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分享 关于trump与第一夫人的八卦新闻
热度 50 天行健康 2017-2-7 10:10
据称,2017年2月3日,当美国新任总统特朗普和第一夫人乘坐专机抵达棕榈滩国际机场时,他们上演了一次十分尴尬的牵手,这也是特朗普上任后第一次在公共场合和夫人梅拉尼娅牵手。 现场画面显示,特朗普和夫人刚下飞机时,两人的手是握在一起的。但很快特朗普就突然“甩”开梅拉尼娅,上前和迎接他的人致意。 随后,当梅拉尼娅再次上前主动牵起特朗普时,特朗普极不情愿地拍了两下,再一次“甩”开了夫人的手。 类似的,联想起就职日上第一夫人先笑脸后嫌弃的表情。。。挺无聊的 (终于调好了这个动图。。。)
1675 次阅读|19 个评论
分享 推特上下战书
热度 24 grass 2016-12-24 12:58
当选总统Trump本周四在推特上发推文,表示要搞核军备竞赛,將大幅增強并改进美国的核武器库。考虑到Trump已經与俄罗斯的普京达成和解,这样他在正式宣誓后,就有可能使得在即將到來的中美对抗中,俄罗斯保持中立,同時,当前油价已经 企 稳 于 50美元每桶上方,在 经济 上,中 国 对于俄罗斯 的重要性已經大幅下降。全世界的大 国 中,中 国 真正意 义 上的盟 国 可以說沒有. 此时的 中 国 相 当 于 是1930年代的 苏联 。 这样 的一个背景,使得Trump在第一任总統任期內,与中 国 打貿易 战 有了技 术 上的可行性。 海内外的华人,系好安全带.
1318 次阅读|14 个评论
分享 市场判定trump第二场辩论输了
热度 1 gordon 2016-10-12 06:58
从欧美市场走势来看,市场判定trump第二场辩论输了, 注:时间太短了,没有特殊情况的话,trump 必输无疑 ********************************************************************** 那段录音,拿出来的时间,卡的很准 没有时间,再让他翻盘了 注:规则下的竞争,就是这样,trump 输定了
208 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 我的名字 gordon 的来历 —— Donald Trump 的一些故事
gordon 2016-3-16 03:43
Carl Incahn 当年也树了不少敌。 2010 年 他和 Donald Trump 就亚特兰大城的 3 家赌场纠缠不休。 这场纠纷是商战也是面子战 - 最后以 Icahn 败诉告终 。 Trump 说他当时对这场纠纷很意外因为他和 Icahn 曾是好友。 这些年他帮 Icahn 预留过美网公开赛的包厢座位也在 1990 年就 Icahn 离婚一事给过建议。 Trump 说道, “ 很不幸, Carl 是那种永远把交易放在第一位的人。我是个重情义的人 所以我不会跟朋友纠缠 。 但是对于 Carl , 交易开始的一刻友谊就结束了。 ” Icahn 说他很欣赏 Trump, 但也补充到, ” 我觉得他都没有邀请我出席他女儿的婚礼,你说我们关系能有多近呢 ” ******************************************************************************** 1987 年 Oliver Stone 执导电影华尔街时他曾去见过 Carl 。 电影里 Gordon Gekko 的名言 ” 人偶过你想要个朋友,那就去养条狗 ” , 其实是出自 Carl Icahn 。 ******************************************************************************** 作为 Carl Incahn 的儿子, Brett 很早就接触了父亲的商业事务。 还是孩子的 Brett 就被父亲拖着游荡了 Westchester 镇的地产业。 然后又见识了父亲对各企业的侵袭。 父子两常在一起下象棋,赌注都是上千美元。 Brett 棋艺略高一筹。 他父亲评论说, “ 我不知道他怎么赢我的 ” 还补充到,晚些时候以为象棋高手回来辅导他的棋艺。 “ 别告诉 Brett 。 我不想让他知道 ” 和父亲一样, Brett 也念了普林斯顿大学。 他在高盛实习过后,却选择从事电影导演一业,执导了几步小型文艺片。 2002 年他加入了父亲的公司。 “ 我一直知道我最终会从事金融业 ” Brett Icahn 说。 和他父亲一样,采访也以电话形式进行。 他熟记着父亲的教诲 “ 公司内的民主总是有名无实, 任人唯亲在董事会里非常普遍, 这就是为什么激进投资者能有这么多机会。 ” ******************************************************************************** 像Icahn这样残忍无情并破坏商业平衡的行为无疑会在政商两界引起公愤,而这种情绪更是在他收购了环球航空公司后达到顶峰。 这家由Howard Hguhes创立的老牌航空公司遭到了Icahn的强力狙击,后者依靠出售廉价债券融资最终取得了环球航空的控制权,没过几年后就将其彻底私有化了。然 后,Icahn便对这家传奇公司进行了竭泽而渔式的疯狂榨取,为他之后的数笔交易提供了大量现金。此后,他又出售了环球航空最值钱的几条航线,在公司背上 5.4亿美元的巨债后“功成身退”。1992年,环球航空公司最终破产,自此,Carl Icahn便成了各大公司CEO眼中“公司终结者”的代名词。 在80年代, 相比使股东利益最大化,公司更重视如何提高员工福利 。这就使得那些恶意收购者有机可乘,这些人最有名的说辞就是:贪婪是好事。 注:但是你要明白私企和国企是不一样的。 国企最后有国家隐形担保,其实最后有税收做担保的 。更赤裸一点的说法,是以暴力做担保的。 私企还是要更努力一些。 另:道格拉斯对这个人根本就不了解,这个人是高科技公司的著名投资者。所以根本不可能有 “大哥大” 那个事。 有也没关系,他也会投资高科技公司的。 ******************************************************************************** http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTUwMDExMDg0NA==/v.swf
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分享 Donald Trump 与 拿破仑
gordon 2016-3-2 10:43
拿破仑进军巴黎时,一家报纸在几天内所用的标题是这样变化的:第一天:“科西嘉的怪物在儒安港登陆”。第二天:“吃人的魔鬼向格腊斯前进”。第三天:“篡 位者进入格勒诺布尔”。第四天:“波拿巴占领里昂”。第五天:“拿破仑接近枫丹白露”。第六天: “陛下将于今日抵达自己忠实的巴黎” ****************************************************************************** “纽约的暴发户宣布参选”,“恶心的大嘴从天空飘来”,“唐床破的民调持续攀升”,“特朗普取得初选胜利”,“亲爱的唐纳德获得共和党提名”,“尊敬的当选总统阁下将于今日宣誓就职” ****************************************************************************** 很少有人知道,拿破仑是院士。 货真价实的院士 。 当然也有点,投机取巧,当年革命后,法国人才流失 好吧,准确的说,他是法国人才流失后,瘸子里挑出来的将军。他是院士 ****************************************************************************** 法兰西科学院共有院士145名,当院士缺额时才可能增补新院士。1797年12月,拿破仑与贵族工程师蒙塔朗贝尔将军等11名候选人开始为选补原卡诺院士 的席位角逐。两轮投票后,拿破仑以大多数票胜出,成为数学部院士。他对此十分得意,以后他在所有的命令和文告上签名时,都写上“科学院院士、东征方面军总 司令”的头衔。 ****************************************************************************** 你国有趙氣的很多,有趙命的却很少! 早在意大利战役中,曾有人问他打完仗之后打算干什么,他毫不犹豫地答:“我将退出军界,从事科学研究,争取有朝一日成为科学院院士。”
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分享 Donald Trump 语录
热度 14 Dracula 2016-2-24 01:54
刚看到一篇文章,收录了Trump历年的一些语录。下面摘抄几条我觉得最有意思的。 (原文在这里 http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/donald-trumps-craziest-quotes-the-2016-presidential-hopeful-speaks-201568 ) “I think apologizing’s a great thing, but you have to be wrong. I will absolutely apologize, sometime in the hopefully distant future, if I’m ever wrong.” — on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in September 2015 “Heidi Klum. Sadly, she's no longer a 10." — New York Times article in August 2015 “When these people walk in the room, they don’t say, ‘Oh, hello! How’s the weather? It’s so beautiful outside. Isn’t it lovely? How are the Yankees doing? Oh they’re doing wonderful. Great.’ say, ‘We want deal!’” — discussing Asians at an August 2015 rally in Iowa “No more massive injections. Tiny children are not horses—one vaccine at a time, over time.” — via Twitter in September 2014 “It’s like in golf. A lot of people — I don’t want this to sound trivial — but a lot of people are switching to these really long putters, very unattractive. It’s weird. You see these great players with these really long putters, because they can’t sink three-footers anymore. And, I hate it. I am a traditionalist. I have so many fabulous friends who happen to be gay, but I am a traditionalist.” — explaining his stance on gay marriage in a New York Times profile in May 2011 “I have a great relationship with the blacks. I’ve always had a great relationship with the blacks.” — in an interview with Albany’s Talk Radio 1300 in April 2011 “I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.” — commenting on his entrepreneurial daughter’s attractiveness on The View in 2006 “All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me — consciously or unconsciously. That’s to be expected.” — on the social dynamics of his hit NBC reality show, to the Daily News in 2004 “The line of ‘Make America great again,’ the phrase, that was mine, I came up with it about a year ago, and I kept using it, and everybody’s using it, they are all loving it. I don’t know I guess I should copyright it, maybe I have copyrighted it.” — Trump, claiming that he was the first person to coin the phrase in March 2015. Ronald Reagan used the slogan over 35 years ago during his campaign.
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分享 Trump的家史
热度 14 Dracula 2016-2-12 00:43
Kallstadt’s king How the German heritage he has hidden shaped Donald Trump http://www.economist.com/news/united-states/21692909-how-german-heritage-he-has-hidden-shaped-donald-trump-kallstadts-king MANY ingredients went into making Donald Trump. An under-appreciated one is the distinctively German, or rather Kallstadtian, tinge to his family history. Mr Trump is descended from German immigrants who arrived in America penniless and succeeded quickly through hard work, a free relationship with the truth, opportunism, shrewd business tactics and a great sense of family loyalty. Fred Trump, Donald’s father, who was a strict taskmaster with all his five children, told his three sons to be “killers”. Fred Trump’s father, Friedrich Trump, came to America in 1885 as a 16-year-old from Kallstadt, a village in Rhineland-Palatinate, a region known for wine and stuffed pig’s stomach. After working for a few years as a barber in New York, he headed west and opened a restaurant in a mining town in Washington state where workmen were treated to hearty food, liquor and assignations with women in the back rooms of the establishment. Having amassed a nest-egg, Friedrich returned to Kallstadt to marry Elisabeth Christ, the girl next door, whom he took with him to America. Elisabeth was homesick, so they soon went back to Germany. Yet the authorities refused to let them repatriate because they said Friedrich, who was an American citizen by then, had dodged his military service. The young Trumps were thus forced to emigrate to America. In 1905 their first son, Fred, was born in New York. When Fred Trump was 11 America entered the first world war and a period of intense anti-German sentiment followed, abating in the interwar years and then flaring up again during the second world war. German books were burnt, sauerkraut was renamed “liberty cabbage” and frankfurters became “hot dogs”. Friedrich died of Spanish flu in 1918 at the age of only 49 and left Fred and his mother a tidy sum of money, which they used to set up a company, E. Trump Son, and invested in property. After graduation from high school in 1923, Fred started to work full-time in construction. He realised quickly that his German origins could be a hindrance, so he pretended that his parents were Swedish, though his mother spoke English with a thick German accent and baked Apfeltorte for family reunions. Donald was Fred Trump’s favourite child, and followed him into the building business. “Fred taught Donald a lot and he was a very good student,” says Gwenda Blair, the author of a book on three generations of Trumps. Part of Donald Trump’s success in the casino and property business was down to his early understanding of the power of branding. “Trump” lends itself to big lettering on buildings because it suggests luck and success. Like his father, though, he thought his German origins might not endear him to possible backers. He stuck to Fred’s tale and wrote in his autobiography, “Trump: The Art of the Deal”, that his father was of Swedish descent. Challenged on this point in an interview with Vanity Fair in 1990, he replied: “My father was not German; my father’s parents were German…Swedish, and really sort of all over Europe.” The Trumps were typical of German-Americans, the country’s biggest single ethnic group, in trying so hard to assimilate and obscuring their origins. Yet Donald Trump has occasionally changed his story. Simone Wendel, a filmmaker from Kallstadt, visited him at Trump Tower a few years ago for her documentary “Kings of Kallstadt”, a portrait of this village of 1,200 inhabitants, which also produced the Heinz family, founders of the Ketchup empire. He was rather reserved at first during the meeting, says Ms Wedel, but he warmed to the topic when she showed him photographs of his grandparents and of his grandfather’s modest house. “I love Kallstadt,” says Mr Trump in her documentary. “Ich bin ein Kallstädter.” The braggadocious Mr Trump has probably more Kallstadt in him than he knows. The people of Kallstadt are affectionately known as Brulljesmacher, meaning braggart in the regional dialect. Were he to become president, Mr Trump would not be the first occupant of the White House of German descent. Dwight Eisenhower’s family was originally called Eisenhauer and hailed from Karlsbrunn, close to the German-French border. Herbert Hoover’s ancestors were called Huber and came from Baden in southern Germany. They both made little of their origins—but they did not go so far as to invent new ones.
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