这几天王毅外长批驳加拿大女记者的视频挺火。但我发现好多人都没搞清女记者说啥。 当时情况就是王毅外长来访加拿大,和加外长一起开记者招待会。有个女记者就向加拿大外长提问,原文: “There are no shortage of concerns about China’s treatment of human rights advocates such as the Hong Kong booksellers and its detention of the Garratts, not to mention the destabilizing effects of its territorial ambitions in the South China Sea. Given these concerns, why is Canada pursuing closer ties with China, how do you plan to use that relationship to improve human rights and security in the region, and did you specifically raise the case of the Garratts during your talks?” 然后王毅就开批了。。。