美国感恩节将至,发日志庆贺。 不知道有几个人认识这照片里的老哥 William Shatner? 肯定有人看得眼熟,对了,Star Trek, Boston Legal, 自己去Google吧。老头跌宕起伏酸甜苦辣的一生就不说了。 这个感恩节老头亲自出马使用Youtube和Twitter替保险公司State Farm吆喝,帮助大家了解美国感恩节某臭名昭著之陋习-油炸火鸡的危害,和万一hold不住时的正确操作。老头这是现身说法:他前几年因为hold不住,把自己的房子给烧了。 1: Avoid oil spillover--don't overfill the pot. 2: Turn off flame when lowering the turkey into oil. 3: Fry outside, away from the house. 4: Properly thaw the turkey before frying. 5: Keep a grease-fire-approved extinguisher nearby. 完整的视频在此 祝美国的爱吱声朋友节日愉快!
2011-11-13 中国人说,种瓜得瓜种豆得豆,好人好报,美国人说,good reputation carries。语言不一样,但意思都差不多。 信则斯言。 看美国早期(1860-1938)100家图书出版商的历史,比较Grosset Dunlap和Hurst Company这两家出版商的发展历史,一个重视质量,用最好的纸张印刷,和个性化的封面设计,公司至今仍在。另外一家公司偷工取巧,用最便宜的纸张印刷,作虚假广告,到1919年的时候,公司就已经灰飞烟灭,无影无踪了。 1- Grosset Dunlap , New York, 1898- Alexander Grosset met George T. Dunlap when both worked for American Publishers Corporation. When that firm went bankrupt in 1898, they formed a partnership, took over stock and set up at 11 East Sixteenth. Grosset managed business, Dunlap was traveling salesman (working briefly for Rand, McNally). Made business from putting paperback copies in hardcovers for sale at $.50. Among "The Good Value Books": A series of 12mos of distinctive character and appearance, comprising seventy-two judiciously selected titles, endorsed by the foremost critics and approved by generations of readers. / These standard works of sterling value and abiding interest are printed on fine book paper, from new large type, and handsomely bound in cloth with strikingly artistic individual cover designs. They are confessedly superior to any series issued at a similar price, and should not be confounded with the host of ordinary "popular price" lines. / These beautifully produced books possess all the features of "leaders," and are unmatched for excellence, variety and selling quality; and equal in appearance and make-up to books at double their price. 2- Thomas D. Hurst , an electrotyper, began this firm in 1871 by reprinting books in his shop on Nassau Street, in New York. Like Worthington , his specialty was clothbound standards in twelvemo, and he was among the first to make this kind of low-priced popular book. From his Argyle Press, which turned out books bearing his imprint, came a flood of volumes and the famous pirated edition of Britannica which Henry Allen and his associates published in 1886. Another of Hurst's popular successes was his "Cameo Edition," containing, as he said, "all the Best Works of the Great Poets." Prospective purchasers were told in advertisements that they were getting books "tastefully printed and bound in the best English cloth," but in fact they got badly printed, indifferently bound books printed on the cheapest paper. Even among the reprinters, Hurst did not stand out as a bookmaker. Hurst was another Lovell acquisition in 1890. He leased his plates to the United States Book Co. on a royalty basis, and when it failed, they reverted to him, and he resumed publishing on his own. Lucile 's 100 American Publishers, 1860-1938,事情虽小,却是一个造福人类的壮举。网址: http://sdrc.lib.uiowa.edu/lucile/PUBLISHR.HTM
2011-10-10 看中国店免费赠送的大纪元时报9月29日新闻,知美国佛罗里达州移民和海关执法部50岁的顶级执法官员,意大利裔的曼周尼(Anthony Mangione)因涉嫌发送和接受未成年人从事色情交易的图片而被捕,罪名和前一阶段我们公司设计部的邓肯总设计师一样(邓总因为超过三天没到公司报到,已被公司炒了鱿鱼)。据说如果罪名成立,而且数罪并罚,曼周尼和邓总将被判高达50年的监禁。而且出狱后,还要上未成年人性犯罪的黑名单。 下面是有关曼周尼的新闻报道:The head law enforcement official for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in South Florida, Anthony Mangione, has been indicted in federal court on counts of transporting, receiving, and possessing child pornography. The indictment came down on Tuesday and was unsealed earlier today following his arraignment in West Palm Beach in front of Circuit Judge James Hopkins. The charges of transportation and receipt both carry a five-year mandatory minimum prison sentence and a maximum 20-year sentence. The possession charge carries a maximum sentence of ten years. In addition, Mangione will face supervised release after leaving prison and will have to register as a sex offender. The FBI and BSO are collaborating on an ongoing investigation while a case is built against Mangione. According to the FBI: This case was brought as part of Project Safe Childhood, a nationwide initiative launched in May 2006 by the Department of Justice to combat the growing epidemic of child sexual exploitation and abuse. Led by U.S. Attorneys' Offices and the Criminal Division's Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section (CEOS), Project Safe Childhood marshals federal, state and local resources to better locate, apprehend, and prosecute individuals who exploit children, as well as to identify and rescue victims. Mangione is currently in custody at the Broward County Main Jail in Fort Lauderdale.