


tag 标签: 悉尼


分享 悉尼人质绑架案
热度 54 晨枫 2014-12-15 09:26
悉尼市中心高大上的Lindt咖啡馆遭到一个(也可能是两个,现在不清楚)枪手劫持,多至40-50人被绑架。大玻璃窗上挂起书写阿拉伯文的黑旗,估计与伊斯兰极端主义有关。 BBC正在实况报导,阿博特马上要开记者招待会,局势还在发展。 中国应该马上发表声明:关注悉尼人质的安全,希望得到妥善解决。中国坚决支持澳大利亚打击恐怖主义行动。中国也是恐怖主义的受害者,感同身受。 =========== 现在是最好的把疆独与IS恐怖主义联系起来的时候。疆独本来就是伊斯兰极端主义的一部分,昆明、乌鲁木齐是彻底的恐怖主义攻击,但无耻的西方媒体总是把这说成分离主义而不是恐怖主义,试图加以合法化。中国要着重指出:恐怖主义是世界公害!
1552 次阅读|18 个评论
分享 悉尼租房大骗局
热度 41 丁丁咚 2012-7-23 11:11
因为我8月中旬要去悉尼出差一个月,需要找个住处。对方给我找的公寓太贵了:据说是位于悉尼歌剧院对面的海景房,要4000刀一个月!超过这趟差旅费的极限,付完这个,连per dim都不剩了。于是想说在网上自己找个短租房。 搜索了一把,找到了几个网站,结果发出去的大部分email,均石沉大海,也不知道是系统问题还是人家都不愿意短租。 终于收到一个自称Fred James的人的回信,挺高兴。结果打开一看,傻了: 这家伙在email里面对我们问询一些具体问题,一概不回答,就是絮絮叨叨地说了半天自己目前在尼日尼亚做传教士,出租不是为了赚钱,而是为了找一个可靠的人来照顾好房子,让我们保证会照顾好房子。而且,因为他原来没有打算出租房子,所以他房子的钥匙现在在他身边而不在悉尼(后来发现这个是关键的trick)。 我们当时已经觉得可疑,不过想想试一试反正不赔本,于是给他打了电话。这家伙操一口很怪异的英式英语(绝对不是澳洲英语),在电话里面又是翻来覆去地说自己不是为了钱,要我们保证会照顾好他的房子,我们保证了。 然后就是给我们发了一个申请表格,让我们填了各种信息(甚至还要求附照片),虽然让人觉得不太舒服,但想想我提供的所有信息,也算是公共信息(我个人主页上都有),于是按照要求做了。 一切都发过去了,很快,这家伙就回信了,说对我们的信息非常满意,决定租给我们,但是因为钥匙不在悉尼,他必须通过DHL寄给我们,在此之前,我们必须支付450刀的保证金到他的银行帐号上。 一看这厮啥凭证没有,就想让我们汇钱,这骗人技术也太低端了吧?我们至于像这么容易上当的人么? 立马回了信:你先把钥匙寄到我朋友那里,他去看了房,我们立刻付钱,否则咱就到此为止吧。 这厮也很快回了信,居然说,我朋友可以开车到那附近看看环境 ,但是他必须等钱到手才能寄出钥匙。晕死,直接黑名单这厮完事。 本以为这事就算完了,结果刚才打开邮箱,发现又来了两封回信,来自另外两个我们联系过的户主。 很开心地打开来看,这回是真的傻眼了:这俩email简直就是Fred James的翻版,都是外派出差,而且工作都是和基督教有关,只不过出差地点一个英国伦敦、一个美国德州;都是一再说自己不是为了钱,而是为了找人照顾房子,blahblahblah 我的天啦,悉尼租房是不是整个儿被一国际黑手党掌控啊?俺彻底崩溃了,赶紧跟对方秘书说,还是把那海景房给咱定下来吧! 附Fred James的广告和两封email,有兴趣的朋友可以看看这骗子的伎俩 广告:http://sydney.craigslist.com.au/apa/3150043074.html 第一封email: "Hello xx, Thanks for the email. I am Fred James, the owner of $450 / week - 500ft² - 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath Full Furnished Apartment @ (Sydney ), Yes i accept pet because i am friendly to Dog and cat and also want you to know that it was due to my transfer that makes I and my wife to leave the house and also want to give it out for rent and looking for a responsible person that can take very good care of it as we are not after your money for the rent but want it to be clean at the time and the person that will rent it to take it as if it were its own. So for now, We are here in West Africa (Nigeria) in our new house and also with the keys of the house, we try to look for an agent that we can give this documents before we left but could not see and we are as well as don't want our house to be used any how in our absent that is why we took the keys along with us. I and my wife came over to West Africa (Nigeria) for a missionary work, so i hope you will promise us to take very good care of the house. So get back to me on how you could take care of our house or perhaps experience you have in renting home. Hope you are okay with the price of $900 months first payment) with hydro,heat laundry facilities, air condition and so on. I am looking forward to hear from you ASAP so that i can forward you an application to fill out and discuss on how to get the house for rent. You are free to call me on my private phone number +2347084988866 . Await your reply Thanks Fred James 第二封email: Hello xx I am satisfied with the information you provided for me in the application form. I will also like you to re-confirm your receiving address as soon as possible. This will enable DHL courier service to have the Keys package deliver to your door step,but note that the shipping might take 2-3 days delivery,once this is done. I will have the shipping tracking number send to you,so you can know exactly when the package will be deliver to your door step. I Fred James Hereby authorize XX, DR, you to have the security deposit of $450 USD payment done to me by Western Union Money Transfer below, and also i hereby assured you that should in any case you do not wish to continue with the renting, your full payment for the security deposit would be refunded completely 100% back to you. You are going to send the Security Deposit fee of $450 to me in West Arica (NIGERIA), and after receiving the keys package at your door step, you will then move into the apartment,before sending a month rent. As soon as i confirm payment from you, i will have the keys package handed over to DHL shipping company in Nigeria and this will get to you within 2-3days to the address you provided to me and my wife on the application form. Below is the information of Western Union Transfer. Receiver"s Name.: Fred James Receiver Address : Victory Island, 55 State/City: Lagos Postal Code: 23401 Country Nigeria: Nigeria Amount: $450 USD Text Question: Key to Text Answer: Success As soon as you send the payment from the Western Union Money Transfer, you would be given some information's. You would have to get back to me with following information: 1. Full Sender's Name : 2. MTCN NUMBER: 3. Amount Sent: $450 4. Text Question: 5. Text Answer: I will give you sometime to settle down, before making a payment of 1 month rent. Once the security deposit payment is been confirm,i will have the keys and other documents required send to you. Thanks and God Bless you and your family, Fred James.
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