安卡拉没有多少可玩的,但文明博物馆非常值得一去。这座造在山上的博物馆原来是奥斯曼时代的大巴扎,在凯末尔的建议下,成为文明博物馆。中华文明以源远流长而自豪,但安纳托利亚的文明历史更加悠久。这里向连接着巴尔干和更远的亚平宁半岛,这是希腊罗马文明的根据地;向南是巴勒斯坦和埃及,向东则是美索不达米亚和两河平原。在欧洲中心论的文明史里,“文明摇篮”(cradle of civilization)“肥沃的新月地带”(美索不达米亚到勒万特)、埃及、阿纳托利亚、亚美尼亚和波斯,印度河文明和黄河文明与“文明摇篮”的关系不是很清楚,还有就是美洲文明,这些可能是独立发展起来的。在安纳托利亚,人类的存在从10000万年前的Halaf文明到8000年前的Ubaide文明到4000年前的Hettite文明,一直延续到现在,博物馆里最老的文物有8000年历史。苏美尔人、Uruk人、巴比伦人、亚述人、波斯人也在这里留下了大量的印记,希腊、罗马文明“距今太近”,在文明博物馆里被挤到边边角角里去了。
I address the Turkish army whose record of victory started at the dawn of the history of mankind and which has carried the light of civilization in its victorious progress.
In you saved your country from oppression, tragedy and enemy invasion in the most critical and difficult times, I have no doubt that in the fruitful era of the republic equipped with all the modern weapons and means of military science, you will conduct your duty with the same loyalty.
Our great nation and I are sure that you are always prepared to carry out your duty of defending the honor of our country and our civilization against any danger, from inside or outside.
加里波利之战成为三个国家的立国之战:澳大利亚和新西兰从英国的海外省成为独立国家,惨烈的战斗唤醒了澳新人们的族群意识,很大一部分来自对伦敦的失望和不再信任。如今ANZAC精神依然是澳新的立国精神,ANZAC的全称就是Australian and New Zealand Army Corps,也就是澳新军团。
Those heroes that shed their blood and lost their lives, you are now lying in the soil of a friendly country. Therefore rest in peace. There is no difference between the Johnnies and the Mehmets to us where they lie side by side here in this country of ours. You the mothers who sent their sons from far away countries, wipe away your tears, your sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace. After having lost their lives on this land they have become our sons as well.