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分享 这是传说中的“黑名单”
热度 29 灯火辉煌 2015-5-27 22:49
1014 次阅读|10 个评论
分享 【功德行为】jeffreybeall教授的学术期刊出版社黑名单(开放存取) ...
热度 1 苏双 2014-6-6 10:49
个人认为,高版面费开放存取 = 骗钱。连PLoS ONE, nature communication,哼哼,哼哼,今天天气不错啊。 美国知名教授 Jeffrey Beall 从 2009 年开始涉足学术开放存取( Open Access )出版问题研究,近年来不断更新开放获取期刊出版社的黑名单,提醒作者谨慎投稿和参与编辑或编委。 2013 年 10 月 14 日 更新的黑名单包括 439 家期刊 / 出版社。更多信息请访问: Beall’s List: Potential, possible, or probable predatory scholarly open-access publishers ( http://scholarlyoa.com/publishers/ )。 LIST OF PUBLISHERS Beall’s List: Potential, possible, or probable predatoryscholarly open-accesspublishers This is a list of questionable, scholarly open-access publishers.We recommend that scholars read the available reviews, assessments and descriptions provided here, and then decide for themselves whether they want to submit articles, serve as editors or on editorial boards.The criteria for determining predatory publishers are here . We hope that tenure and promotion committees can also decide for themselves how importantly or not to rate articles published in these journals in the context of their own institutional standards and/or geocultural locus. We emphasize that journal publishers and journals change in their business and editorial practices over time. This list is kept up-to-date to the best extent possible but may not reflect sudden, unreported, or unknown enhancements. A M Publishers Abhinav Academe Research Journals Academia Publishing Academia Scholarly Journals (ASJ) Academic and Business Research Institute Academic and Scientific Publishing Academic Journals Academic Journals and Research ACJAR Academic Journals Online (AJO) Academic Journals, Inc. Academic Publications, Ltd. Academic Research Journals Academic Research Publishers (ARPUB) Academic Research Publishing Agency Academic Scholars Publishing House Academic Sciences Academic Star Publishing Company Academic World Education Research Center AcademicDirect Academicians’ Research Center (ARC) Academy Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC) Academy Journals Academy of IRMBR International Research in Management and Business Realities Academy of Knowledge Process Academy of Science and Engineering (ASE) Academy of Science and Social Science (ASSS) Academy Publish Access International Journals ACT Publishing Ada Lovelace Publications Advance Research Publications Advanced Research Journals Advanced Scholars Journals Advanced Science and Engineering Technology Institute (ASET) Advanced Science Research Journals Advancement and Development in Technology International (Aditi) AENSI (American-Eurasian Network for Scientific Information) African Research Review (AFRREV) AgiAl Publishing House Aizeon Publishers Akademik Plus Publication American Academic Scholarly Research Center (AASRC) American Association for Science and Technology (AASCIT) American Research Institute for Policy Development American Research Publications American Scientific Research Journals American Society for Science and Engineering American Society of Registered Nurses American V-King Scientific Publishing Annex Publishers ANSINetwork Antarctic Journals Aperito Publications Apex Journal Apex Journals – Apex Journal Applied Science Innovations Archers Elevators Publishing House ARPN Journals ASD Publisher ASDF Journals Ashdin Publishing Asian Academic Research Associates Asian Economic and Social Society (AESS) Asian Online Journals Asian Research Consortium Association of Computer Electronics and Electrical Engineers (ACEEE) AstonJournals Atharva Scientific Publications Atlas Publishing, LP Austin Publishing Group Australian Academy of Business and Social Sciences Australian International Academic Centre Pty. Ltd. Avens Publishing Group Avestia Publishing Avicena Publisher Basic Research Journals Bell Press Bentham Open Better Advances Press Biohelikon BioInfo Publications BioIT international Journals Biological and Chemical Publishing BioMedSciDirect Publications Bioscience Research Educational Institute Blaze Journals Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering Sciences Publication Blue Ocean Research Journal s BluePen Journals Bonfring Bowen Publishing Bret Research Journals British Association of Academic Research (BAAR) British Journal Business Journalz (BJ) Business Perspectives Canadian Center of Science and Education Canadian Research Development Center of Sciences and Cultures see CSCanada Canadian Science and Technology Press Inc. Cardiology Academic Press Center for Enhancing Knowledge (CEK), UK Center for Promoting Ideas Center for the Development and Dissemination of Knowledge Central Research Insight Centre For Info Bio Technology (CIBTech) Centre of Excellence for Scientific Research Journalism (COESRJ) Centre of Promoting Research Excellence (CPRE) Cloud Journals Columbia International Publishing Comprehensive Research Journals Computer Science Journals CONFAB Journals Congress Press Contemporary Research Center (CRC), Australia Cosmic Journals Cosmos Scholars Publishing House Council for Innovative Research CREST Journals Crown Journals CSCanada Cyber Journals David Publishing Deccan Pharma Journals D eNovo Scientific Publishing Design for Scientific Renaissance Direct Research Journals DISA Publication Group (DP Group) Discourse Journals Discovery Publishing Group DRUNPP Sarajevo (Society for Development of Teaching and Business Processes in New Net Environment in BH) e-journal (shankargargh.org) e3Journals Earth Journals Ebioscholar eCanadian Journals Econjournals Edorium Journals EDUGAIT Press E-International Journals of Academic Scientific Research (EIJASR) E-International Scientific Research Journal Consortium (E-ISRJC) EISRJC Journals (E-International Scientific Research Journal Consortium eJournals of Academic Research Reviews eLearning Institute Electronic Center for International Scientific Information Elewa Bio Sciences Elite Research Journals Elmer Press ELVEDIT.COM Elyns Publishing Group Emerging Academy Resources (EAR) Engineering and Technology Publishing Engineering Journals (Engg Journals Publications) Enliven Archive Erudite Journals Limited ESRSA Publication – Engineering and Science Research Support Academy ETA Maths Journals Euro Asia Research and Development Association EuroJournals European-American Journals ExcelingTech Publishing Company, Ltd. Far East Research Centre Ficus Publishers GBS Publishers Distributors (India) Genexcellence Publication (G Publications) Global Advanced Research Journals Global Institute for Research and Education Global Journals, Inc. (US) also here Global Openaccess Global Research Journals Global Research Online Global Research Publishing (GRP) Global Researchers Journals Global Science Research Journals Global Scientific, Inc. Global Technocrats Intellectual’s Association (GTIA) GlobalOpenJournals.org GlobalSkope Publishing Society Green Earth Research Network Green Global Foundation (GGF) Greener Journals Growing Science Publishing Company Herald International Research Journals Herald Scholarly Open Acces Herbert Open Access Journals Hikari Ltd. Hilaris Horizon Research Publishing Human and Sciences Publications (HumanPub) Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (HRMARS) IAMURE Multidisciplinary Research IBIMA Publishing IJRCM iMedPub = Internet Medical Publishing Impact Journals Imprints Open Access Indian Society for Education and Environment (ISEE) IndianResearchJournals.Com Indus Foundation for Education, Research Social Welfare Infinity Press Infonomics Society Inforesights Publishing Information Engineering Research Institute (IERI) Ingenious Enterprises International (INGENIN) Innovare Academic Sciences Innovative Journal Innovative Space of Scientific Research (ISSR Journals) INPRESSCO (International Press Corporation) INREWI Insight Knowledge Institute for Research and Development India (IRD) Institute of Advanced Scientific Research Institute of Doctors Engineers and Scientists (IDES) Institute of Electronic Information Technology Institute of Language and Communication Studies Institute of Research and Journals (IRAJ) Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors (IRED) Institute of Strategic and International Studies InTech Open Access Publisher - Mirror site Integrated Academic Journals Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR) Integrated Publishing Association Integrated Science Publications Intellectual Archive Intercontinental Electronic Journals Interdisciplinary Publications Interlink Continental Journals Intermedcentral International Academic Journals International Academy of Business Economics International Academy of Science , Engineering and Technology (IASET) International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (International ASET) International Advances for Research International Association for Engineering Technology International Association for Engineering and Management Education (IAEME) International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT Press) International Association of Journals Conferences (IAJC) International Association of Scientific Innovation and Research (IASIR) International Association of Technology Education Industry International Center for Business Research International Centre for Integrated Development Research (ICIDR) International Centre of Culture Inventory International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering International Digital Organization for Scientific Information (IDOSI) International Educative Research Foundation And Publisher International Foundation for Modern Education and Scientific Research (INFOMESR) International Foundation for Research and Development International House for Academic Scientific Research International Indexed Refereed Research Journal International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE) International Institute of Informatics and Systemics International Institute of Scientific Industrial Research International Invention Journals International Journal Publishers Group International Journals.co.in International Journals of Engineering Sciences International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research Academy International Journals of NN Global Technology (IJNNGT) International Journals of Research (INTJR) International Journals of Research Papers (IJRP) International Journals of Scientific Knowledge (IJSK) International Journals of Scientific Research Publications (IJSRPUB) International Journals of Scientific Research (IJSR) International Knowledge Sharing Platform SEE International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE) International Network for Applied Sciences and Technology International Network for Natural Sciences (INNSPUB) International Network for Scientific Industrial Information International Online Knowledge Services Provider (IOKSP) International Organization of Scientific Research (IOSR) International Publisher for Advanced Scientific Journals (IPASJ) International Recognition Multidisciplinary Research Journals, Monthly Publish International Recognition Research Journals International Research E-Journals International Research Journals (Accra, Ghana) International Research Journals (Lagos, Nigeria) International Research Organization of Computer Science (IROCS) International Scholars Journals International Science Research Journals (ISRJ) International Science Congress Association International Scientific Academic Corporation International Scientific Engineering and Research Publications International Scientific Publications International Society for Zoological Research (ISZR) International Society of Thesis Publication (ISTP) International Society of Universal Research in Sciences (EyeSource) InternationalJournals.co.in Internet Medical Publishing Internet Scientific Publications Interscience Journals Interscience Open Access Journals iProbe Group IRED International Journals IROSSS (International Research Organization of Sciences and Social Sciences) ISISnet ISPACS (International Scientific Publications and Consulting Services) Ivy Union Publishing Jacobs Publishers JET Publishing Journal Issues Journal of Comprehensive Research JournalsBank JScholar Journals JSciMed Central Jyoti Academic Press Kaleidoscope Journals Kamla Raj Enterprises (KRE Publishers) KEJA Publications Key Research Journals (KRJ) Kindi Publication Knowledgebase Publishers KnowledgesPublisher Knowledgia Scientific (formerly Knowledgia Review) KY Publications Landmark Research Journal Lecolink Research Journals Leena Luna International Lifescience Global Lighthouse Journal Publication (Lighthouse Journals) Literati Scientific and Publishers (Literati Publishers) Longbridge Publishing Company Lorem Journals Macrothink Institute Management Education Research Consortium Global (MERC Global) Management Journals Marsland Press Mary and Sam Research Academia Maryland Institute of Research MASAUM Network Maxwell Scientific Organization MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute) MedCrave Medical Science Journals Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research (MCSER) Medwell Journals Meghana Pubilcations Mehta Press Merit Research Journals MNK Publication Modern Research Publisher Modern Scientific Press Moksha Publishing House Muhammadon Centre for Research and Development (MCRD) Multidisciplinary Journals Mustang Journals Narain Publishers Pvt. Ltd (NPPL) National Social Science Association (NSSA) Natural Sciences Publishing Corporation Nauk Publication Net Journals New Century Science Press New Ground Research Journals New World Sciences Academy Nexus Academic Publishers (NAP) NobleResearch Publisher Non Olympic Times North Atlantic University Union Noto-are Novel Science Novus Scientia Journals Nuclei Online OA Publishing London Oceanic Journals OMICS Publishing Group Ommega Publishers OneCentral Press Online Journals Management System (OJMS) Online Research Journals Open Access Library Open Access Science Research Publisher (OASRP) Open Research and Science Library (ORSlib) Open Research Network Open Research Society Open Science OpenAccessPub ORIC Publications Ozean Publications Pacesetter Online Publishers Pak Publishing Group Panacea Research Library PBS Journals Peak Journals Peertechz (Peer Teechz) Pelagia Research Library Pencil Academic Press Pharma Intelligence Pharma Publisher Pharmaceutical Research Foundation Pharmacognosy Network Worldwide PharmaInfo PharmaInterScience Publishers Pharmascope.org (JK Welfare Pharmascope Foundation) Photon Foundation Pinnacle Journal Publication Praise Worthy Prize Premier Publishers Prime Journals Pristine Research Journal Publications (PRJP) Priyanka Research Journal Publication Progressive Academic Publishing, UK Progressive Science Publications ProJournals (Professional Journals) Prudence Journals Purple Journals Quazzy Journals Quest Journals R S Publications Recent Science RedFame Publishing Research Academy of Social Sciences (RASS) Research Alert Journals Research and Reviews (An International Journals) Research Media Ltd. Research Online Publishing (RonPub) Research Publish Journals Research Publisher Research Trend Research WebPub RG Education Society (RG Journals of Scientific Research) Rising Vision (RV) Ross Science Publishers RS Publication Sacha International Academic Journals Sai Om Publications SAMANM Group of Research Publications (SGRP) Sapient Press SAVAP International Savvy Science Publisher Scholar Journals Scholar People Scholar Science Journals Scholarlink Resource Centre Limited Scholarly and Academic Research Journals (SARJ) Scholarly Journals Scholarly Research Journal’s Scholars Academic and Scientific Publishers (SAS Publishers) Scholars Research Library ScholarsHub.net Scholink Sci Edit Publications SciDoc Publishers Sciedu Press Science Knowledge Publishing Corporation Limited Science Academy Publisher Science Alert Science and Education Centre of North America Science and Education Publishing Science and Engineering Publishing Company Science and Technology Publishing Science Education Foundation Science Explorer Publications (explorerpub.com) Science Instinct Publications Science Journal Publication (SJP) Science Park Journals Science Publications Science Publishing Corporation Science Publishing Group Science Q Publishing Group Science Record Journals Science Target Science Web Publishing ScienceDomain International ScienceHuβ Scienpress Ltd. Scientific Academic Publishing Scientific Advances Publishers Scientific and Academic Publication Scientific Journals Scientific Journals International Scientific Online Publishing Scientific Perspectives Publishing (Scipers) Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP) Scientific Viewers Scigmoid Sciknow SciTechnol ScottishGroup Education and Testing Services Scribes Guild Segment Journals SETScholars Seventh Sense Research Group Journals Signpost e Journals Silicon Valley Publishers SJournals Sky Journals Smart Science Technology SmartPub (International Academy of Energy, Minerals and Materials) Smith Franklin Academic Publishing Corporation Society for Science and Education United Kingdom (SSE-UK) also called Society for Science and Education Society for Science and Nature Society of Business Research Society of Engineering Science and Technology (SEST India) Source Research Journals South Asian Academic Research Journals Southern Cross Publishing Group Sphinx Knowledge House SPIRI The Global Research Spring Journals Standard Global Journals Standard Research Journals STM Journals Stringer Open Suryansh Publications Swiss Journals Symbiosis (Symbiosis Online Publishing) Synergy Publishers TS Journal PUblications Takshila Technical Journals Online Technopark Publications Textroad Journals Thavan E ACT International Journals The Center for Innovations in Business Management Practice The Clute Institute The Economics and Social Development Organization (TESDO) The Global Journals The International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA) The International Journal Research Publications The Science and Information Organization (SAI) The Standard International Journals TI Journals Time Journals Tomas Publishing Topclass Global Journals Trade Science, Inc Trans Stellar (Transstellar) Transaction Series on Engineering Sciences and Technologies Transcontinental Publishers Transnational Research Journals (formerly Universal Research Journals) TSPublications U.S. Science Press Unique Research Journals Universal Association of Computer and Electronics Engineers (UACEE) Universal Association of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineers (UAMAE) Universal Research Group Universal Research Publications UniversityPublications.net Valley International Journals VBRI Press Vernon Innovative Publishers (Vernon) Victorquest Publications VRJ Publishers V SRD International Journals Watch Plus Webcrawler Journals We-Together to Save Yourself Society Whites Science Wilolud Journals Wireilla Scientific Publications World Academic Journal of Business Applied Science s (WAJBAS Publishing) World Academic Publishing World Academic Union World Academy of Research and Publication World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) World Business Institute Also here: http://www.wassco.org/ World Journal of Publisher (WJP) World Journals of Academic Advances World Open Access Journals World Research Publications World Scholars World Science Publisher World Science Research Journals (WSR Journals) World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) World Standard Organization Wudpecker Research Journals Wyno Academic Journals Zeal Scienza Realm of Erudition Zia World Press Last updated June 2, 2014 Appeals: If you are a publisher and would like to appeal your firm’s inclusion on this list, please go here .
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分享 日本政府近期扩大了对华禁售高科技产品技术名单
gordon 2014-4-8 03:58
日本政府近期扩大了对华禁售高科技产品技术黑名单,禁售涉及航空航天、生物制药、精密仪器等高科技行业,名单中多为中国高校、研究机构及企业,范围之广令 人震惊。---我们国家几时静过心去研发过新技术,整天想的就是进口,每次访问欧美都希望人家放开对高科技技术出口限制。 ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× 有一个好消息是,资金可能要向中国流入了,呵呵 坏消息是,这一拨QE 过后,世界将会进入加息周期。 我以前的猜测是对的,《一连串事件对中国都很不利》老文里,我说 美国科技股下跌很奇怪,现在明白了,是美国不想加息,加息损害实体经济。 ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× 日元QE 廉价的资金都跑到美国进行套利交易了。 美联储暂不考虑加息,套利交易就会受到影响,股市就开始下跌,而且速度远远超过上涨期间。 现在这些套利资金啊,又有一个新地方,就是中国,呵呵。 利用好这些资金进行 产业转型,升级 —— 是重中之重。 来的好,正缺钱呢,嘿嘿 扩展阅读: 一连串事件对中国都很不利,说实话 http://www.aswetalk.org/bbs/blog-663-38693.html
347 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Mozilla,麦卡锡主义和好莱坞黑名单
热度 49 Dracula 2014-4-5 00:46
Mozilla的CEO,Brendan Eich昨天辞职。Eich是Mozilla的创建人之一,一个多星期以前才刚被任命为CEO,网上就传出消息他在2008年加利福尼亚同性恋婚姻公决Proposition 8 中捐了1000美元给反对同性婚姻合法化的一方。2008年时,加利福尼亚以多数通过Proposition 8,禁止同性婚姻合法化。但是过去几年,美国人对同性婚姻的态度发生了翻天覆地的变化。现在同性婚姻合法化已经是大势所趋,得到大多数美国人的支持。去年最高法院以技术原因,推翻了Proposition 8。但是Eich 2008年的捐款在同性婚姻的支持者看来,已经是其人品的极大污点,用他们的话说,表现了他对同性恋人群的仇恨。Mozilla的一些员工要求他辞职,更严重的是,网上开始组织对Firefox的抵制。最终在巨大压力下,Eich昨天选择辞职。 从我在网上读到的,Eich的辞职得到网上不少自由派和支持同性恋婚姻者的欢呼。但是这也让我联想到了麦卡锡主义时期好莱坞的黑名单。1948年开始,美国众议院的非美活动委员会(HUAC)开始调查美国共产党在好莱坞的活动。一批被怀疑是共产党员的编剧被传唤到国会作证,主要问题就是他们是不是共产党员,这10个人以第一宪法修正案的言论自由、结社自由为依据,拒绝回答问题,以藐视国会罪进了监狱。在American Legion等保守组织抵制影片的压力下,好莱坞将这10个人上了黑名单,他们出狱后也没法找到工作。1950年到1953年,黑名单越来越长,最终有300多人,最有名的名字包括卓别林,小说家Dashiell Hammett, Arthur Miller等,都是因为被怀疑是共产党员或共产主义的同情者,一直到1957年,黑名单的影响才结束。今天我们知道好莱坞10人都是美共党员,其中Dalton Trumbo后来写自传的时候提到他在写剧本的时候,经常加进许多对苏联友好,歌颂苏联的部分。 自由派历来对麦卡锡主义对言论自由的践踏痛心疾首,而好莱坞的黑名单是他们最集中攻击的目标。但是Brendan Eich的遭遇,同好莱坞10人相比我觉得更不公平。美国共产党在三四十年代大量从事间谍活动,而且对30年代苏联大清洗和集体化时的血腥屠杀一味粉饰。而2008年时,加利福尼亚超过半数的选民同意Eich的看法,连Obama也说他不支持同性婚姻合法化,他也就是在前年才evolve到废除don't ask, don't tell的立场。自由派历来支持美共党员有坚持自己信仰的自由,认为黑名单是对言论自由的践踏。但是在Eich问题上却180度大转弯,表现出的虚伪和不宽容让我齿冷。对异己意见的不宽容看来是人的天性,在民主国家就很容易发展为多数的暴政。
1459 次阅读|24 个评论


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