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分享 今天看到的。录一段儿
热度 24 煮酒正熟 2014-6-4 10:02
The Williams sisters once claimed they could beat any male player outside the top 200. They then played against Karsten Braasch (ranked 203), a guy at the end of his underachieving career. He beat them 6-1 (Serena) and 6-2 (Venus). Admittedly, they were at the beginning of their careers but these results are still quite a statement. They then announced they would surely beat a guy outside the top 300 to which Braasch respodended they should just wait a couple of months for a re-match - until then he'll have lost enough points.
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分享 从请坛拷贝过来
热度 1 2012-12-26 12:08
找到05年的这个,改些,存这里。 Under the cap my hair hardens with rage While the rushing rain eases to fold. Leaning against the rail, to the sky From my boiling heart, a long cry is rolled. Years of rank seeking is meaningless and Memory of long march in wildness gets cold. Let's push forward so that We'll not merely regret when old. Emperors kidnapped -- an insult yet to be avenged. Th's the hatred in my heart, ever growing bold. Let us drive our chariots To tread over enemy’s stronghold. We will feast on invaders’ flesh when declaring resolve and Their blood will quench our thirst when stories are told. Let's take back our land, then Towards Royal Palace, high will our hands hold.
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分享 英国每日电讯也报导了,看来不仅仅是鼎导和俺看见了
热度 65 万里风中虎 2012-1-18 23:55
前两天看见个扁扁的东西在天上飞,速度极快,而且飞行路线很古怪。 然后看见,后面一架飞机估计也发现了拼命追,结果越追越远,没一会那个扁东西就不见了。 当时是早晨11点左右,天气非常好,碧蓝的天空,所以我们俩都看得很清楚,是个扁扁的像个圆盘一样的东西,就是下面图里的东西,但是我们看见的时候天很亮,所以没有这样的发光点,就是平平常常的圆盘子。后面追的飞机好像是暴风,我不是军机控,但是应该是战斗机。 Close encounters of the Home Counties kind: Two 'alien aircraft' sightings in one week in 'UK's UFO hotspot' By Charles Walford Last updated at 4:16 PM on 17th January 2012 Comments ( 246 ) Share They hover in close formation against the backdrop of a cloudy Kent sky. The two mysterious bright lights were photographed on January 6 floating over Chatham. Less than a week later four similar lights were seen over Essex, shining brightly against the dawn. The remarkable sightings were made just 30 miles apart in an area now dubbed the country's UFO hotspot. The first image was captured by Ernestas Griksas, 21, who was taking a picture of a cherry-picker outside his home in Chatham at around 1pm. Unexplained: These two bright discs were seen over Chatham in Kent on January 6 Double trouble: A week later these four glowing discs were seen 30 miles away in the sky over Essex When he looked at the image afterwards he saw the bright disc-shaped objects. He told the Sun: 'There are two white discs I can't explain. I'm nowhere near a flightpath. One is slightly fainter as if it is further away or going at a different speed.' The second sighting came last Friday at 7am when car salesman Josh Cummins spotted four bright objects in the sky as he drove to work through Loughton, in Essex .More... What does sunset look like on an alien world? Astronomer 'decodes' Hubble signal to find out To boldly blow! Astronauts flatulence could create flammable gas in spacecraft Mr Cummins, 21, told the newspaper: 'I nearly crashed. I stopped to take this picture with my mobile. It was like the UFOs were surfing the clouds. They were there for 15 seconds then vanished. 'I wasn't a believer in UFOs but this made me think again.' ARE WE ALONE IN THE UNIVERSE? There have been a number of other recorded UFO sightings in recent years October 5, 2000 : A woman named Sharon Rowlands from Bonsall, Derbyshire claimed to have seen a large luminous pink object hovering and rotating over a nearby field. 26 May, 2004 : a 60 metre long cigar-shaped object was seen over Torquay. November, 2007 : Numerous people from the West Midlands conurbation reported sightings of a silent triangle shaped object in the skies in the evening which the press dubbed the Dudley Dorito. June 8, 2008 : A number of UFO sightings took place in Wales which involved a police helicopter following a UFO over Cardiff near MoD St Athan and the Bristol Channel. September 10, 2009 : Three people in a car claimed to have been struck by a colourful beam of light near Lennoxtown, ten miles north of Glasgow. The event reportedly lasted for more than two minutes. UFO fanatics will no doubt lay claim to the sightings as evidence to support their theories of alien life. Expert Nick Pope said: 'Assuming the images are genuine, they're interesting, though the smaller objects (in the first picture) weren't seen at the time, which raises the possibility of some glitch with the camera. 'As for the large one, I'm not sure. It might be some sort of atmospheric plasma phenomenon, but it's difficult to say. He added: 'The South-East does seem to be a hotspot at present. I'm not sure why. 'One possibility is that it's a self-fulfilling prophesy, where one media report smokes out more from the same area. 'Another is that it's a consequence of population density as there are more potential witnesses if there's anything odd in the sky.' Both sightings were about 75 miles, as the crow flies, from Rendlesham Forest, in Suffolk, which became known as the UK's Roswell after a group of servicemen went into the forest to investigate some mysterious lights and came out convinced they had seen seen an alien spacecraft. Meanwhile, TV presenter Chris Evans reported an unexplained sighting yesterday. He tweeted: ' Approx 40 mins ago went out to walk the dog. Something passed overhead - alight, too low for a shooting star and then disappeared. Berkshire. ' He added: 'Looked too fast for a Chinese Lantern. Hope it was something exciting.' Sightings of strange objects in the sky are often explained away as aircraft, reflections in camera lenses, satellites, flares and ball lightning, among other phenonmena Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2087848/Two-alien-aircraft-sightings-week-Chatham-Kent--UKs-UFO-hotspot.html#ixzz1jpBrcn60
个人分类: 灵异录|464 次阅读|44 个评论
分享 九百万美元,干不干?
热度 9 奉孝 2011-10-5 20:51
收到求助信一封,要求转给我九百万美元,另附艳照两张。 做不做,纠结。 As a refugee here i don't have any right or privilege to any thing be it money or whatever because it is against the law of this country. I want to go back to my studies because i only attended my first year before the tragic incident that lead to my being in this situation now, Please listen to this,i have my late father's deposit bond certificate and the certificate of ownership here with me which i will send to you later, because when he was still alive he deposited some amount of money in one of the leading bank in Madrid Spain which he used my name as the next of kin, the amount in question is $9.700.000.00 ( Nine Million seven Hundred Thousand United State Dollars ). So i will like you to help me transfer this money to your account and from it you can send some money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you. I kept this secret from people in the refugee here the only person that knows about it is the Reverend because he is like a father to me.
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