拥有学位的的哥和门卫在为偿还学生贷款而发愁... Why the US is looking to Germany By Edward Luce When asked by Tony Blair for the secret of her country’s resilience, Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, said: “We still make things.” It is a question you often hear in the US nowadays. It would be an exaggeration to say Germany is back in fashion. There is too much disapproval of Berlin’s handling of the eurozone crisis for that. Yet when it comes to the labour market, the US is suffering from a rising case of “German envy”, as one analyst puts it. “People are continually asking me how we do it,” says Eric Spiegel, the US chief executive of Siemens , which has the distinction of being cited by Barack Obama in his last two State of the Union speeches. Getting a “shout out” from the US president may sound trivial – although executives at unuttered competitors, such as General Electric, do not see it that way. But Mr Obama was only repeating what was being widely said by many business leaders and trade unionists in the US. “Can we replicate the German model?” asks a centrist Democratic senator. As a package, the answer is no. Germany channels roughly half of all high-school students into the vocational education stream from the age of 16. In the US that would be seen as too divisive, even un-American. More than 40 per cent of Germans become apprentices. Only 0.3 per cent of the US labour force does so. But with the US participation rate continuing to plummet – last month another 496,000 Americans gave up looking for work – many US politicians are scouring Germany for answers. It is turning into something of a pilgrimage. Rick Snyder, the Republican governor of Michigan, and John Kasich, Republican governor of Ohio, have both recently toured vocational academies in Germany. The German embassy in Washington has even set up a programme called the “skills initiative” to cater to all the questions from the heartlands. “The US is not a developing country so we don’t need to send teams of technical advisers into the field,” one German diplomat said. “We are just trying to respond to the curiosity about the German model.” The longer the US recovery continues, the more that curiosity increases. The US faces a deepening mismatch between what its labour market needs and what the education system is producing. There are two sides to this paradox. First, the US is underskilled. It has high unemployment at a time when there are 3.5m job vacancies, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Some economists argue that the US “skills gap” is imaginary – a shortage of engineers would have shown up in salary inflation, which has not happened. The average hourly cost of a US manufacturing worker is $32. In Germany it is $48. Yet US employers insist the shortage of skilled labour is a growing problem. US states tend to outbid each other with tax breaks. This works well for casinos. But many states, such as Michigan and Ohio, are realising that what desirable investors most covet is skilled labour. According to the OECD, the US comes last out of 29 countries in terms of the work readiness of its high-school leavers. And 46 per cent of those who go to college fail to complete their four-year degree within six years. “Getting a tax holiday does not make up for having a bad business plan, it just delays the pain,” says a senior US executive at Daimler, the German carmaker, which has several US plants. “If you have a good plan, what you are really looking for is good people.” Second, the US is overqualified. Almost half of Americans with a degree are in jobs that do not require one, according to a study by the Center for College Affordability and Productivity. Fifteen per cent of taxi drivers in the US have a degree, up from 1 per cent in 1970. Likewise, 25 per cent of sales clerks are graduates, against 5 per cent in 1970. An astonishing 5 per cent of janitors now have a bachelor’s degree. They must offer endless nocturnal moments to repent those student loans. Only at the top of the system do the labour and education markets mesh well. PhDs and postgraduates are the only US category to enjoy rising incomes, often dramatically so. For a company such as Siemens, which has 60,000 American employees and recently reintroduced train manufacturing to the US (in a plant near Sacramento), the answer is simple. The US needs to rejuvenate its community colleges, which offer two-year vocational degrees but are often starved of funds. And it needs to fall back in love with apprenticeships. Benjamin Franklin started off as a printer’s apprentice in Boston. Many US trade unions, such as the pipe fitters and boilermakers, used to train their own. Perhaps they should remember their history. Siemens, meanwhile, is angling for a third Obama mention. The group recently had 2,000 applications for 50 vacancies in North Carolina. Only 10 per cent passed the aptitude test. At a cost of $165,000 an apprentice, Siemens is training six local high-school leavers in “mechatronics”, a hybrid of mechanical engineering and computer science. These are robot supervisors. The company hopes apprenticeships will catch on in the US. It graduates 10,000 a year in Germany, a country that seems to have fewer problems with the underskilled or the overqualified. “There is a great potential for the reshoring of manufacturing to the US,” Mr Spiegel says. “But if companies have problems finding qualified people, a lot of it won’t happen.”
918 次阅读|4 个评论
分享 扛起男人的责任——学习河蚌好榜样
热度 24 gordon 2012-9-8 07:04
河蚌在记录里说,为啥俺对中国好声音没有一点感觉呢? 一句话,醍醐灌顶,不禁自己打了个激灵。也映衬出自己这一段的工作态度,浮漂,做事沉不下来。 真正的 居家好男人对 中国好声音这样的节目,是没有什么感觉 的,只想 今天好好休息休息,明天还有活干呢。 河蚌,真男人。
699 次阅读|11 个评论
分享 果然:学习雷锋有成效 立竿见影向天笑
热度 27 樱木花道 2012-6-23 00:02
学习雷锋好榜样 小小好事不放过 上周 坐公交车,共计给三个老大妈 让座三次, 实验室替同事吸有毒气体二次, 买东西 别人多找的钱没有要一次(曲线拾金不昧)。 好人好报, 这不,花道今晚居然还约到软妹子看电影了,哇咔咔! 马达加斯加3 虽然没有拉到手,好歹也要到了别人手机号码,我自哈哈向天笑。 早上跑去东区音乐公园成都大舞台cos里面晃悠 果然没有白晃悠。 本来 这种3 天假期 是花道这样的光棍最恨的,过去都是三三制 度过:三个上午懒觉 三个下午篮球 三个通宵游戏。 果然听了大湿胸的教导:多学雷锋 多攒人品 就是有效。 真是人品在手,天下我有。
545 次阅读|11 个评论
分享 “六一”儿童节之学习领导好榜样
热度 2 gordon 2012-6-1 17:30
保持耐心,什么事都要慢慢来,问题是一个一个解决的。 真磨练人的意志啊,呵呵 做事要心平气和,待人主动热情,工作严肃认真,忌浮躁烦躁,情绪大起大落,缺乏领导才干。 要始终保持一种良好的工作心态,注重自己的说话方式和语气。 感觉自己还是有点稚嫩啊,小鸡娃,呵呵呵
506 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 学习雷锋好榜样
热度 1 gordon 2012-3-1 15:43
我们最先衰老的从来不是容貌,而是那份不顾一切的闯劲。 —— 屹名 专职为雷锋拍照片的宣传干事张峻回忆说, 沈阳军区为了塑造这个典型,专门为雷锋成立了拍摄小组和日记指导小组。两年多时间里,拍摄照片300多张,平均每三天一张。这就是 “雷锋做好事不留名只留照片和日记”的真实内情。 而真相被大量揭穿,却是民众在最近几年获得有限的网络自由之后。 深度对话: 雷锋在照片里的形象都是很会摆姿势的?是刻意的还是他自己摆的? 张峻: 因 为雷锋爱照相,也会照相。雷锋擦车的照片,他能摆出这样的造型和表情都不是受我启发的。他就像是个充满阳光的孩子。当时《前进报》总编觉得雷锋“苦大仇 深”,所以才开始树立起“忆苦思甜”的典型。在雷锋的典型被“挖”之后,我们收到了上级要给他办一个学习毛主席标兵展览的通知。要办展览就必须要有照片, 但现有的照片都已经变旧了。商量之后,我们就决定将雷锋童年那部分无法补拍的素材画成幻灯。 深度对话: 您给他补拍照片是通过怎样的方式? 张峻: 有好多是我拍的照片,百分之百都是现场抓拍。这些照片在拍的时候,我就特别注意画面和光线。虽然有些照片是“抓中摆”(按照一定的姿势摆出造型),但是照片都是现场拍的。 像 雷锋擦车那张照片,我给他拍了9张。他平时就很爱护他的车,都是一个人擦。如果说他从来没有擦过车,那我拍的他在擦车的照片就是假的了。拍这张照片的时 候,我还专门用了一辆前面有“解放”两个字的国产车,其实雷锋平常擦的车是苏联产的“嘎司51号”,因为当时雷锋报告里写到:“我的母亲就是党,解放后我 有了家”,要特别拍出“解放”后雷锋的形和神,所以换了辆带有“解放”字眼的车。
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