TA的每日心情 | 擦汗 2019-6-16 23:34 |
签到天数: 1277 天 [LV.10]大乘
本帖最后由 冰蚁 于 2014-5-29 10:58 编辑
MacArthur 发表于 2014-5-29 10:11 ![]()
看到他玩胰腺癌检测技术那一节我也觉着不用往下看了。。。如果他3美分的试纸那么好用的话,Mayo Center,MD ...
Jack Andraka 两次获重要奖项也是真的。但是critisim 也是有的,按wiki 介绍
Many of Andraka's claims do not stand up to rigorous peer-reviewed research. For instance, a 2011 article published by Sharon et al.[16] refutes many of Andraka's claims about specificity of using mesothelin as a biomarker for pancreatic cancer. Specifically, the group showed that mesothelin serum levels in healthy donors 0.58 (0.15 – 0.72) nmol/l were not statistically different from serum levels in pancreatic cancer patients 0.66 (0.52 – 0.94) nmol/L. In addition to this issue of false positives, George M. Church, professor of genetics at Harvard University, has raised concerns about the cost, speed, and sensitivity claims.[12]
None of Andraka's work has so far been published in a peer-reviewed journal.
心灵鸡汤的东西看你怎么用。这种文章大人小孩读读我不觉得有啥不好。家长素质高的,知道其中的trick,小孩以后发展暗中约束引导。大人不懂的,那学校社会上就要有一套机制去约束引导。后一种中国不够。 |