TA的每日心情 | 慵懒 2022-8-27 22:14 |
签到天数: 351 天 [LV.8]合体
本帖最后由 老财迷 于 2023-5-29 22:25 编辑
你给出的是“据尼尔森报告(Nilson Report)网站,2022年,美国Visa卡的银行卡交易额为141090亿美元,而中国银联支付系统的银行卡交易额为162270亿美元”,我看了下,https://www.azerbaycan24.com/en/ ... ions-nilson-report/ 用的是这个数字,但写的是:
According to the study, UnionPay’s share of debit card transactions reached 40.03% in 2022, while the share of Visa transactions was around 38.8%. The volume of settlements made through UnionPay cards was also bigger, reaching $16.227 billion against Visa’s $14.109 billion。
银行卡片一般分为借记卡(Debit Card、储蓄卡)、贷记卡(Credit Card、信用卡)。
从图中看,Debit Card、储蓄卡的交易额,银联大于VISA(160>155);而Credit Card、信用卡的交易额,银联还小于VISA(53<87);总交易额,银联还小于VISA(213<242)。单位应该是10亿美元?
https://sputnikglobe.com/2023052 ... ues-1110753409.html 用的是上图中的数字。
China’s UnionPay has edged out Visa to become the number one debit card in the world, accounting for $40.03 of every $100 in transactions (compared to $38.78 for Visa) in 2022, according to new figures by credit and debit card industry monitor Nilson Report.
UnionPay debit card payments reached $160 billion last year, compared to $155 billion for Visa and $85 billion for MasterCard.