本帖最后由 晨枫 于 2013-11-25 14:08 编辑 9 j- u, x. G4 \: I
* `1 q' Y5 j6 L% ?4 k安倍已经声明,日本将不理睬中国的声明。换句话说,基本上可以肯定:他暗示的是日本军用飞机不会主动回答中国军用飞机要求日本飞机辨明身份的要求。另一方面,哈格尔的声明如下:; W) w: p$ H6 u2 J) e! _
, H3 u2 T8 B4 j( |$ V; Z
The United States is deeply concerned by the People's Republic of China announcement today that it is establishing an air defense identification zone in the East China Sea. We view this development as a destabilizing attempt to alter the status quo in the region. This unilateral action increases the risk of misunderstanding and miscalculations.
6 |; T1 r/ A9 t7 b
6 u# }: K+ }. P4 K"This announcement by the People's Republic of China will not in any way change how the United States conducts military operations in the region.
, k+ H7 |, P& u) t& h* g- O7 t
$ P" \- `3 x0 u1 @"The United States is conveying these concerns to China through diplomatic and military channels, and we are in close consultation with our allies and partners in the region, including Japan. 5 k: p& Y( ^$ R. N+ q8 H
1 Y7 G8 U6 c4 p* K( H! X
"We remain steadfast in our commitments to our allies and partners. The United States reaffirms its longstanding policy that Article V of the U.S.-Japan Mutual Defense Treaty applies to the Senkaku Islands.
+ U1 V `& D, P# c2 m/ y- h
; T: I5 i5 k7 f& S& N Y/ J唯一一句相关的话是:; A) m8 V1 a7 y$ y
中华人民共和国的声明不以任何方式改变美国在这一地区军事行动的方式。& S% K; G( U/ q+ |) f! A
/ w, P% R' p6 L但是他没有明确说美国军用飞机将不理睬中国要求辨明身份的规则。不改变可以有两种理解: w& E; t# { m8 y+ n: ?
5 c$ V5 w4 M8 u4 D! Z7 ~2、中国从来也没有在领海线以外要求过美国飞机辨别身份,所以确实也没有这个先例。美国理睬中国要求也没有改变美国一贯的做法:“本来就是准备理睬的,你从来没问。”9 m% L2 b, _1 l S
+ R1 F9 n A4 k0 ?: }* \
& C1 V9 e' I+ ]! |/ I; z6 Q* O: T: d3 K6 z
另外,在ADIZ里,标准程序是:拦截飞机接近是,首先亮明自己身份:“我是xx国空军战斗机,请辨明你的身份。”所以即使中日、中美之间,最终也只是一个形式问题,大家都要辨明身份的,差别是过去中国军用飞机是被要求辨明身份,现在就看谁先吼嗓门了。最后可能是聋子的对话:“我是xxx,你是谁?”对面也回答:“我是yyy,你是谁?”然后大家一遍一遍喊话,装作没听见对方的问话,然后一圈一圈互相兜圈子,直到谁首先没油了飞回去。 |