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分享 泰国的生肖画
热度 10 席琳 2016-5-3 10:31
2016-5-2 在友谊商店见到一组泰国的生肖画,看起来很残破的样子,是两幅拼在一起的,左边那一幅是一年四季的四只老虎,右边那一幅讲的是如何才能够在虎年 把握时机 逢凶化吉美好姻缘的巫术。 网上狗一狗,说是大英图书馆有类似的一个册页,是十九世纪末的作品: The British Library holds a magnificent manuscript from Thailand dated 1885. It contains a series of drawings based on the Chinese Zodiac and its animals. A male or female avatar, a plant and a number are associated to every zodiacal sign. In the upper left corner the female avatar for the year is riding a tiger. Only a ritual specialist (หมอดู) would have been able to interpret these omens and to give advice on how to avoid unfortunate or dangerous events。 要说上面这两幅,有一点神似的话,下面这一组,简直就更像了: Each zodiac-related folio is followed by one folio of paintings, which symbolise the fate of a person under certain circumstances. The paintings are accompanied by numbers and one would have to trust the interpreting skills of the divination specialist to find out about the future. One outstanding phrommachat manuscript was acquired for the Library by Henry Ginsburg in 1975 (Or. 4830) and has been digitised recently. Although the manuscript has no colophon and is not dated, we know from the style of writing and orthography that it was produced during the second half of the 19th century. However, it may be a revised copy of an older manuscript that was in a deteriorating state due to frequent use. The manuscript has 59 folios of text written on mulberry bark paper, accompanied by coloured illustrations on 32 folios and one ink drawing of entwined naga serpents. The text mainly explains how to interpret the illustrations, which include drawings based on the Chinese zodiac that relates each lunar month to the animals of the 12-year-cycle and their reputed attributes (earth, wood, fire, iron, water) as well as a male or female avatar (representing yin and yang), and a symbolic plant. A small number diagram used to work out periods in a person’s life which are particularly dangerous or unlucky is also usually present.
个人分类: 古今收藏|1722 次阅读|2 个评论
分享 成龙的”12生肖“
热度 18 fcboliver 2013-1-8 01:06
老人家年纪一大把又回到"飞鹰计划”的老路上去了。加上各种小特技还是不错的。 开头的滑轮速降绝对经典。
642 次阅读|8 个评论
分享 12生肖比太囧好看多了
热度 17 樱木花道 2012-12-21 02:21
俺喜欢的那个成龙大哥又来了。 看他活蹦乱跳,想起了俺初一看他 演的警察故事。 感觉俺也回到了在录像厅里面蹭看电视的时代。 盗宝的故事太精彩了。 归还赃款宝物的这个设计很好,不是笑闹一下就了的。 如果能出续集就好了。 里面的坏人也不是十足的坏,真的有点可爱。 推荐+10086
660 次阅读|1 个评论


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