先看看Feb 21 2016,CNN关于peter liang的报道: 一共484条,最新的是2月20号东部时间下午7点48分,记者ray sanchez,在网上发表了大约1000字左右的文章。然后最新的新闻就是二月11号的宣判!关于华人游行的就这一条!只有文字报道没有视频! 再来看看fox, 最新的消息是二月十号梁被起诉的新闻,关于这次游行没有任何报道。这篇新闻用心读一下就会发现其明显的倾向性。 The indictment comes after mass protests and calls for reform of the grand jury system nationwide following a Staten Island grand jury's refusal to indict a police officer in the chokehold death of Eric Garner and a Missouri grand jury's decision not to indict an officer in the death of Michael Brown. Rynecki said the shooting was unjustified, regardless of whether it was intentional. "This is the first step for justice," he said.(Rynecki 是控方律师) Liang, for reasons unclear, also had his gun drawn, police said. He was about 10 feet from Gurley when, without a word and apparently by accident, he fired a shot, police said. 字面上看差不多都是蛮中性的词,但是通篇读下来不被引导到警察和梁彼得的对立面的怕是很少了。字里行间都是这样那样的小花样,和龙应台一个模子的行文风格。 我们这次动员了差不多10万人在30个城市同时上街游行,他们还是选择忽视,那么好吧。我们就用选票说话吧,现在正是美国选举,有同胞得到机会的话就问问候选人对这个问题的看法。然后用选票说话!看看他们能忽视我们到什么时候?