1. @国家电网 #雅安地震# 【救援】截止14时,国家电网四川省电力公司已恢复用电负荷980兆瓦,220千伏雅名二线送电正常,雅安天全县城区电网供电正在恢复中。 #雅安地震# 【救援】最新消息:失去通讯联络的“孤岛”雅安宝兴县已经联系上!电力设备受损严重,目前正使用发电机保障政府、医院等重要单位用电。 #雅安地震# 【救 援】截至20日16时,国家电网四川电力公司已调集抢修人员840人,抢修车辆102辆,应急发电设备发电车12辆,发电机55台,容量4450千瓦,大 型抢修机械2台。这些抢修力量中,已有600人、83辆抢修车抵达灾区开展救援,12辆发电车、56台发电机和2台大型抢修机械也已全部投入到灾区电力抢 修中。 比起桑迪飓风后一两个月有的地方电网还没有恢复, 国家电网挺威武的。 四川加油,雅安挺住,芦山平安!逝者安息 2. 捷克驻华盛顿使馆发表正式声明, 俺们和车臣没关系。 美国人的地理啊 http://www.mzv.cz/washington/en/czech_u_s_relations/news/statement_of_the_ambassador_of_the_czech.html As many I was deeply shocked by the tragedy that occurred in Boston earlier this month. It was a stark reminder of the fact that any of us could be a victim of senseless violence anywhere at any moment. As more information on the origin of the alleged perpetrators is coming to light, I am concerned to note in the social media a most unfortunate misunderstanding in this respect. The Czech Republic and Chechnya are two very different entities - the Czech Republic is a Central European country; Chechnya is a part of the Russian Federation. As the President of the Czech Republic Miloš Zeman noted in his message to President Obama, the Czech Republic is an active and reliable partner of the United States in the fight against terrorism. We are determined to stand side by side with our allies in this respect, there is no doubt about that. Petr Gandalovič Ambassador of the Czech Republic