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热度 2 绿梧桐 2012-11-27 17:03
The Mine, the love song in my heart A: When the first ray of the sunlight breaks up the darkness, When the song of the bird echos in the mountains around the country, I wake up...... Wake up and present the first Thanksgiving mood To you, The Mine in my heart, For the coming day. B: when the bright moon rises in the sky, When the insect sings in the silence of the autumn night, I fall asleep...... Before I fall asleep,I wouldlike to present again the Thanksgiving mood, To you, the Mine in my heart For what I have got today. C: I love you, the Mine As to love our own mother Your great mind, generous accommodate all the people from all over the world You broad bosom, embraces the legend of the people with dreams from all over the country D: I love you, the Mine Your thriving four seasons, are the love song in my heart Because of you, my feeling will never decline Because of you, my song will never end A: I love the colorful spring Smelling the fragrance of spring breeze Feeling the spirit of the spring Enjoying the brillant joy just like the spring flower B: I love your passion such as fire summer Listening the sound of the summer thunder Embrace the warm summer In the bright sunlight dancing with elegance to break through all barriers C: I love your autumn with a bumper harvest Wandering under the clear blue sky Drink the fine wine of the harvest Walking and singing, gently in the soft music D: I love your snowing winter Roaming in the square drinking the spirit singing and dancing, in the cold wind A: I love you. oh, the Mine I love your four seasons, I love you all You are the proud of my heart You are the lover in my heart forever B: for you, we don't fear the hardness Just to practise ourstrong body For you, we are willing to restrain our passio and devote ourselves to every machine, every corner in the Mine. C: For you, we are willing to face hardships Looking forward to see the rainbow after the rain Just for you, we will not stop to use our wisdom and hardworking to creat anf invent. D:Because I love you. the Mine You are the proud of my heart You are the lover in my heart forever A: every time I think of you, think of your iron source Connecting with the high buildings in the country All the pain will decrease B: every time I think of you, think of your grand plan connecting with the development of the nation All difficulty Will become a piece of cake D: we all want to enjoy the sweet love, We all wish to live a happy life But we also want to leave our footprint in the journey of realizing the grand plan Youth without regret C: we shout towards the mountains (Match): We are in the Mine C: we can shouldered the responsibility of conpuering all difficulties. Our heartbeat will be your most powerful pulse D: we talk to the future Close: we are the future D: we will overcome all difficulties our blood is boiling, and won't cool forever B: because our hearts has the same color as the sun A: The Mine,oh, my mother even using all water as the ink,we can't write the endless love to you even using the blue sky as the paper, we can't write the endless love to you D: we sing for you, sing for you and your children happy forever C: we bless for you, bless you every day Is a bumper grain harvest season. B: we pray for you, May you be the leader of the Mine industry following the Party's 18th meeting. A: conquering all difficulities, breaking through all heavy block Close: to be an excellent Mine industry enterprise Vigorous forever,prosperous forever. 矿山,我心中的恋歌 A:当天边的一抹曙光把黑夜撕破 当清脆的鸟啼回荡在群山环抱的山野 我醒来…… 醒来后第一个把感恩的心情 送给你,我心中的矿山 为了我即将开始的、一天的生活 B:当天际升起一轮皎洁的明月 当一两声虫鸣飘过万籁俱寂的秋夜 我入梦…… 入梦前再一次把感恩的心情 送给你,我心中的矿山 为了我享有的一天的收获 C:我爱你,矿山 就像爱自己的母亲! 你博大的胸襟,慷慨容纳了来自五湖四海创业的游子 你宽广的怀抱,到处飘荡着来自天南海北寻梦的传说 D:我爱你,矿山 你蓬勃的四季,都是我心中的恋歌 因为你,我的豪情永不衰减 因为你,我的歌声永不停歇…… A:我爱你多姿多彩的春天 啜饮着春风的清香 沐浴着春天的青涩 昂着头,在和煦的春风里 挥洒一种春花般灿烂的喜悦…… B:我爱你激情如火的夏季 擎举夏日的雷霆 拥抱着夏日的热烈 挺着胸,在灿烂的阳光下 舞动一种冲破一切禁锢藩篱的洒脱…… C:我爱你硕果累累的金秋 徜徉在天高云淡的广场 豪饮着丰收美酒的甘洌 边走边唱,在轻柔的舞曲里 绽放一种喜悦过后的清雅淡泊…… D:我爱你瑞雪飘飘的严冬 徜徉在冬日的广场 豪饮着美酒的甘洌 且歌且舞,在凛冽的寒风中 诠释一种迎风斗雪、不屈的跋涉…… A:我爱你啊,矿山 我爱你的四季,我爱你的一切 你是我心中的骄傲啊 你是我心中永恒的恋歌 B:为了你,我们不惧栉风沐雨的磨练 渴望着练就青山般茁壮的骨骼 为了你,我们愿意激情内敛, 默默地把奉献的脚步 延展到百里矿区的每一个机台、每一个角落。 C:为了你,我们愿意直面艰难困苦 期盼着风雨过后彩虹绚烂的时刻 为了你,我们摈弃固步自封 默默地用智慧和汗水 浇灌创新的蓓蕾、改革的花朵 D:因为我爱你啊!我的矿山 你是我心中的骄傲啊 你是我心中永恒的恋歌 A:每当想起你,想起你铁的源头 连接着共和国钢铁大厦的巍峨, 再多的痛苦 也会失去原有的苦涩 B:每当想起你,想起你百年矿业的宏图 承接着民族复兴的职责, 天大的困难, 都会变成小菜一碟 D:我们也想爱情如蜜的花团锦簇、 我们也盼软语呢喃中的树影婆娑 我们更想在百年矿业的征途上, 留下青春无悔的誓言、 留下一步一个脚印、扎扎实实的超越 C:我们向着群山呼喊 合:矿山有我---- C:略显稚嫩的肩头已经扛起继往开来的重任 我们的心跳已经汇成你最有力的脉搏 D:我们向着未来喊 合: 明天有我---- D:未来的征程上,我们承担起一位伟人“开发矿业”的谆谆嘱托 我们青春的热血永远沸腾、不会冷却 B:因为我们的心 有着和太阳一样的颜色 A:矿山啊,我的母亲 蘸碧海为墨,也书不尽对你 深深的眷爱! 展蓝天为帛,也写不完献给你的 无尽的恋歌。 D:我们为你歌唱,歌唱你和你的儿女 永远幸福,永远快乐 C:我们为你祝福,祝福你的每一天, 都是五谷丰登的季节。
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