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分享 总算有人说出问题的关键了!
热度 36 锦候 2017-1-5 00:34
"The problem with the real estate market is, because the government left it for so long, there is no good outcome," said NDP housing critic David Eby. "If prices correct to where they were two years ago, there are going to be a bunch of familiesunder water. If prices stay where they are, there are a bunch of families shut out of the real estate market. If prices continue to go up, it gets even worse." http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/province-s-attempt-to-tackle-housing-affordability-still-a-work-in-progress-1.3919791 温哥华几届政府其实都从房价的狂涨中获利良多,地税,新建房屋的许可费用,房屋交易的费用等等,各级政府收的不亦乐乎。房地产是温哥华过去10多年来事实上的支柱产业,尤其是在08年金融危机后更是如此。这10几年间的历届政府都对火热的房地产市场心中窃喜,甚至推波助澜。直到前2,3年才认识到问题开始恶化,但是也没有采取任何的措施;直到16年才终于有了个针对外国炒家的15%,不过这个税最多也就是给沸腾的房地产市场浇了一小瓢冷水,经过短暂的冷却后,这锅水很快的又开始沸腾了。 这位新民主党的David Eby指出了现在房地产问题的关键;如果房价下跌,那么会有很多家庭破产;如果房价保持在现在的水平,那么会有很多家庭永远买不起房子;如果房价继续上涨,那么情况会更糟。也就是说在现阶段不管房价怎么变化总是有人要受伤的,现在才开始控制房地产市场怕是已经太晚了! 这和国内的情形一样一样的!大家都在抱怨高房价,但是在国内也曾多次出现过当开发商试图降低房价销售,结果被一群已经买了房的业主暴力攻击售楼处,不许开发商降价销售的情况。房价涨,大家都受不了;跌,有人要破产;原地踏步,很多人要倒霉。过去10来年国内和温哥华的房价狂涨的具体原因不尽相同,但是根子都是在政府!两个政府都不约而同的实行了土地经济!在没有其他的经济增长点的情况下,房地产成了唯一的亮点。现在问题来了,不论是政府还是老百姓都已经骑虎难下,不管房价如何变动都有人要倒霉!更糟糕的情况是整个经济极端的依赖房地产,如果房地产经济突然崩溃,那么一系列的连锁反应可能会造成巨大的社会动荡! 现在BC省很快就要面临省选,到时候房价肯定是个热点话题。现任的自由党政府一定会在这个问题上被骂的狗血喷头!温哥华最近的一系列抑制房价的措施也多多少少的和这次省选有关。BC省省长Clark说了:“如果你的房子是买来自己住的,那么房价不管怎么变动对你都没什么影响。”,中国的中央经济会议说:“房子是用来住的,不是用来炒的。”措辞不同但是山雨欲来的味道是一样一样的! 思路估计也是差不多!养了10几年的猪已经太肥了,现在是时候杀猪过年了!天下的乌鸦是一般黑的呀! 温哥华那些贷款在高位买房的人怕是有一大批要破产了!
1528 次阅读|18 个评论
分享 博柏利的手提包
热度 34 席琳 2016-8-22 01:21
2016-8-21 昨天晚上带小不点儿去滑冰场滑冰,错过了看电视上转播的中国女排在里约奥运会夺冠的比赛。郎平在八十年代初就大名鼎鼎,号称铁榔头,记得在日本第三届世界女排锦标赛得冠的消息传过来,大学校园里第一次挂出“郎平万岁”的横幅,也是第一次校园游行,现在在俄勒冈州工作的一个同学,把同宿舍另外一个同学(现在在日本)的搪瓷洗脸盆拿出去当鼓敲,都敲漏了,回来挨了一顿骂。 小不点儿有点儿感冒,没有怎么滑,吃了几个炸鸡块就回来了。 妹妹学校的两个校友上了当地报纸乃至全国新闻的头条,一个是去年的毕业生吸毒,成了全国有名的杀人犯,一个是多年前的毕业生,得了2016年里约奥运会4X400米接力赛的冠军。 姐姐晚上打电话,说去海边玩了。白天也打过一次电话,说同宿舍里有其他的同学,说话不方便,宿舍里总共三个同学,一个是来自德州的越南华裔,懂中文,一个来自芝加哥的白人。 姐姐说,她和妹妹两年前一起出版的一本书,被我们这边动物保护协会选中了,要在年会中推销,问姐姐能不能参加。还有全国青年艺术协会的负责人,昨天给姐姐发伊妹儿说Burberry的一家商店想让姐姐帮他们设计手提包,问姐姐感不感兴趣参加: I wanted to reach out to you because I have an opportunity that I wanted to see if you’d be interested in. One of our partners, Burberry, is looking for local artists to become skilled in their bag-painting program. Basically what this means is that they work with artists from all over the world to go through this program to learn how to customize handbags requested by an individual who purchased the bag. They have reached out to us because they are interested in getting our alumni involved in this program and selected you to be invited to apply. 姐姐开始还没当回事儿,可是等发现 Burberry是一家英国奢侈品的名牌店,就有那么一点儿动心了: I got selected to paint for a high end fashion company from BRITAIN! OMG 。This is the company: https://uk.burberry.com/women/ 。BUT I JUST MOVED AWAY。 姐姐还说,开学第二天,宿舍楼的电梯就出了毛病,十几个新生被关在电梯里面出不来,其中的两个女生哇哇大哭,有同学赶紧打九一一,说是有心脏病人,马上就有消防车来,二十分钟就解决了问题。说是不久前也发生过类似的事情,没有说有心脏病,结果就等了四十多分钟。
个人分类: 点点滴滴|768 次阅读|5 个评论
分享 科研品味和能力是一对矛盾
gordon 2016-5-3 12:53
“Nobody tells this to people who are beginners, I wish someone told me. All of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste. But there is this gap. For the first couple years you make stuff, it’s just not that good. It’s trying to be good, it has potential, but it’s not. But your taste, the thing that got you into the game, is still killer. And your taste is why your work disappoints you. A lot of people never get past this phase, they quit. Most people I know who do interesting, creative work went through years of this. We know our work doesn’t have this special thing that we want it to have. We all go through this. And if you are just starting out or you are still in this phase, you gotta know its normal and the most important thing you can do is do a lot of work. Put yourself on a deadline so that every week you will finish one story. It is only by going through a volume of work that you will close that gap, and your work will be as good as your ambitions. And I took longer to figure out how to do this than anyone I’ve ever met. It’s gonna take awhile. It’s normal to take awhile. You’ve just gotta fight your way through.” **************************************************************************************** 其实你更需要的是温暖 。 这也是美国的科研制度和英国的科研制度的差异。美国确实是冷冰冰的,但它也有自己固有的优势。 跟着导师混也很好。 注:能力象肌肉一样,锻炼才能生长。 最好有一个健身计划。储备了一段时间,积攒了一些资料,可以有一次 远征。good luck **************************************************************************************** 先学死,后学活。也是对的 不要被别人的精彩干扰了。 扩展阅读: 野战能力的培养 —— 消费比节俭好,狐狸比刺猬好 http://www.aswetalk.net/bbs/home.php?mod=spaceuid=663do=blogid=59301 **************************************************************************************** 有人知道一些,有人知道全部。 人和人是有差别的。但是也保证不了,你能冲过这道门槛,还需要你自己的努力。 而且, 世事变迁 ,我说的东西,有时候都没用了。 还是需要你重新提炼出来 。 所以, 我一直认为 德国的研究型大学是最好的。 另:不要过分努力,接受自己的不完美。
276 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 核电站控制设备
热度 31 qyangroo 2016-3-7 07:47
“It turns out that most of the … mishaps actually involve humans. So we were thinking today, what do we do to create a power plant control system to minimize that kind of impact? We came up with the following. The power plant of the future will have three control devices: a computer, a dog, and a guy. The computer runs the power plant because, as I said, most power plant mishaps happen because of human interaction. The dog keeps people away from the computer. And the guy is just there to feed the dog.” 由于大部分核电站事故都是人造成,为了尽量减少人的影响,未来的核电站将有三个控制装置:一台电脑负责运行核电站,一条狗防止人靠近电脑,一个人负责喂狗。
个人分类: 杂谈|852 次阅读|14 个评论
分享 希腊债务委员会刚刚宣布
热度 52 寞洑 2015-6-18 01:08
All the evidence we present in this report shows that Greece not only does not have the ability to pay this debt, but also should not pay this debt first and foremost because the debt emerging from the Troika’s arrangements is a direct infringement on the fundamental human rights of the residents of Greece. Hence, we came to the conclusion that Greece should not pay this debt because it is illegal, illegitimate, and odious. 所有的证据表明,希腊不仅没有能力支付这笔债务,而且也不应支付这笔债务,因为欧盟对希腊债务的安排是对希腊人民人权的最直接侵犯。 因此,希腊不应该支付这笔债务,因为它是非法的、 不合规定的、 令人作呕的。 希腊有种,这是打算自爆了。
1187 次阅读|19 个评论
分享 关于按揭的资料之二----Disclosure Rules on Mortgage Prepayment Penalties
热度 9 南方有嘉木 2012-12-11 08:18
为了保护买房人的利益,美国通过了一部法案要求Lender对买房人进行必要的信息披露。该法案叫做the Truth In Lending Act。相关披露必须在收到买房人递交的按揭贷款申请后不迟于三日内寄出。根据这个法案制定的实施细则叫Regulation Z,这个Z规则是臭名昭著的复杂。这篇文章就涉及prepayment penalties的披露要求做了介绍: Many borrowers are surprised to find that they are subject to a prepayment penalty because the Truth In Lending disclosure is very poor. Borrowers should understand that if the TIL says that they "may" be subject to a penalty, it means that they will be subject to a penalty. Why Borrowers Are Often Surprised to Find That They Must Pay a Prepayment Penalty "I recently I went to refinance and was shocked to learn that I had to pay a prepayment penalty. I had never been told about this. How can they spring it on me now?" Before signing the note, you received a Truth in Lending Disclosure Statement (TIL) that said "If you pay off your loan early, you may have to pay a penalty". You signed the statement, acknowledging that you had read it. So how can you tell me now that you had never been told? Let me answer my own question. You may not have actually read the statement when you signed it. On the day you were given the TIL, you may have had a raft of other documents requiring your signature, so you felt overwhelmed and signed them all. Or, you may actually have read the TIL but the information about the prepayment penalty did not register in your mind. My answers are based on correspondence I have had with many other borrowers who told me essentially the same thing as you: they didn’t know they had a prepayment penalty until they went to refinance. The problem seems to be pervasive, and suggests that there may be something seriously amiss with the disclosure process. I believe this is indeed the case. The TIL Disclosure of Prepayment Penalties Is Horrendous "Prepayment" lies at the bottom of the TIL, the last piece of information on a long form. It reads as follows: PREPAYMENT: If you pay off your loan early, you may will not have to pay a penalty may will not be entitled to a refund of part of the finance charge This is a strange set of choices. The negative is definite, "you…will not have to pay a penalty", but the affirmative is qualified. The dictionary says that "may" refers to "a possibility"; "may" and "may not" thus mean exactly the same thing. Use of the word "may" suggests falsely that there may not be a penalty. It would not be surprising if this misleading phraseology put borrowers off their guard. Since a mortgage loan either has a prepayment penalty clause or it doesn’t, why was the first option not expressed as a "will" rather than a "may"? My guess is that lenders pointed out to the Federal Reserve (which administers TIL) that lenders need not enforce the prepayment penalty clause, and in cases where they didn’t there would be no penalty. But this is a hair-splitting point that loses sight of the purpose of disclosure, which is to put borrowers on their guard. Borrowers don’t have to be protected against the possibility that lenders won’t enforce the penalty clause. In any case, the point about enforcement would be irrelevant if the disclosure was rephrased as follows: PREPAYMENT: Your loan does does not have a prepayment penalty clause Compounding the Problem With a Garbage Disclosure The second line under "Prepayment" on the existing TIL form indicates whether or not, in the event of early payment, the lender will refund "part of the finance charge." There is no good reason for this being here. Lenders never refund fees to borrowers, and even if they did, borrowers need not be warned about the possibility of lender generosity. What this item does is cause confusion. "Finance charge" on the TIL consists of upfront fees plus cumulative interest payments over the entire term of the loan. The TIL describes it as "The dollar amount the credit will cost you." When borrowers see that they will not "be entitled to a refund of part of the finance charge", they wonder if that means that they must pay all the interest through term when they prepay the loan? I have had this question asked of me by dozens of borrowers. The answer is "no". Interest payments cease when the loan balance is paid off. The statement is meant to alert borrowers to the fact they will not get a refund of any fees paid upfront . Because this confusing and wholly unnecessary statement is placed immediately below the already weak notice of a prepayment penalty, it weakens the penalty notice further by diluting the borrower’s attention. The effectiveness of disclosure declines as the amount of other information with which it is packaged rises. The borrower trying to figure out what the refund option means is not concentrating on the penalty option. In sum, it is readily understandable why you and many other borrowers signed a TIL but were later surprised to find that you were subject to a prepayment penalty. The TIL does a wretched job of disclosing this critical piece of information. If they did it better, perhaps we would not see so many states and municipalities enacting laws restricting prepayment penalties altogether. Don’t expect improvements in the TIL anytime soon. Meanwhile, borrowers receiving a TIL for the first time should understand that a check mark against "may" on the first line under "Prepayment" means they have a penalty clause without any doubt whatever, and they should just ignore the second line. February 5, 2011 Postscript: The good news is that beginning in 2010, the Good Faith Estimate (GFE) administered by HUD has a clear statement on whether or not the mortgage has a prepayment penalty.
个人分类: 资料收集|54 次阅读|9 个评论
分享 because
热度 1 猫元帅 2012-5-28 21:25
632 次阅读|4 个评论
分享 九百万美元,干不干?
热度 9 奉孝 2011-10-5 20:51
收到求助信一封,要求转给我九百万美元,另附艳照两张。 做不做,纠结。 As a refugee here i don't have any right or privilege to any thing be it money or whatever because it is against the law of this country. I want to go back to my studies because i only attended my first year before the tragic incident that lead to my being in this situation now, Please listen to this,i have my late father's deposit bond certificate and the certificate of ownership here with me which i will send to you later, because when he was still alive he deposited some amount of money in one of the leading bank in Madrid Spain which he used my name as the next of kin, the amount in question is $9.700.000.00 ( Nine Million seven Hundred Thousand United State Dollars ). So i will like you to help me transfer this money to your account and from it you can send some money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you. I kept this secret from people in the refugee here the only person that knows about it is the Reverend because he is like a father to me.
767 次阅读|5 个评论


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