2016-11-7 耶鲁大学建筑学院的第一任女院长已经走马上任了,关于她的传说数不胜数: Berke did not attend an Ivy League school and does not have a graduate degree in architecture. She has two bachelor's degrees, including the extended undergraduate bachelor of architecture degree from the Rhode Island School of Design, sufficient for licensure. Her graduate degree, from City University, is a master's in urban design. Since its creation in 1916, the college has been led by white men (most Yale graduates), but Berke follows a 100-year legacy of the school's being led by building architects, rather than academicians. In the past 15 years, a generation of women has risen to lead in academic architecture schools, perhaps slightly behind some realms of higher education, including law, but ahead of others, including science. About half of the students in architecture are women, but under 20 percent of American Institute of Architect members are women. Berke was quick to note that of the six Ivy League schools with architecture programs, her appointment brings to four the number that will be led by women. Women are underrepresented in the architecture profession — that is a shame and needs to change," Berke said. "But so are racial, ethnic and socioeconomic minorities not represented in architecture. That is an equal problem and addressing that will be part of my mission at Yale. I’m deeply honored to be the first female dean of the Architecture School, but I tend to look at it more broadly, which is to say that while I’m a female dean at Yale, there’s a female dean at Princeton, a female dean at Columbia and there recently was one at Penn, Berke said. What we’re seeing is a real acknowledgement of women’s progress in architecture by the number of female deans across the country. Deborah Berke was selected as the first recipient of the University of California, Berkeley’s College of Environmental Design inaugural 2012 Berkeley-Rupp Architecture Professorship and Prize The Berkeley-Rupp Prize will be awarded biannually to a distinguished practitioner or academic who has made a significant contribution to promoting the advancement of women in the field of architecture, and whose work emphasizes a commitment to sustainability and the community. Among the notable aspects of her career that particularly impressed Berkeley-Rupp Prize nomination committee is Berke’s commitment to public service in her contributions to the field of urban design and architecture outside of her practice and teaching, as well as her approach to sustainability . Additionally, the committee was impressed by Berke’s focus on the character of place, its members noting that she holds strongly to the belief that architecture must be of the “here and now”—grounded in its place and time, connected to its physical situation, shaped by its location.
16-9-24 在帮妹妹选学校,看到很多人在质疑为什么普林斯顿大学的建筑学专业在全美和世界的排名那么低?还看到一个来自澳洲的小孩面临和姐姐去年一样的艰难选择,只不过是姐姐所选的动漫专业在USC确非MIT和常青藤大学可比,不知道USC的建筑学专业之强,远没有独步天下。 问题:I got my decisions a few days ago and now I have a pretty big decision. On one hand I have USC, with a trustee scholarship (full tuition) and on the other Princeton (with financial aid about the same as the trustee). USC has a strong arch program, while Princeton's is pretty unknown and I can only elect to move into it after my sophomore year. Also, I live in Australia and have only visited USC and have never been to Princeton so I don't really know what its like. So I was wondering what do you guys think? Any advice would be great! 网友们给的解答虽然也五花八门,但大都觉得普林斯顿应该不比USC差。 Let me tell you something, a smart fella such as you will regret for your decision of not attending Princeton. There's one guy named Daniel on architect who has already feel sorry for himself for not studying literature at Harvard or Yale despite the fact that he has a 3.96 GPA at USC. Curriculum at USC is well-structured and it leads to a professional degree. Whereas the undergrad at Princeton is a typical liberal arts education with stellar professors and equally brilliant students. Again, if you are not sure you can handle the pressure of learning from the finest, please choose USC then. Otherwise, Princeton is better than USC in all aspects except its snowny winter. A diploma from Princeton will open more doors than the one from USC.It's brutal, but it is reality. Personally, I know a Fulbright Scholar who got her BA in Architecture and Chinese from Princeton and then she went to Harvard GSD for an advanced degree. Two weeks ago, there were some architecture students who submitted their transfer applications to Cornell, Notre Dame and Rice, because they don't like what the have learned at USC. Kids from public schools tend not to have the access to the best and the brightest,which also hinders heir development. For architecture, exposure and crystallization of information are two important factors to determine whether a person can be lived to his best. Academically speaking, USC is not at the same caliber as Princeton. To add a few bonuses for attending Princeton, the job offers and academic resources rival that of Harvard. I might be biased here, social Darwinism teaches us to get rid of competitions and be ahead of everybody else. Princeton is a place which fits that notion perfectly whereas USC is not. Plus, I am a student at USC, my first hand experience is that my classmates have a wide range of intellectual capacities, ranging from the future Rhodes Scholar candidate to the intellectually impaired. I think this situation will least likely to happen at Princeton. the experience you'll get attending either usc or Princeton will be very different, largely because usc will be much more studio intensive and princeton will give you a much more well rounded education. I won't disagree with much of what has been posted already, but I would just ask; how professionally focused are you? If you want to get out of undergrad and begin working in the field with the option of heading off to graduate school in a few years, then USC is the way to go. Princeton's program is really a general education degree with an emphasis on architecture, and will require three years for a masters degree. You may be able to work in an office, but you will be limited by just two years of studio. However there is more to a Princeton degree than just professional advancement. It is one of the great universities in the world, and it is hard to underestimate what four years at Princeton could provide you with. My daughter wants to be an architect, got accepted to the arch schools she wanted, but when Stanford accepted her she decided she could put off architecture school. She is studying product design, and seeing the opportunities she is being given I think she made the right choice. It would be hard to say no to Princeton. Architecture draws on so many skills -- creative, analytical, communication, evaluative. Four years at an institution like Princeton would only make you a better architect. It is, however, a long journey and finance is a very real consideration. My son will be around 30 by the time he's licensed and he has friends from his highschool class who will be practicing architects by the time they're 25! To me looking back from the advantage of old age, 30 sounds like a fine age to begin a career, but I can understand the anxiety. If Princeton accepted you they will help you succeed. The resources are tremendous. You will be challenged yes, but you will be challenged by the whole world of knowledge. At the end of the day, if you don't like what you find there, you will be able to transfer. The Princeton name will never hurt you. USC is a wonderful opportunity and I don't mean to say that it isn't, but the choice between architecture 24/7 and a liberal arts education is a valid consideration and you can be successful either way. I currently go to USC for architecture, but if I had to be in your situation, I'd choose to go to Princeton. It's Princeton! It's practically the number one school in the world. Check USC products like Richard Gage AE911.org. Princeton products either lack courage or not allowed to think. 可是这个澳洲小孩最终还是选择了USC学建筑。 Thanks for all the advice. I still havent committed 100% but despite most peoples opinions, im leaning towards USC. A mix of financial considerations (USC trustee will last for 5 years whereas Princeton financial aid will last for 4 but then my masters if and when i choose to do it, I'll have all this stress again!), the fact that ive been to USC and moving countries but at least knowing the area to which im going is a bit comforting and also that, as lowly as it might seem, im not sure im up for the challenge of Princeton, with the calibre of the students and the varied classes I would be taking and struggling to master. I think I would rather the studio atmosphere which ive kinda of been setting myself up for.
致一部日趋狗血、渐趋无法直视的美剧。。。 1 现代性的城市 “现代性”是什么?也许什么都不是。人们在发展之中,将最基础的概念慢慢变化,时间与空间,不断演化,演化为马克思式的“用时间消灭空间”之类杀气腾腾的句子。 当然,它们谁也没能消灭谁,只是,在欲望推动下的技术,还是让时间和空间不断地被改变,这一改变的速度不断被加剧,仿佛末日(天堂)的倒计时的滴答声日益频密。而加速这一切的空间工具,也许就是城市。 因为城市孕育着多样性,创造性,规模效应……一切的欲望被汇集于此,然后彼此激发,爆裂了整个城市,然后从城市出发,扫荡了一切…… 2 seattle grace hosptial :在此交汇 我理解中的美剧具有典型的城市感,快节奏,高语速,大信息量,激烈的情节转折……只有疯狂的城市才能孕育这样疯狂的美剧。 这种疯狂一如城市中的诸多空间,例如超市,例如学校,例如医院…… 超市以物质之名汇集了城市的欲望,学校之中,则遍是荡漾着因为无需珍惜而廉价的荷尔蒙,被课程、恋爱与游戏消耗……那么医院呢? 因为对死亡的恐惧,而将生存的欲望在此交汇。 3 交汇与放大 死亡是一个终结。是一个你必须解决问题的节点。在此,你再无退路,你再也没有明天。你的成功与失败,就在此刻揭晓, 是的,这里是你改变人生所有前提的地方。 所以,你的所以关系在此交汇,而且,他们都需要一个答案,而且,因为死亡的确定性,它将一切结果放大。 放大到占有你的全部。 放大到可以看到你精神中的每一个毛孔的构造。 不需要再伪装,不需要再期望,你终于可以真实地面对自己,放弃一切的庸常,去追随自己最珍视的东西…… 这一切形成了人性的激流,一切的爱恨情仇在此交汇然后激荡在无数的冲突之中。剧集中那些极端的人格,既是剧情的需要,也许也是面对死亡的必然,极端是因为放大,而被放大的,是被日常所遮蔽的,真实的心灵。 4 旁观者们 病人们因为死亡而确认了自我,那么那些作为旁观者的医生们呢? 他们因为旁观,因为间接性的体验而改变了自己的人生。 他们是 seattle grace hosptial 中,被那股放大激流所卷席着,不由自主的追随者。 生与死的责任,他者人性的极端展示,转入与他者关系中的自我……这一切转化为无穷无尽的工作时间,而无穷信息量刺激下的不断应激…… 这其实很像规划师的角色,作为城市的旁观者,却对于城市有着无法回避的责任,看着城市无尽的光怪陆离,又将自己几乎全部的时间投入到不断应对的任务中…… 这就是旁观者的命运,不可摆脱,生死纠缠,自我的时间如树下的光影一般支离破碎,自我的精神亦如是…… 5 性作为救赎? 也许我想说的是感情,感情是生命的救赎。 它虽然可能是摧毁你的整个生活,但是它也是拯救你的自我的唯一途径。 因为它能够无中生有地制造快乐与痛苦。 是的,无中生有,因而无法捉摸。 I hold them on my hands. I , am a heart man.So this, I am sure you are my partner...my lover...my very best friend. …… I promise you to lay my heart in the palm of your hands, I promise you, me. 这是 Burke 准备的婚礼誓言,一个心脏手术专家将自己的心交到别人手上,这样的誓言,在手术台上,其实对于感情隐喻。 只有放弃,才能获得。 而放弃让一切只能留给期望。而 Burke 又在开始说, I am not optimistic and I am not hopeful. 你说你不是乐天派,那你又要谈什么期望? 没有什么能够救赎。我们又必须不断救赎。 6 医生与建筑师 假如明天即是末日,你有哪些遗憾? 没有,因为你所做,只能是在非死亡的预期下,对于自身资源的最优化的分配。 所以,以死亡的名义思考,并无意义,无非是将预期缩短而已。 嗯,写到这里,其实我写的是关于《 Grey's Anatomy 》的一些玩意,第四季的最后一幕,是 Meredith 用蜡烛在地面上画出了未来和Derek共同生活的房子的平面图,这里是厨房,那里是育儿室……在城市远景之下,是点点烛光映红的笑靥,是那个深爱着的,克服了童年悲剧不断成长的女人, Meredith 那时时带着悲伤的眼睛,如镜面一样反射着烛光,和你的眼神…… 这一切犹如美好的理想像烈焰般燃烧,将 seattle grace hosptial 中一切黑色的潜流燃烧殆尽…… 和医生这个职业相对的,也许是建筑师。 医生指向以前,解决你以前的不良生活带来的问题。 建筑师指向以后,为你的未来提供梦想。 面对死亡,面对不确定的未来,我们所做的最好的事情也许就是建筑。用实实在在的空间,去承载梦想,抵御严寒。一砖一瓦地去建筑,不管你的未来是 1 天、 1 年还是 100 年,让你的蓝图,一点一点地实现。