21日消息,加兰特对集结中的以色列部队说:“黎巴嫩边境局势正在升级,“真主党已决定加入这场战争并为此付出代价,我们必须警惕地评估每一种可能性,更大的挑战即将到来。”此时,以色列军队正在用白磷弹攻击南黎巴嫩的城镇。 ) X5 t* L8 t3 W阿克苏洪水行动后,十三天来,真主党加强与以色列的军事摩擦,零敲碎打地打死打伤以军300余人,击毁11辆梅卡瓦4,逼迫以疏散边境5万居民,放弃边境巡逻,系统性地压制了以色列对黎以边境的侦查、监控能力。* U T- f! X- E w1 z4 f* ? K
! [2 [- w# @/ EA U.S. official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said two rockets had been fired at U.S. forces at the airport. One was intercepted and the other hit an empty storage facility and there were no casualties, the official added.