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分享 Jessica Taylor vs. Nikki Homanick
席琳 2017-2-1 11:32
2017-1-31 Petty Twitter spat between two Penn State roommates explodes into a viral feud egged on by thousands, sparking accusations of underage drinking, drug-taking and even harassment Jessica Taylor fell out with her college roommate, known only as Nikki, after she discovered she was tweeting cruel comments about her In response, the Pennsylvania State University student, printed the comments, pinned them to their wall, took a photograph and tweeted it.Her tweet got the attention of thousands of people online and was liked more than 160,000 times. She then continued to post a running commentary of their dispute - involving cannabis, drinking, accusations of harassment and a police visit. Jessica Taylor’s first few weeks as a freshman at Penn State went about as typically as you might expect: she’s majoring in psychology; she joined a sorority (Phi Mu); she didn’t really get along with her roommate in her dorm. What can you do? Then she found out her roommate was subtweeting the hell out of her on Twitter, and as the social contract between 18-years-old left alone in the world for the first time demands, her revenge was swift and viral. Taylor printed out all her roommates tweets about her and taped them up in their dorm . Then she snapped a photo of her depraved gallery wall and tweeted it herself. Bazinga: 80,000 retweets in one day.
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分享 去而复返
热度 14 小猫 2015-12-23 22:29
Elon Musk简单的一句:“去而复返。” 却历程艰难。下图是SpaceX今天在Twitter上转发量最大的一张图。
515 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Twitter上的奇怪帐号
热度 14 寞洑 2015-11-18 05:27
664 次阅读|10 个评论
分享 ISIS最近在Twitter上威胁说:罗马人注意,我们要来炸你们了!!! ...
热度 42 天狼星 2015-2-24 00:55
824 次阅读|6 个评论
分享 政府关门的余波?
热度 40 洗心 2013-10-9 02:57
@苏梦夏 美国驻俄罗斯大使Michael McFaul在个人帐号称:"因为美国政府没有提供经费,我暂时不会更新我Facebook和Twitter。大家可以在美国国务院网站看看信息!" 让俄罗斯网友很惊讶:难道平时Michael发个人的Facebook和Twitter每条都收美国政府的钱?? 美国政府关门有没有影响到中国网络水军?
915 次阅读|10 个评论
分享 转移去twitter
热度 12 假如十八 2012-2-9 13:22
坑爹的实名制. 只好去twitter了, 大家搜索eli morton就是我
2394 次阅读|9 个评论


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