


tag 标签: word


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分享 郁了个闷
热度 42 关中农民 2016-12-13 08:55
午饭吃核桃,忽然发现竟然有一点絮絮拉拉的东西,这是神马东西?心里顿觉不妙,可是已经都吃肚子里啦。 晚上回来,拿出来核桃袋子,赫然发现袋子底下的絮絮更多。完了,大声喊媳妇,你有没有发现核桃袋子里面出虫啦?媳妇说没注意啊,不是上个礼拜才打开的嘛。Word的大神啊,媳妇把让虫虫肯过的核桃让农民俺吃午饭啦,额的命咋就这么苦呢 把核桃都倒出来,在絮絮里面赫然抓到3条肉虫,把它们押送到旁边。把剩下的大核桃用水洗了一下,放烤箱烤一下。回头发现这三个小偷竟然毫不在意地继续在吃,我靠,你们能不能表现出内疚的表情一下。既然如此厚脸皮,让洒家送你们去极乐世界去! 虫虫,你也不管一下你家亲戚,成灾啦
个人分类: 农民乱弹|1203 次阅读|27 个评论
分享 微软公开MS-DOS(1.1和2.0)和Word(1.1a)源码
gordon 2014-3-26 07:32
喔哦 事情好玩啦,事情好玩啦
439 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 致青春之神句
热度 8 夜观天象 2013-5-8 12:36
Need just word. Word has word. 怀念那无忧无虑的青春!
72 次阅读|4 个评论
分享 一笑
热度 20 游泳 2013-2-2 08:51
看到朋友qq签名:Need just word ,Word has word.不明白意思,遂询问之。 朋友回答:你的是我的,我的还是我的。哈哈
个人分类: 八卦|781 次阅读|5 个评论
分享 What's your favorite 'f' word
热度 7 daxiang 2012-10-7 23:23
What's your favorite 'f' word
今天去吃麻辣香锅,路过楼下一家Nando‘s,看到了这个: “你最喜欢的 f word 是什么? 在Nando’s,是Friday。 ” 我不是很喜欢用f word做广告,但也不会觉得着有什么特别的,直到看了眼走廊对面的店: 不是一般都说同行是冤家么
个人分类: 生活中的一件事|716 次阅读|4 个评论
九九 2012-6-15 03:03
By Joanna Wang Giving up, why should I I've come too far to forget We're beautiful, we just got lost Somewhere along the way So much was missing when you went away Let's start from here, lose the past Change our minds, we don′t need a finish line Let's take this chance don’t think too deep Of all those promises we couldn′t seem to keep I don't care where we go Let's start from here Standing here face to face A finger on your lips Don't say a word don't make a sound Silence surrounds us now Even when you were gone I felt you everywhere Let' start from here, lose the past Change our minds, we don′t need a finish line Let's take this chance don’t think too deep Of all those promises we couldn′t seem to keep I don't care where we go Let's start from here Let's start from here I've never been the one to open up But you've always been the voice within The only warmth from my cold heart Let's start from here, lose the past Change our minds, we don't need a finish line Let's take this chance don’t think too deep Of all those promises Let's start from here, lose the past Change our minds, we don't need a finish line Let's take this chance don’t think too deep Of all those promises we couldn't seem to keep I don't care where we go Let's start from here Let's start from here Let's start from here Let's start from here
9 次阅读|0 个评论


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