2017-3-14 今天是派代,MIT正常录取发榜在6点24分,比预告的六点28分提前了四分钟。妹妹的学校,又有一个同学被录取,比预期的少,是尼泊尔的那个男孩,之前曾被普林斯顿提前录取。大家一致看好,年级排名第三第四呼声也最高的两位中国男孩,没有被录取。 姐姐的学校,有一个中国男孩被MIT录取,年级排名第一,是我前同事的儿子,也是妹妹从小学到初中的同学, 科研得Intel大奖,不过都是前同事的工作,所以不说也罢。这个孩子 提前录取报的是耶鲁,但是被拒了。 MIT的网页上,有今年录取的大致情况,总共两万个学生申请,录取一千四百个学生,录取率为百分之七点一,比去年的百分之七点八略低。可是如果考虑还有几百个学生在waiting list上,最后的录取率,应该和去年持平。 Between Early and Regular Action, 20,247 students applied to join the MIT Class of 2021. As of today (inclusive of Early Action), we have offered admission to 1,438 students. These 1,438 students are truly exceptional. The admitted Class of 2021 includes musicians and mathematicians, farmhands and physicists, rocketeers and raconteurs, from Albania to Zambia and everywhere in between. Individually they represent more than 60 countries and 1,000 high schools; together, they constitute an incredible community, each contributing a set of rare skills and perspectives while holding in common the highest caliber of cognition and character. 这一千四百名学生,来自大约1000所高中,每所高中平均录取不到一个半人。妹妹的高中,目前所知被录取四个人,应该算是还不错的说。 就社区内的中国孩子而言,MIT的录取率,已经和去年姐姐那一届持平。
2016-12-21 从某网站学来一个新词:称MIT为麻技,也就是麻省技术学院的意思,其实天底下文人相轻,互相贬低对手学校的层出不穷。例如麻省理工称哈佛为哈佛社区学院。可是如果用新生提前录取的数据来说话,还是可以看出差别的( 席琳:麻省理工和斯坦福大学的新生提前录取 )。 去年(2020届) 美国五大名校( P HY M S)的提前录取率数据分别为:哈佛 14.9%,耶鲁 16.9%,普林斯顿 18.6%、斯坦福 9.5%、麻技 8.4%。麻技为最低,也就是说难度最大,原因之一是麻技不考虑家族传奇,爷爷奶奶和七大姑八大姨这两代人的校友都不算数,是申请学生自己的本事。今年(2021届)除斯坦福拒绝发布提前录取的数据外,麻技的提前录取又创历史新低,为7.8%( 席琳:麻省理工都需要什么样的学生? )。 MIT Accepted 657 Students in EA to Class of 2021 - This year, 8,394 students applied for early admission to MIT, and we have offered early admission to 657. These students hail from more than 500 high schools scattered across the globe, from New England to New Zealand. We can't wait to welcome them to campus to join the 4,524 outstanding undergraduates who already call MIT home. Though they all do different things — biology and bhangra, physics and feminism, rowing and robotics — they are united by a shared standard of rigorous academics, high character, and a strong match with MIT's global mission to make the world a better place. We deferred 5,853 applicants. These students will be reconsidered without prejudice in Regular Action. Deferred students do not need to send us anything new other than the February Updates and Notes Form, which will become available in mid-January on your MyMIT account. We will post a blog entry with more information for deferred students on Saturday. Because of the competitiveness of our pool, we have already informed 1,717 students that we will not be able to offer them admission this year. This decision has been made with care, and it is final. I know this can be a difficult decision to receive. Take a deep breath, shake it off, and go crush the rest of your college applications this cycle. The balance of the applicants - 167 - either withdrew from our process before we issued decisions or had incomplete applications. 同时期包括哈佛耶鲁普林斯顿在内的八大藤校的提前录取率,都超过14%(H、P、Y是EA,其它五所是ED,其中的哥大比较小气,不敢公布提前录取率,但我们知道他去年的提前录取率是17.6%,比普林斯顿的18.6%稍低): Brown University — 3,170 applications, 695 acceptances Columbia University — 4,086 applications, does not release acceptance figures Cornell University — 5,384 applications, 1,378 acceptances Dartmouth College — 1999 applications, 555 acceptances Harvard University — 6,473 applications, 938 acceptances University of Pennsylvania — 6,147 applications, 1,354 acceptances Princeton University — 5,033 applications, 770 acceptances Yale University — 5,086 applications, 871 acceptances