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分享 一封保钓邮件
热度 19 阿辉1 2012-9-6 03:53
信箱里躺了这样一封邮件: The defense of Chinese Diaoyu Islands is not only an important responsibility of Chinese from both sides of the Taiwan Strait, it is also a great duty of Chinese around the world. Now Chicago Chinese Community is working together with Chinese Communities in many other US cities in a worldwide effort to defend Diaoyu Islands and demonstrate the strength of Chinese Communities globally. Please join us and make contributions. Together we will have a great rally and make our voice resonate with both the Chinese Community and Mainstream US Society. Rally for the Defense of Diaoyu Islands Date: Saturday September 15, 2012, 1:00PM to 3:00PM Location: Chicago Chinatown Square John 芝加哥保釣示威 大集會 —華埠廣場 9 月 15 日下午 1 時 日本非法侵佔中國領土釣魚島,全球全美華人 915 同步舉辦 “ 保釣護土 ” 抗議。 “ 大芝加哥華人抗議日本侵佔中國釣魚島 ” 示威大集會 時間: 9 月 15 日星期六下午 1 時至 3 時。 地点:芝加哥南唐人街華埠廣場 9 月 18 日星期二上午到日本領事館前集會遞交抗議書。 社團商家重金在主流媒體刊登保釣抗議廣告。 至盼各社團不分黨派,動員僑胞,重責中華民族大義,踴躍參加出錢出力,保釣護土。 和統會、保釣委員會、華聯會、海外交流協會、五邑同鄉會、美亞協會、抗戰史實會、龍岡公所、鳳倫公所、劍忠厚體育會、芝加哥華人藝術團、安良工商會、協勝公會、洪門致公堂、伍胥山公所、朔源公所、至德三德公所、華中科大校友會、辛亥聯誼社、復旦校友會、河南同鄉會、全美華人聯合社團、香港華協會、科工專、一中會、湖北同鄉會、美中文化藝術中心、李氏教育基金會、新亞電視、美國華網、美國僑網、芝加哥網、天津聯誼會、天津商會、廣州協會、美亞建康協會、芝加哥少林寺、東北總商會、美加中華詩詞楹聯學會、希林聯合中文學校、希林 UIC 中文學校、希林芝大中文學校、希林西北郊中文學校、希林西北大學中文學校、希林湖郡中文學校、希林瑞柏中文學校、希林協會、希林老人活動中心、希林藝術中心、 华美教授学会、黄氏宗亲会、统促会、 文化职业协会、東方中醫、唯美、孝誠百貨、富城酒樓、張輝藥材、張英藥材、華燈禮品、陽光衛星電視、永昌食品、中華同盟會、健民行、會賓樓、芝加哥中文學校、溫州同鄉會、美國中西部湖南同鄉會、華人敬老會 。
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分享 九百万美元,干不干?
热度 9 奉孝 2011-10-5 20:51
收到求助信一封,要求转给我九百万美元,另附艳照两张。 做不做,纠结。 As a refugee here i don't have any right or privilege to any thing be it money or whatever because it is against the law of this country. I want to go back to my studies because i only attended my first year before the tragic incident that lead to my being in this situation now, Please listen to this,i have my late father's deposit bond certificate and the certificate of ownership here with me which i will send to you later, because when he was still alive he deposited some amount of money in one of the leading bank in Madrid Spain which he used my name as the next of kin, the amount in question is $9.700.000.00 ( Nine Million seven Hundred Thousand United State Dollars ). So i will like you to help me transfer this money to your account and from it you can send some money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you. I kept this secret from people in the refugee here the only person that knows about it is the Reverend because he is like a father to me.
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