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  • TA的每日心情
    13 小时前
  • 签到天数: 3128 天


    发表于 2020-6-6 22:56:20 | 只看该作者
    柏林墙 发表于 2020-6-6 09:20! n+ [5 a; ^2 U. C# }; d5 e! F
    观网看见时候就想讨论,HGV热特征可不小啊,跟中短程弹道导弹没有数量级差别3 o$ r' ^( s9 G+ `3 v( O) X% ]
      M6 U5 ~# [' p$ c) r7 M就是老毛 ...
    9 T+ v  a5 A* q; P! _4 V
    速度太快,看到了也无法追踪无法拦截。而且,在事先不知道轨迹的情况下,连看到都不容易, 不知道在哪儿可以等到这个导弹。
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     楼主| 发表于 2020-6-6 23:24:46 | 只看该作者
    柏林墙 发表于 2020-6-6 08:20
    , o, H7 Z) i* j! r( \观网看见时候就想讨论,HGV热特征可不小啊,跟中短程弹道导弹没有数量级差别
    : H! G( ^# Y) s+ F% J  _7 Q, j. ~卫星能发现也能跟踪
    0 ]' ?7 \  i, \* O" ]) B就是老毛 ...
    7 ^1 |9 ~3 ~5 J. U9 L7 y
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  • TA的每日心情
    13 小时前
  • 签到天数: 3098 天


    发表于 2020-6-7 00:27:49 | 只看该作者
    本帖最后由 无言 于 2020-6-7 00:35 编辑
    : @! a3 h2 _& l5 T$ p
    晨枫 发表于 2020-6-6 23:24; N  K+ W" Z* ~. O3 v. Q0 {' ~
    米格31还拦截过SR71?有链接吗?感觉米格31出来的时候,SR71已经不对苏联进行侦察了 ...
    2 {- o3 B. n+ M' p# l
    https://theaviationist.com/2013/12/11/sr-71-vs-mig-31/) u5 n: {  ]! b0 ?7 Y8 m

    , k, X( ~3 ]/ Q! C( t5 D0 B' @" x' C$ A; D, n
    Even if no SR-71 was lost due to hostile actions during the entire Blackbird career, the Mach 3+ capable spyplane faced an adversary that could effectively intercept it: the MiG-31 Foxhound.
    % k" u0 L* e2 F- h6 u5 s3 w8 C/ n, G0 @0 ?/ Q
    The SR-71 impressive mission record was reached thanks to some unique features of its airframe, such as its ability to fly at more than three and a half times the speed of sound at 88,000 feet, its small (for the time) Radar Cross Section (RCS) and its sophisticated electronic countermeasures (ECM).
    - w9 n. r7 J+ D5 ]- a# \& Y: u6 I! i
    These flight characteristics made the Blackbird safe against any attempt of interception conducted by enemy fighters or surface-to-air missiles (SAM), during its reconnaissance missions in the Russian skies during the Cold War years.
    ! U* Z- N% ^- X- a( Z- X5 A; D+ a6 e9 t3 ^- D7 E9 z
    The only aircraft which possessed the capabilities to shoot down an SR-71 was the F-14 Tomcat, that could use its AIM-54 Phoenix long range missile against the fast black plane.
    3 R9 g* E2 K5 j
    6 p1 P5 O! v, F- F/ F3 H; ^% kIn fact the Phoenix was developed to shoot down Soviet cruise missiles which flew at an altitude similar to the one reached by the Blackbird. Moreover with a speed between Mach 4 and Mach 5, the AIM-54 was fast enough to cause serious problems to the SR-71.8 u6 Q$ c! K5 W- V9 J0 [
    , a9 U. h3 L. `2 _
    But, the capabilities featured by the Tomcat and its long range missiles, weren’t matched by any Russian interceptor, and to stop SR-71s’ overflights, the Soviets developed an aircraft which had similar characteristics to those owned by the F-14.
    6 ?) h. n; N* ?" O
    $ n  y8 Y; \/ G  z7 _: MAs we have recently explained, the only aircraft that had a speed close to the one of the SR-71 was the MiG-25. But even if it could fly at Mach 3.2, the Foxbat wasn’t able to sustain such speeds long enough to reach the Blackbird.7 S% X6 R4 `3 i* o
    - d  x3 g3 l# f/ x2 y& @/ ?
    Another serious problem which affected the Foxbat was the lack of effectiveness of its R-40 missiles (AA-6 Acrid based on NATO designation) against an air-to-air target smaller than a large strategic bomber.
    2 ^/ y; _" V; ?
    # N) l- K& z- V3 C) }These deficiencies were settled when a more advanced MiG-25 development, the MiG-31, entered in service in the 1980s: the Foxhound was armed with a missile very similar to the US AIM-54 Phoenix, the R-33 (AA-9 Amos as reported by NATO designation).) c6 V7 M1 T/ f2 s7 K( w, q* E
    $ s6 d; H# G2 d
    This weapon was ideal not only for shooting down the American bombers, but also to intercept and destroy fast reconnaissance aircraft, such as the SR-71.' ^/ G: b! Q  b, _- R; w

    $ \# G5 M- |0 L6 G$ HThis statement was dramatically confirmed in Paul Crickmore’s book Lockheed Blackbird: Beyond The Secret Missions.0 I5 r$ R3 \/ e1 W4 k4 \

    / {) K0 W& I3 d, X: BIn this book one of the first Foxhound pilots, Captain Mikhail Myagkiy, who had been scrambled with its MiG-31 several times to intercept the US super-fast spy plane, explains how he was able to lock on a Blackbird on Jan. 31, 1986:
    ( v. I: U6 ~& t4 \# ]" R6 o
    - i2 Y* y% a! n7 s0 @6 N; P“The scheme for intercepting the SR-71 was computed down to the last second, and the MiGs had to launch exactly 16 minutes after the initial alert. (…) They alerted us for an intercept at 11.00. They sounded the alarm with a shrill bell and then confirmed it with a loudspeaker. The appearance of an SR-71 was always accompanied by nervousness. Everyone began to talk in frenzied voices, to scurry about, and react to the situation with excessive emotion.”3 ?# z5 b  e" g' ]% n" d% j* o
    & A( t: p5 V7 @6 X' g6 c
    Myagkiy and its Weapons System Officer (WSO) were able to achieve a SR-71 lock on at 52,000 feet  and at a distance of 120 Km from the target.
    0 s, Q; H3 h7 @$ e
    / P& J% Z: B  s6 X  [! cThe Foxhound climbed at 65,676 feet where the crew had the Blackbird in sight and according to Myagkiy:
    6 Q5 r" J) e0 _% p( `
    % o" x& G1 S5 {1 D“Had the spy plane violated Soviet airspace, a live missile launch would have been carried out. There was no practically chance the aircraft could avoid an R-33 missile.”
    7 f+ @0 T& L$ O% B, w
    5 n4 A- V6 v; F" s' I2 cAfter this interception Blackbirds reportedly began to fly their reconnaissance missions from outside the borders of the Soviet Union.
    * D9 V' }. j$ y7 j
    % K  F, K" N, k/ CBut the MiG-31s intercepted the SR-71 at least another time.
    : ]/ b& m# v3 l4 ]  v
    ( o) C1 N1 l# l, S! D1 @8 j. WOn Sept. 3, 2012 an article written by Rakesh Krishman Simha for Indrus.in explains how the Foxhound was able to stop Blackbirds spy missions over Soviet Union on Jun. 3, 1986.3 B9 |% p7 t1 G2 O, Z/ D2 L5 I. Z
    9 w: K! a9 B2 C4 \
    That day, no less than six MiG-31s “intercepted” an SR-71 over the Barents Sea by performing a coordinated interception that subjected the Blackbird to a possible all angle air-to-air missiles attack.4 S8 k* F6 C5 H& w
    7 y, P0 J4 ]1 U* Z. J" \
    Apparently, after this interception, no SR-71 flew a reconnaissance missions over the Soviet Union and few years later the Blackbird was retired to be replaced with the satellites.

    / D5 p2 Z( t+ L# Y1 ^" M6 D5 X8 L& O4 P) `
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     楼主| 发表于 2020-6-7 01:44:24 | 只看该作者
    无言 发表于 2020-6-6 10:27
    / x( J! H) q' v9 [! l. C( O9 ghttps://theaviationist.com/2013/12/11/sr-71-vs-mig-31/
    # y5 F, D3 {1 T  B2 @8 U


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      发表于 2020-6-7 01:59
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  • TA的每日心情
    2025-1-27 21:44
  • 签到天数: 141 天


    发表于 2020-6-10 10:57:49 | 只看该作者
    HGV高滑的辐射量不小,可以参考每次发射任务,关机以后青岛站还有红外跟踪,有图像回来,当然他们是对冷空,是已知参数对相, Q. z( `( _3 E7 j+ u1 ?# U
    , ?# i. ~' V6 r* t2 [7 N, Q助推以前视角不是问题,从助推建立跟踪以后就不是漫无目的搜索了,不过稳相可能要麻烦一点,卫星嘛,姿控本来就难,不过我手机都能微云台防抖了
    0 ~0 W' Y& R3 h! l我手机挺好的,才3000块钱,X50,可以给大家安利一下
    2 r% f0 F" L0 E+ B4 W1 t


    涨姿势: 5.0
    涨姿势: 5
      发表于 2020-6-10 11:21
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  • TA的每日心情
    2020-3-8 17:23
  • 签到天数: 94 天


    发表于 2020-9-23 21:16:35 | 只看该作者
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     楼主| 发表于 2020-9-23 21:36:37 | 只看该作者
    本帖最后由 晨枫 于 2020-9-23 07:43 编辑
    $ c: ~/ |8 h; l7 d$ U) s
    colin1992 发表于 2020-9-23 07:16
    # e1 J2 {( V( D7 V4 c今天看到宋心之的一个视频,谈到美国格鲁曼的最新实验进展,可以达到超燃冲压发动机稳定运行30分钟 ...

    : K7 Y: g) Z1 C, `9 G  u9 Y6 {) R# @7 |
    * [/ \8 U$ O2 [: U. U/ ^  G( t
    $ A- Q0 w' C7 f+ y' n* R8 l……  \/ @5 B% x# u' U+ v( s

      b; J# D) U, T7 S: G, t1 {5 @找到消息了,在9个月里累计测试30分钟。
    9 c. I! E  D3 F! S2 B7 Z( ?0 m- L' U" c6 L- ^5 Y4 c* w


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      发表于 2020-9-24 18:24
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  • TA的每日心情

    2019-6-1 10:07
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2020-9-23 22:45:31 | 只看该作者
    本帖最后由 dopplermaxgamil 于 2020-9-23 22:46 编辑
    5 o4 ~9 @  r( I3 g
    晨枫 发表于 2020-9-23 21:36
    / s& j% s. k; z; E不知道他哪里来的消息,没有看到过公开报导
    7 s  d# ?0 a7 {7 G7 N
    ; J. J& \; [7 G/ f/ `0 ]……
    - u6 D8 H% J$ s; f- Z8 t- [' J
    - v" _  j6 L- v( o! q" I
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  • TA的每日心情
    2020-3-8 17:23
  • 签到天数: 94 天


    发表于 2020-9-24 18:23:59 | 只看该作者
    晨枫 发表于 2020-9-23 21:361 G0 w% O6 U: T
    8 i! |0 K3 |8 B$ D7 W6 G% Y. P( t# G, E5 \* E& ^

    - b1 f% l, Q: z- z  h0 g; X1 y英文链接$ O3 n- U: Z0 q4 d4 U
    7 Y, D/ c2 H3 v: q% k9 Q7 M
    https://www.thedrive.com/the-war ... om-northrop-grumman6 w0 J& H! V: E# y3 y8 f
    . s! b9 b: T/ X/ E* o1 d$ {# m% H. u
    AFRL and Northrop Grumman had tested the 18-foot long fighter-engine sized scramjet powerplant across a nine-month period. The engine ran for a total of 30 minutes across an unspecified number of tests


    涨姿势: 5.0
    涨姿势: 5
      发表于 2020-9-25 07:49
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  • TA的每日心情
    2020-1-3 00:51
  • 签到天数: 71 天


    发表于 2020-9-24 19:36:36 | 只看该作者
    本帖最后由 雨楼 于 2020-9-24 13:06 编辑
    ! N/ V8 Q- p" X" i3 _, r
    猫元帅 发表于 2020-6-5 05:24; ]! I$ r- d5 @0 O7 I4 D
    ! Z5 m+ |5 @# k- y9 a1 _0 k7 E
    ( E$ P& Q& Q$ u& v3 o飞这么快。是不是沿途多少米之内的鸟儿都会被 ...
    : K4 b% y$ t& U( K, o

    * y7 h6 R2 m; f) F- O. E
    ( ?* X" ]; N% d1 k. q1 ]: L
    5 C  J1 k$ e5 ]; J5 C- `7 |9 k# v2 Z马赫1是一倍声速,大约1250km/h。10分钟大约125km要是m10, 就是10倍声速~~
    # z0 U6 ]2 ]. Z
    ( d$ f, T" T1 ^  b5 }6 z& C, D* G8 F. G; K& h

    ( ?! h# J/ ~8 v5 g" S2 t$ B马赫1是一倍声速,大约1250km/h。10分钟大约1250/6 ~= 208k..m要是m10, 就是10倍声速~~! a/ l7 t. f2 m* N
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  • TA的每日心情
    5 天前
  • 签到天数: 2068 天


    发表于 2020-9-24 19:47:56 | 只看该作者
    雨楼 发表于 2020-9-24 19:36; u6 M1 c/ K$ B: j. G
    马赫1是一倍声速,大约1250km/h。10分钟大约125km要是m10, 就是10倍声速~~
    * ^; e7 ^8 ~. `
    9 z( Y! W1 t0 r7 |不识数党又添新军


    +1: 5.0 油菜: 5.0
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    油墨: 5 油菜: 5 给力: 5 伙呆了: 5
      发表于 2020-9-25 05:21
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    当时在。。。。蹲坑。。。。。  发表于 2020-9-25 02:05
    油菜: 5 给力: 5
      发表于 2020-9-24 21:10
    +1: 5
      发表于 2020-9-24 20:56
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  • TA的每日心情
    2020-3-8 17:23
  • 签到天数: 94 天


    发表于 2020-9-24 20:57:15 | 只看该作者
    雨楼 发表于 2020-9-24 19:360 D- O8 [$ u8 D
    马赫1是一倍声速,大约1250km/h。10分钟大约125km要是m10, 就是10倍声速~~

    5 Q9 a% S7 M6 W: z/ q如果6马赫的速度,10分钟大概距离就是1200km
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     楼主| 发表于 2020-9-24 21:46:28 | 只看该作者
    colin1992 发表于 2020-9-24 04:232 A* z3 L1 x. n( \9 Z) B4 {
    $ f. L) \; {# q6 f; o# a: Z3 O4 _1 W4 B8 Z% |' h$ O0 W% R( H
    https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/29307/air-force-reveals-tests-of-supposed-record-s ...
    ' A& ~5 h* ^9 f+ B
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  • TA的每日心情
    2020-1-3 00:51
  • 签到天数: 71 天


    发表于 2020-9-25 02:02:56 | 只看该作者
    晨枫 发表于 2020-9-24 08:46! i5 e+ m1 Q" d/ m) M; s6 n, y  p
    ' z! w$ t- W( p5 _& F/ ?
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     楼主| 发表于 2020-9-25 02:57:03 | 只看该作者
    雨楼 发表于 2020-9-24 12:021 m: f0 C$ ]( E9 L
    对了,前两天国内媒体报导兔子要在2025年实现全球一小时到达的运输方式。这可不是东风快递使命必达那个要 ...

    % o- `6 u% e. J% o# b$ N: f) M- B' r6 S+ Z& C
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  • TA的每日心情
    2020-1-3 00:51
  • 签到天数: 71 天


    发表于 2020-9-25 03:41:40 | 只看该作者
    晨枫 发表于 2020-9-24 13:578 O$ j, a2 e# f* q; i1 s$ W" E' B
    那应该是兔版航天飞机,还是用火箭打上去了。估计不会像航天飞机那样弄得那么大。有可能与前几天的“可重 ...
    " a5 q; J3 B# N6 a
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  • TA的每日心情
    2019-11-10 23:41
  • 签到天数: 16 天


    发表于 2020-9-25 07:54:58 | 只看该作者
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     楼主| 发表于 2020-9-25 08:03:30 | 只看该作者
    陈比尔 发表于 2020-9-24 17:54. G" [: e  C/ F; y  T

    1 T4 o, F* I1 J8 e, Y也是一脚
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