2015-4-28 姐姐今天终于接到加州暑假艺术学校(California State Summer School for the Arts - CSSSA)的录取通知书,暑假要去加州艺术学院(CalArts)学习做动漫了。姐姐的一个也是学美术也非常有天赋的一个同学一直想着去CalArts的暑假项目培训,但去年和今年都没有接到通知。因为CalArts的暑假动漫班,主要是对加州的高中学生开,每年招约五百名,分七个专业,录取的比例是三分之一,而外州的孩子,第一是价格贵,是本州的三倍还多,第二是有名额限制,根据CalArts在自己网页和通知书上吹牛,说外州学生录取的总数,不超过二十名。 姐姐去年就被CalArts接受过,但是没有去,今年她是志在必得,所以大学和研究所的暑假实习,一个都没有申请。她去年暑假在医药研究所打工挣了两千块,今年得了美术协会的奖学金2000块,虽然加起来,还不够交学费的。 马里兰艺术学校(MICA)也在两个星期之前,给姐姐发来了通知,并让在五月初给答复,姐姐正在着急呢,因为CalArts的录取通知书,一般是在五月中旬才发出, 是所有的暑假项目中最晚的。去年就是相同的原因,姐姐先接受了一家医药研究所做实习,没有去CalArts和MICA。我们做家长的, 知道这些培训班,是以赚钱为目的的,但也 只好安慰她,说肯定会收的,因为不收她是CalArts的损失,让她自己,先给学校写信催一催。也给MICA写信,说明情况。结果大概还没等写信,人家通知和表格就先给寄来了。 看起来这两个学校,尤其是CalArts,今年是学乖了一点。 The California State Summer School for the Arts (CSSSA) is a rigorous pre-professional training program in the visual and performing arts, creative writing, animation, and film for talented artists of high school age. CSSSA provides a supportive environment in which students hone acquired skills and explore new techniques and ideas for an intense and exciting learning experience. The School was created by the California Legislature, held its first session in 1987 and will conduct its 29th session in 2015. This intense, four week program was held at CalArts and was divided into seven different departments—animation, creative writing, dance, film and video, music, theater, and visual arts - and admitted 500 teenagers every year, only one-third of those who applied. California residents enrolled in grades nine through twelve may apply to attend CSSSA. Students from outside of California may also apply; twenty are admitted each year. Participants are selected in the spring, on the basis of their talent and creativity as demonstrated through assignments and teacher recommendations.
2015-4-8 昨天晚上,经过近一个星期的忐忑和比较,妹妹终于选择了马克思普朗克脑科学研究所,并鼓起勇气,给Scripps Florida研究所写了一封拒绝信。今天白天,我也花了点功夫,仔细看了一下马普所的网页,虽说这马普所比较年轻,可是气度非凡,不愧是世界级水平的研究所,从MIT、杜克大学等名校挖过来包括诺贝尔奖金获得者在内的世界最顶尖的科学家们,眼界高,起点好,从最棒的高中招收最棒的实习学生,同时他们的档案工作也做得比较好,每次事件,都记录的很详细,让人过目不忘。 由德国在美国设研究所,由日本人做老板,招中国人当实习生,这本身说起来,就是一个传奇故事。 而且我们一个朋友的小孩,也是妹妹学校的,先后在马普所和Scripps做实习,今年被哥伦比亚大学、杜克大学、和康奈尔大学录取。 The Jupiter Neuroscience Campus consists of collaboration between neuroscientists from MPFI, Scripps Florida, and Florida Atlantic University, with an extended network of research excellence in nearby Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies and the Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute of Florida. Dr. Ryohei Yasuda was named Scientific Director of the Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience in 2012 and heads the Neuronal Signal Transduction Lab. The focus of Dr. Yasuda’s lab is to elucidate some of the molecular mechanisms underlying synaptic plasticity and ultimately learning and memory The nine talented students selected for the 2014 program are: Ibrahim Ali , Brittany Fischer, Samantha Grubner and Revathi Ravella of Suncoast High School, Rohan Challa, Jonathan Li , David McClintock and Anton Relin of Atlantic Community High School, and Taisuke Yasuda of the Dreyfoos School of the Arts. These students were selected based on their exceptional academic records and keen interest in pursuing a career in science.