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分享 老外的红油虾仁抄手~~~
热度 13 维京老海盗 2012-12-5 08:05
INGREDIENTS: For the Wontons Large pot of boiling water. 1/3 pound raw shrimp, washed, deveined, tails removed and finely minced. 12 wonton wrappers, defrosted 1/2 teaspoon sesame oil Dash salt and white pepper 1 egg (for egg wash) For the Sauce 1/4 cup thin (light) soy sauce 1/4 cup rice vinegar 1 teaspoon garlic, minced 1/2 teaspoon Accent (Accent is a flavor enhancer used in Asian cooking, it's also known as MSG) 1 or 2 tablespoons (depending of how much heat you like) hot chili oil Garnish 2 scallions (green onions), sliced DIRECTIONS: Wontons: Fill a large pot with water and bring it to a boil. Wash the shrimp, remove the tails, devein and finely mince. To the shrimp, add 1/2 teaspoon sesame oil, dash of salt and white pepper. Whisk the egg, and brush the wontons lightly on one side. (This is what is going to seal the wontons). Evenly divide the shrimp mixture onto the middle of the wontons. Fold them to make a triangle. Press the edges together. Let dry for 10 minutes. Sauce: In a small bowl, combine the soy sauce, rice vinegar, garlic, Accent, and chili pepper with oil. Place wontons into boiling water and cook until done (about 4 minutes, when the wontons start to float). Remove with slotted spoon. Serve immediately with the sauce and scallions (green onions) as a garnish. 作为重庆人,对这种红油虾仁抄手真是吐槽无力啊~~~ 我们包抄手从来没有刷过蛋液。叠成三角之后还要把两个角捏一起才算完工(混沌是对叠成长方形,再捏合两角,和抄手的包法就这里不一样。湖北叫包面的更奇怪,用的是三角形的皮,看他们包了一堆也没弄明白怎么才能让肉馅不掉出来 )。这个怎么看怎么像半成品,要不就是煮散开的失败品。 文章里还有称赞说是这是一道很好的冷盘~~~冷盘? 链接在这里
1340 次阅读|3 个评论
分享 坚决击退逍遥探花丧心病狂的报社行为
热度 37 维京老海盗 2012-12-2 16:14
神马才是我心中最正宗的红油抄手?调料中有两种特殊材料不可少:红油和红酱油。而且还得是干拌的才香,汤水太多抄手叶子很快会被泡烂而失去口感。(红油和红酱油的做法可以参见 这里 ------点击) 米线在四川的做法很多,鸡汁的,三鲜的,麻辣的,砂锅的等等,图上这个貌似鸡汁的,只要鸡汤熬煮得到位,这米线味道就不会差到哪里去。我最爱的是我伯妈做的海味的。用墨鱼干,竹笋,肉片,海米等提前熬煮好的浇头,放在面,米线,抄手里都很好吃。 重庆小面肯定是我们重庆人有发言权噻!面佐料永远是重庆小面的精髓, 佐料通常不下13种,多则达20种,包括 葱 花、蒜水、姜水、 水盐菜、味精、酱油、猪油、香油 、海椒油、花椒油或花椒面、榨菜粒、油酥黄豆、干炒花生等,再加上长时间熬煮的骨头汤做汤底。如果加上臊子则是杂酱面,加鸡汤则成为鸡汤面,还有加炖烂的豌豆的豌豆面,豌豆加杂酱的豌杂面,加肥肠的肥肠面,加鸡杂的鸡杂面,加蹄花的蹄花面,加牛肉的牛肉面等等。 肥肠是我又爱又恨的东西。爱其美味,恨其高脂高胆固醇,所以和LD讲好,一个月开恩准我吃一回。在家乡,卤肥肠是烧腊铺寻常之物。卤好的肥肠,最好吃的是叫“肠头”的部位,肉质厚实,口感绵密,绝对是下酒的佳品。而卤好的肥肠除了直接吃和沾调料吃,还有几种吃法:切大块红烧至软烂,便是红烧肥肠,下油锅与海椒花椒葱姜干煸,便是干煸肥肠,还可以做干烧肥肠,用卤肥肠比生肥肠飞水后直接烹制味道和口感都更佳。还可以切段后下锅干煸至油出来,沾干料碟(盐,味精,辣椒面,花椒面,芝麻),外酥内嫩,满口留香。和重庆小面一起吃当然也是常见搭配,以前高中时,一人三两小面,大家再凑钱叫五块钱肥肠,给个神仙也不换啊! 最后再加一张在香港吃的烧鹅饭,大爱啊~~~
1772 次阅读|21 个评论


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