(唱片获奖) 1983年,辛西娅•罗兹在拍摄电影《龙飞凤舞》时认识了理查德•马克思。辛西娅是一个演员,而且能歌善舞。理查德是一位乐坛才子,集作曲、填词、演唱和制作于一身。当时才子向美女求爱,但被辛西娅婉拒,一来才子太年轻,刚20岁,二来两人的年龄相差了7岁。 两年后,他们又在一个聚会上重逢,理查德再次向辛西娅求爱,两人由此正式成为朋友。也许是出于年龄的关系,在交往中理查德的情感显得更为主动和强烈。有一次,辛西娅去非洲拍电影,他们好几个月都没有见上面,理查德急着要去非洲看辛西娅,但签证申请被拒绝。 情急之下,理查德写了一首歌,以歌代信来表达自己对辛西娅的思念之情,歌曲的创作是一气呵成。二十多年后,理查德在回忆当年的情形时说:这首歌是我创作生涯中写得最快的一首,只用了20分钟。可惜当年没有Skype和社交网站,所以歌曲录下来以后只能用海运邮寄给辛西娅。 理查德本来不想公开这首歌曲,认为它是一封情信,纯粹是私人的东西。但他的朋友们不这么看,催着理查德把歌曲正式录制下来,并收录在1989年推出的专辑《故伎重施》里面,没想到歌曲一经公开就风行全球。也就是在这一年,理查德经过四年的追求之后,终于与辛西娅结为夫妇。婚后辛西娅退出了演艺界,当起全职家庭主妇,生育照看着三个孩子。 理查德创作并演唱的这首歌曲不但深深地打动了辛西娅,也打动了全球亿万听众,歌曲被人们用不同的语言重新填词和传唱,这首歌的名字就叫《此情可待》。 (一家五口) Right Here waiting (此情可待) 作词:Richard Marx(理查德•马克思) 作曲:Richard Marx(理查德•马克思) 演唱:Richard Marx(理查德•马克思) 专辑:Repeat Offender(故伎重施) Oceans apart, day after day, and I slowly go insane. I hear your voice on the line, But it doesn't stop the pain. If I see you next to never, How can we say forever? Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you; Whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks, I will be right here waiting for you. I took for granted all the times, That I thought would last somehow. I hear the laughter, I taste the tears, But I can't get near you now. Oh, can't you see, baby, You've got me going crazy? Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you; Whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks, I will be right here waiting for you. I wonder how we can survive this romance. But in the end If I'm with you, I'll take the chance. Oh, can't you see, baby, You've got me going crazy? Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you. Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks, I will be right here waiting for you. Waiting for you.