叶子小院的灯笼节作品集锦(之三) 写在前面的话:这次是中文翻英文。坛中高手颇多。糊里糊涂又拔了头筹,爵爷,龙血树,七七和喜欢各有风格。 七步诗的翻译 灯笼by@叶子 七步诗曹植 煮豆燃豆萁 豆在釜中泣 本是同根生 相煎何太急 ---------------------- 射手一 @糊里糊涂 Bean and Beanstalk Boiling pot sit on a beanstalk fire. Beans are crying with the great anger. "Beanstalk and bean, a same-root pair. We are suffering, you are the causer?!” ---------------------------------- 射手二 @韦红雪 Burning bean stalk to cook bean, Crying the bean in the pan, Growing from the same root sure we were, Hurting each other why so mean. --------------------------------------- 射手三 @龙血树 Seven-step poem Beans were being cooked,with bean stalks burning Inside the pot beans were weeping Growing up together from the same roots, What’s the rush for mutually harming? ----------------------------------- 射手四 @齐若散 Beanstalks turn in fire scaring beans loudly cry kill your siblings without shy tell me reason tell me why ----------------------------------- 射手五 @喜欢 Beans in pot are boiling Stalks underneath are burning We were family once, cry the beans What is the reason of this killing? 叶子点评:五位选手居然能找到不同的押韵方式,我真是服了汉语的博大精深。