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分享 『ZT』突发新闻:监管层要求银行下调理财产品收益率
热度 14 martian 2016-1-12 13:20
监管层要求银行下调理财产品收益率 路透社援引知情人消息称,中国银监会和中央国债登记结算公司近日非正式指导银行降低理财产品收益率,以控规模防风险。该消息未获银监会确认。 事实上,自新年伊始,银行理财产品收益已经出现大幅度回落。融360报告显示,2015年12月银行理财产品的平均预期收益率为4.22%,创下两年来新低。 此前有分析人士认为,由于“钱多、好资产少”渐成常态,国内市场无风险利率正在降低,理财产品预期收益率在下降,今年,资金再配置压力将有增无减。 中金公司债券分析师陈健恒、范阳阳在2015年12月发布的研报中表示,传统的交易型机构在新的一年都有尽快配置,尽快获取收益,为明年业绩奠定基础的需求。配置类机构当中,银行投资账户在资负部门下达了投资规划之后也会加快配置力度,与贷款类似,早买早收益。银行理财在一季度可能会开始新一轮的下调理财收益率下调,因为在资产端收益率持续走低加上存量高息资产持续到期的情况下,银行理财不仅在边际资金上已经亏钱,如果再过一两个季度不下调理财收益率,整个理财池子都面临亏损的风险。 银监会主席尚福林在1月11日的全国银监会工作会议上介绍,据初步统计,2015年全年新增理财资金8.5万亿元。 另据《中国银行业理财市场年度报告》,截至2014年末,银行理财资金余额达15.02万亿元,同比增长46.68%;全年日均理财余额13.75万亿元,同比增长43.38%。
1030 次阅读|3 个评论
分享 【zt】路透社:山羊与东北虎的友情
热度 16 龙血树 2015-11-29 03:29
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. ... 某无名山羊被送给东北虎“阿莫”当日常大餐。不巧的是,人类饲养员忘记教导它,要去害怕东北虎。所以它把阿莫从洞府赶到外面,自己占据了阿莫的洞府。因为它的大无畏精神,现在山羊已经被人类赐名“提莫”。 “提莫”把阿莫当做头羊追随,阿莫似乎也不把提莫当猎物,二位一起在公园漫游。 某人类不和谐音:“请把山羊挪开,救救它!” 您早在提莫被当食物送进去的时候干什么去了? 原网站有视频,俺加不进来 ---------------------------- https://www.rt.com/news/323831-tiger-goat-zookeepers-siberian/ A tiger's best friend is a... goat: Activists call on zookeepers to separate the pals Published time: 28 Nov, 2015 13:29 Edited time: 28 Nov, 2015 13:57 Amur, a Siberian tiger, and a goat called Timur are seen here in an enclosure at the Primorye Safari Park. Tigers there are fed on live food all year round yet Amur refused to eat goat Timur. © Vitaliy Ankov / Sputnik A rare friendship between Amur and Timur, a Siberian tiger and a goat, has raised many eyebrows after the dare-devil goat refused to be the predator's lunch, and commandeered the feline’s bed instead. Fans are calling on the zookeepers to resettle the goat, saying its life is worth saving. “Please, house the goat separately and let it live in your safari park. Let his story be not only about the compassion the tiger showed towards the brave goat, but about people showing humanism too,” one activist, Bogdan, wrote on the website of the Far Eastern Safari Park in the Primorsky region. “Their friendship is highly unusual and phenomenal. Park staff, director, have you got a mite of compassion towards Timur? Can it be placed separately? The goat is sensational! Save it! ” Mikhail, another enthusiast, added. "Resettle Timur, he has earned the right to live, please!" Marina wrote. The moment staff at the Russian safari park put the goat inside the big cat's enclosure earlier this week, they said goodbye to Timur (who didn't even have a name back then), presuming it would meet a gruesome end as with other animals in the past. Amur is used to killing and eating goats and rabbits twice a week. However, Timur proved to be a hard nut to crack after it forced Amur out of its bed, forcing the tiger to sleep on the roof of his cave for several nights. “Nobody taught the goat to be afraid of the tiger. So, Amur decided not to mess with the fearless goat, and didn't eat it,” the zookeepers wrote on the park's website. “During the day, Amur and Timur walk together like a pair of good friends. Timur takes Amur for an alpha male, and follows it everywhere. Timur's fearlessness and caution have led to such a paradoxical result, ” they said. According to the zookeepers, Amur doesn't appear to view Timur as prey. “It understands that it's not a victim.” The goat is being fed every day: it gets hay, wheat, feedstuff and water. On Thursday, Amur caught the zookeepers totally unawares when it came to the canteen, ate its meat and then waited patiently for its new friend. “ It even hissed at an employee who feeds the tigers, as if to tell him, 'Hey, don't you ever approach my friend.' Before that, he never showed any aggression towards staff,” the zookeepers noted.
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分享 路透社:乌克兰危机令美英经济一路高歌,法德俄三国成 “欧洲病夫”。 ...
热度 24 hotmen 2014-3-21 11:21
过去的短短三个月中,乌克兰局势愈演愈烈,恶劣的外部环境,东西方的政治博弈和西方国家的集体制裁让俄罗斯经济遭受重创,俄卢布在一夜间暴跌 6 %, 大量的投资计划被无期限搁浅,能源出口价格受到严重影响,贸易额在过去 2 个月内持续负增长。 而欧洲大陆的上的两个主要经济体法国和德国的经济也深受影响,由于市场担忧对俄制裁措施可能给本就脆弱的法德经济“雪上加霜”,以及公共部门可能出现的能 源紧张状况,巴黎CAC和德国DAX指数出现严重下滑,众多能源股票价格暴跌,而法国同俄罗斯间大量的经济合作项目被中止,让法国的服务贸易额急剧减少。 投行高盛已经大幅下调法国和德国在今年的经济增长预期。 一时间,欧洲的主要三个经济体法国,德国,俄罗斯成为“ 欧洲病夫” 而一蹶不振,而美英经济却一路走高。前天,英国央行英格兰银行将 2014 年度的英国经济增长提高到 2.7 %,创下金融危机以来最大增幅。大量的英俄双重国籍的富豪将位于俄罗斯的投资项目转移到英国,伦敦富时 100 指数一路向好,海外和欧洲在伦敦的投资计划倍增,英国失业率首次低于市场预期至 7% 的平均线,伦敦进一步巩固了作为世界头号金融中心的地位。英国也成为西方和欧洲经济最具活力,增长最快的国家。 而美国经济表现也不逊色,美国的隔夜全球市场数据利好令道琼斯指数增长 0.68%,经济增长在过去一个季度内超过预期,而俄罗斯寡头则成为美国海外市场最主要的贡献力量。美国股市出现大幅上扬,在美俄政治博弈中,经济制裁并 没有给美国带来担忧,美国强有力的经济力量表现出巨大优势。
1173 次阅读|6 个评论
分享 路透社报道的飞机航线
热度 31 holycow 2014-3-14 21:24
这是军用雷达所能追踪到的。看来客机并没有刻意低空飞行,选择的航线是正常商业航线,如果在这条航线上继续下去,会飞往中东。 不知道印度人的雷达数据会发现什么。
1317 次阅读|25 个评论
分享 福岛漏水……未遂
热度 11 胖鸡翅 2012-2-2 14:22
据路透社和《今日日本》2月2日报道,日本福岛核电站再次发生泄漏事故,一反应堆的冷却水管破裂导致8.5吨放射性核污水泄漏。 日本东京电力公司证实称,发生泄漏事故的是福岛第一核电站的4号反应堆,由于与该反应堆的相连的一条冷却水管发生破裂,8.5吨含有放射性物质的污水泄漏,但是污水都在4号反应堆的建筑内,没有外流。 每隔一阵子一定会出来闹一下提醒大家“别忘了我……” 真欢乐
个人分类: 大碗茶|1565 次阅读|4 个评论


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