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分享 Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (Cover by Tiffany Alvord)
热度 1 gordon 2012-10-25 11:43
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNDQwMjk4MDI4/v.swf Tiffany Alvord 的配饰不错,女孩们可以买一点。 呵呵,我总是关注一些不相干的。 Justin Bieber 的风格是另一种味道,两个都听一听吧
220 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 今年最喜欢的圣诞歌曲
热度 11 喜欢就捧捧场 2011-12-17 08:55
http://media.irondj.net/mix/file/12520/Mistletoe_20-_20Justin_20Bieber.mp3 小小子唱得很不错 Justin Bieber - MISTLETOE It’s the most beautiful time of the year Lights fill the streets spreading so much cheer I should be playing in the winter snow But I'mma be under the mistletoe I don’t want to miss out on the holiday But I can’t stop staring at your face I should be playing in the winter snow But I’mma be under the mistletoe With you, shawty with you With you, shawty with you With you under the mistletoe Everyone's gathering around the fire Chestnuts roasting like a hot July I should be chillin' with my folks, I know But I’mma be under the mistletoe Word on the street santa's coming tonight, Reindeer's flying in the sky so high I should be making a list I know But I’mma be under the mistletoe With you, shawty with you With you, shawty with you With you under the mistletoe With you, shawty with you With you, shawty with you With you under the mistletoe Eh, love, the wise men followed the star The way I follow my heart And it led me to a miracle Eh love, don't you buy me nothing I am feeling one thing, your lips on my lips That's a very, merry Christmas It’s the most beautiful time of the year Lights fill the streets spreading so much cheer I should be playing in the winter snow But I'mma be under the mistletoe I don’t want to miss out on the holiday But I can’t stop staring at your face I should be playing in the winter snow But I’mma be under the mistletoe With you, shawty with you With you, shawty with you With you under the mistletoe With you, shawty with you With you, shawty with you Shawty with you, under the mistletoe Kiss me underneath the mistletoe Show me baby that you love me so-oh-oh Oh, oh ,ohhh Kiss me underneath the mistletoe, Show me baby that you love me so-oh-oh Oh, oh ,ohhh
757 次阅读|2 个评论
分享 提问题的人,外一章Justin Bieber
热度 30 到处停留的叶子 2011-11-22 00:32
昨天晚饭的时候,我们聊到了三文鱼,然后聊到了wasabi,然后我问,芥末这个词语是指这绿色的膏状或者粉末状的东西,那么出产它的植物是叫什么? 女儿想了一想,说,提问题的人一般分成三种:“第一种是不知道答案,想从别人那里知道答案的;第二种是自己知道答案,想告诉人家答案的……”她停下来去喝汤。 我哈哈大笑,问,第三种呢?她喝了一口汤,貌似很高兴的看了我一眼,继续讲下去:“第三种,是不知道答案,不过也无所谓人家是否会有答案的,其实是在问自己。妈妈是第几种?” 我说,我不知道答案,不过知道你们也不知道答案。她点点头,归纳说,那妈妈是第三种。 最近小妞很喜欢这样子总结事物,一个多礼拜前她们曾经有一堂音乐课,老师让他们分组讨论最喜欢的艺术家、艺人,pop流行乐组人是最多的,classic古典音乐人最少只有一个人,于是她去了classic那一组,于是她们有了两个人,那人问,你最喜欢谁,女儿说,巴赫,那人说,我也是。于是两个人讨论完毕。 我说那你们多无聊,等着人家讨论结束。女儿说,嗯,另外几个组吵得很厉害,不过我也不无聊,我发现了一件事情,那就是世界上的人大概可以分成三类,第一类是非常喜欢Justin Bieber的,第二类是(hate)痛恨Justin Bieber的,第三类就是不知道谁是Justin Bieber的。我是第三类。
个人分类: 写字的乐趣|163 次阅读|13 个评论


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