海外逸士 发表于 2011-11-19 23:23:53



Plum Blossoms
By Wang Anshi

At a wall corner some plum trees grow;
Alone against cold white blossoms blow.
Aloof one knows they aren't the snow,
As faint through air soft fragrances flow.

海外逸士 发表于 2011-11-19 23:24:15



Fallen Blossoms
by Zhu Shuzhen

The blossoms on the twin trees in full bloom;
The jealous winds and rains shake them and toss.
Would that the King of Spring be ever in reign!
Don't let the blossoms drop and dot green moss.

海外逸士 发表于 2011-11-20 23:35:45



Thinking When Reading
by Zhu Xi

A half mu of square pond like an uncovered mirror;
In it, light of sky, shadows of cloud, both wander.
If asked how the pond can be so lucid and fresh,
Told that sources with flowing water replenish.

海外逸士 发表于 2011-11-20 23:36:09



On a Boat
by Zhu Xi

The vernal flood rising to river bank last night;
The colossal ships move as a feather, so light.
It seemed to waste energies to move them before,
But they go effortlessly in midstream just now.

海外逸士 发表于 2011-11-21 23:06:04


The Raven River
By Li Qingzhao

Be a hero when alive;
Be a martyr when die.
Think of Xiangyu now
Who refused to cross the river.

海外逸士 发表于 2011-11-21 23:06:28



Chant About Sticking a Flower
by Shao Yong

A flower sticking on head reflects in the wine cup;
Therefore, the cup of wine has a nice flower in it.
I've lived through peaceful days of double generation,
And have seen the heyday of four emperors' reign.
Moreover, my body and muscles still healthy and fit,
With a season of flowery scent in addition.
Since wine contains flower shadows and red hue in cup,
Drunk before flowers, then back home, how can I refrain?

海外逸士 发表于 2011-11-23 00:27:51



Written on an Inn Wallin LinAn
by Lin Sheng

Hills beyond green hills and buildings beyond buildings;
When will end on the West Lake singings and dancings?
The warm breeze intoxicates people for pleasure go,
Who taking City Hangzhou for City Bianzhou.

海外逸士 发表于 2011-11-23 00:28:18



A View from My Village Abode
by Fan Chengda

The green's all o'er the hills and white foam on the stream;
The cuckoos call amidst the smoke-like misty rain.
In the village in April very few people idle;
When silkworm breeding ends, the plowing starts again.

海外逸士 发表于 2011-11-24 01:16:40



A Fisherman On the River
by Fan Zhongyan

Happy is the man up and down the river,
About the beauty of perches he craves.
But, lo, yonder is a lonely little boat,
Tossed and torn by the winds and waves.

海外逸士 发表于 2011-11-24 01:17:08



On the Lake
by Xu Yuanjie

The red blossoms on trees in bloom with orioles chirping;
The grass grows by the smooth lake while egrets flying.
The sun shines, the breeze gently blows, and people enjoying;
How many boats return in sunset, fifes ‘n’ drums sounding?

海外逸士 发表于 2011-11-24 22:41:36



A Woman Silkworm Breeder
by Zhang Yu

When yesterday I went to town,
On return, my tears soaked my gown,
For those dressed in the silk so warm
Are not the breeders of silkworm.

海外逸士 发表于 2011-11-24 22:42:00



Late Spring
by Cao Bin

No one cares about the fallen blossoms outside the door;
Only the green shades of the trees spreading everywhere.
When the orioles in the forest emitting no more sound,
I alone listen to frogs croaking in the grassy pond.

山菊 发表于 2011-11-25 01:19:32

海外逸士 发表于 2011-11-24 09:42 static/image/common/back.gif



海外逸士 发表于 2011-11-26 01:03:51

Thanks, the same to you!



Visit The Garden When Host's Not In
by Ye Shaoweng

As hating so much on the lawn to have the prints of shoes
That oft at nine knocks out of ten the wooden door opens not;
But spring beauties all o'er the garden no one can enclose,
So outstretches over the wall a bough of red apricot.

海外逸士 发表于 2011-11-26 01:04:28



Autumn Moon
by Cheng Hao

The limpid creek flows past the verdant peak;
Sky and water in fall both fresh and clear.
Thirty miles away from the dusty world,
White clouds and red leaves floating far and near.

海外逸士 发表于 2011-11-26 23:55:47



On the Way to Sanqu
by Zeng Ji

It's fine everyday when the plum turns yellow;
I climb the hill as my boat's at the end of a rill.
And no less green shades than seen all the way I came;
For four or five times falls to my ear some oriole's trill.

海外逸士 发表于 2011-11-26 23:56:09



Out from Temple Jingci At Dawn
by Yang Wanli

The West Lake in June, when all is said and done;
For all the seasons ne’er the same is the scene.
The lotus leaves touching the sky in boundless green;
The lotus flowers specially red in shining sun.

海外逸士 发表于 2011-11-27 23:16:44



A Four-Line Poem
by Monk ZhiNan

A hooded boat is tied in shades of ancient trees;
A stick of Lamb's-quarters helps me o'er bridge to east.
The rain from apricot blooms almost wets my dress,
While feel no cold on face, through willows blows the breeze.

海外逸士 发表于 2011-11-27 23:17:29



Beginning of Autumn
by Liu Han

Young crows disperse, cawing, and empty are jade screens;
With a pillowful of fresh cool, a fanful of wind.
Waking up, the autumn sound nowhere to find;
Chinese parasol leaves all o'er steps in moon beams.

海外逸士 发表于 2011-11-28 23:34:52



A Reply To Ding YuanZheng
by Oyang Xiu

Spring wind's doubted ne'er to reach the remote regions;
The town on hills in February, no flowers yet seen.
Remaining snow pressing on boughs still hung with orange;
Wintry thunders startle bamboo shoots about budding.
At night hearing wild goose call, I have nostalgia;
Sickness into New Year, I feel for ev'rything.
We both were the guests under blossoms in Luoyang;
No need to sigh though wild flowers fade in evening.
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