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分享 学者书屋写作与绘画赛区比赛结果
热度 1 席琳 2016-1-27 12:51
2016-1-26 本年度本赛区学者书屋写作与绘画比赛的结果今天全部出来了,姐姐得了七个金奖,六项银奖,九项三等奖,同时还得了她最想得的American Vision特等奖。她的同学说她又一次把学者书屋给灭了。妹妹则得一项银奖,六项三等奖。妹妹比较犹豫,可是她学校的老师说她已经很不错了,因为整个学校也只有一个学生得金奖,两个学生得银奖,妹妹就是其中的一个。姐姐的学校,则披金挂银,尤其是毕业班的同学,囊括了本赛区五位特等奖中的四个。 关于南加州大学全额奖学金的筛选过程,有网友在College Confidential网站上披露说: About 800 (rough estimate) are invited to interview out of a pool of over 20,000. Make that roughly 4% of the early applicants, who--by the very fact they bothered to apply before the scholarship deadline--would seem a very highly qualified group. 4% means just 4 out of 100 high stat-type applicants. Each year, about 300 are invited to interview for the Trustee, Stamps Mork. That's about 1.5% of these early applicants will be asked to interview for the top scholarships, while another 500 or so will be invited for the Presidential. Of those who come to campus for the interview (not all do!--some may have received good news from SCEA schools like Stanford or ED at another school and they are consequently out of the pool), about 200 are actually awarded the Trustee, Mork or Stamps. That's about 1% or less of the original group of applicants before Dec 1. Of those, we see about 140 or so who end up matriculating to USC. Again, these are rough numbers to give an idea of how selective the process is. Students who are invited to interview for a particular merit scholarship (Trustee, or Presidential) are finalists in the competitive process to award these prizes. Decisions are based on the interview, so some students will receive the scholarship they interviewed for, while others will not. Each year we observe that the majority of students are awarded the scholarship they are up for--maybe about 2/3 get the prize they are interviewed for would be my guesstimate from CC reports. A small number of Presidential interviewees get boosted up to the Trustee level, while a small number of Trustee interviewees may instead be awarded the Presidential award. And both Trustee and Presidential interviewees have been offered the Dean's or other scholarships. We have never heard about a finalist receiving nothing at all. USC notifies students of the merit scholarship they have been awarded at the end of March (it comes in a small envelope). 姐姐说,她的一个年级排名第六的同学,也接到USC全额奖学金的录取通知书,不过是Semifinalist,不是Finalist,所以看起来情况还是蛮复杂的。
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