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Lesbians earn more than heterosexual women

热度 7已有 1351 次阅读2016-2-16 02:30


EVERYONE knows that labour markets are not fair. Whether it is skin colour, gender, or some other characteristic, minority groups tend to fare worse than the one group that, at least on average, seems to live life with the "easy" setting on: white, well-educated, men. For every dollar earned by a white non-hispanic man in full-time work, the average white woman in America earns 78 cents, and an average Latina woman only 56 cents. Gay men are no exception to this: even knocking out the influence of factors like education and experience they earn less on average than straight men, by around 5% in France and the UK, and 12-16% in Canada and America. But one minority group seems to do better than others: lesbians. Why?

Research into this area is tricky; getting decent data is hard, and asking people to reveal their sexual orientation can be even harder. But studies across the world (in Canada, America, Germany, Britain and the Netherlands) tend to uncover the same phenomenon; while gay men suffer an earnings penalty, gay women seem to earn more than straight women. In a survey of 29 studies published in January 2015, Marieka Klawitter of the University of Washington found an average earnings premium of 9% for lesbians over heterosexual women, compared to a penalty of 11% for gay men.

Establishing with certainty why this premium exists may be an impossible task, but various theories have emerged. One possibility is that lesbians might face positive discrimination, perhaps if employers expect them to be more competitive and more committed to work than their straight female colleagues. One study did find that in the (less heavily regulated) private sector the penalty for gay men was heavier and the premium for lesbians was larger, which is consistent with this theory. Another idea is that lesbians are responding to the gender of their likely partner. They might have to work harder to plump up household income in the absence of a male partner. Or, it could be that in same-sex couples women find it easier to shrug off expectations that they will take on the bulk of childcare or household chores. Same-sex couples do seem more likely to be dual-earners, even when there are children, and they also appear to share chores more equally than different-sex ones.

If the last mechanism is the one at play, then it could be that lesbians do face discrimination in the labour market, but just not as much as heterosexual women, and shows up as a wage premium. But lesbians are not a privileged group. Qualitative studies have found that they face discrimination in hiring processes relative to heterosexual women, and although they might earn more than straight women, they still earn less than men. Poverty rates among lesbian couples are 7.9%, compared to 6.6% among different-sex couples. Work is still predominantly a (straight, white) man’s world.










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回复 fish97 2016-2-16 05:07
回复 Dracula 2016-2-16 05:31
fish97: 这个调查应该包括父母的工资收入,因为我知道的很多同性恋(包括女同性恋)都是受过很好教育的人。多伦多平均收入最高的地区之一就是Rosedale,那儿有很多同性恋。 ...


关于你提到的同性恋成因的那个猜测,我觉得也未必有根据。我查了一下演艺圈里是lesbian的有名的几个人所在的中学,Jodie Foster上的是法语私立学校,Lycée Français de Los Angeles,是男女混校,而且她很小就拍电影,和同龄和成年的男性有很多接触。有的还有男女亲热的戏。Ellen DeGeneres 和 Rosie O'Donnell 我查了一下都是公立中学毕业,应该也都是男女混校的。
回复 fish97 2016-2-16 06:23
Dracula: 我不认为同性恋和高收入之间本身有什么因果关系。只是觉得这篇文章提到的这个现象挺有意思,就转帖过来。

这篇文章提到,lesbian的收入比异性恋高9%,但是男同 ...
回复 tanis 2016-2-16 06:35
Dracula: 我不认为同性恋和高收入之间本身有什么因果关系。只是觉得这篇文章提到的这个现象挺有意思,就转帖过来。

这篇文章提到,lesbian的收入比异性恋高9%,但是男同 ...
回复 Dracula 2016-2-16 07:18
tanis: 男同和女同比呢?


我粗粗看了一下,里面引的一篇论文提到在控制教育,种族,年龄,孩子数量等变量以前,lesbian收入比异性恋女性高26%,gay的收入比异性恋男性低7%。但是lesbian比异性恋男性低13%,由此计算lesbian比gay的收入低6%。文章里提到lesbian和gay都比异性恋的女性或男性教育程度高,但是没有给出控制这些变量以后,gay和lesbian的收入比较。因此lesbian和gay的收入到底谁高,我还是没搞清楚,我猜可能是gay 高一点吧。

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