TA的每日心情 | 衰 2024-4-28 07:27 |
签到天数: 388 天 [LV.9]渡劫
回复 平沙落雁 的帖子
平兄给个链接吧,我平常不上豆瓣,看了老兄的介绍,上去了也没找到。在下也想学习理解一下巴赫,可是老听《Solo Cello Suites》和《Jesu, Joy of man’s desiring》那些东西耳朵都出茧了。那巴老的《Well-Tempered Clavie》和《Arts of Fugue》实在是味同嚼蜡。
"Bach sucks because he was not a true composer. A true composer hears the music before he writes it. Bach composed using a mathematical system of numbers which he tought[sic] his students. After his death one of his students published a book “How to write a menuet[sic] with little or no musical knowledge”. Frankly, the result of his work is not musical, the opening bars always sound musical because he copied someone else’s melody, broke it down into numbers and wrote counterpoint from it. Handel did not even like Bach, because Handel wrote music. Anyone who does like Bach does so because they are told to. For a comparison, listen to music by Frescobaldi, Rameau, or Couperin, then listen to Bach. The difference? Something that is musical throughout the entire piece, and something that is musical for 10 seconds and quickly loses interest."