与坛子里的摄影爱好者分享:一些俺大闺女喜欢的, 别人的摄影作品 。 大闺女喜欢的这些作品俺也很喜欢,大部分很阳光。 最近大闺女在她 Facebook 里写了不少喜欢学习的话,譬如:“ I am really enjoying learning", " I love it when I understand math ”等,看到后满欣慰的,希望她能坚持这么想。 今天看到她 Facebook 里 quote 了 这么一段话: “Anne-Marion had said, 'Yes, I will kill for the Revolution' without a stammer; yet Meridian knew her tenderness, a vegetarian because she loved the eyes of cows...what none of them seemed to understand was that she felt herself to be, not holding on to something from the past, but held by something in the past: by the memory of old black men in the South who, caught by surprise in the eye of a ca ... mera, never shifted their position but looked directly back; by the sight of young girls singing in a country choir, their hair shining with brushings and grease, their voices the voices of angels...If they committed murder—and to her even revolutionary murder was murder—what would the music be like? - Alice Walker” 这段话有点意思,从中也能看到女儿的一些思想,让我深思。